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Offline Mog

GWD2 Spam Event!!
« on: November 05, 2020, 21:30:45 »

The object of the event is to try and spam the public chat with as many drops as possible, from the boss with the most votes. We will all each enter our own separate single instances for an hour and see how many unique drops we can get into the public chat within that hour. MORE PEOPLE, MORE DROPS, MORE FUN! so come along, have some fun and the person with the last broadcasted drop for the hour will receive a bonus 10m gp!

Any drops broadcast after 20:00 gametime will not count!


Friday 13th November
19:00 - 20:00 game time


Heart of Gielinor (God Wars Dungeon 2)


80 (for Vindicta)
80 (for Gregorovic)
80 (for Helwyr)
80 (for Twin Furies)


■ Killcount is saved within gwd2 so you can get yourself killcount before the event starts easily.
■ Inquisitors staff buff does work on Vind/Helwyr & Avaryss (not nymora) for extra damage, if you are lucky enough to own one.


Offline Danny

Re: GWD2 Spam Event!!
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2020, 10:24:29 »
Going to go with vindicta, feeling lucky, still waiting on my first drop from her  [-(


Offline Mog

Re: GWD2 Spam Event!!
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2020, 14:40:27 »
Looking like Vindy is a runaway winner but there's still a few days left to vote!


Offline Mog

Re: GWD2 Spam Event!!
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2020, 01:13:33 »
Vindy it is with nearly half the votes!!!

Reminder that this will be tonight, ~18h away  :3


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