Welcome to Team Nub's Week
Puzzles will be posted at 21:00 GT Friday 21:09:18
The deadline is Friday 28:09:18 at 21:00 GT (answers after this date/time will not be counted)
winners will be announced on the 3rd October 21:00 GT when I get back from Hols
This is a simple event which I will post not ONE but TWO games for you to complete
The first is a simple dial to see how many words of Four or more letters you can "Dial" Using the CENTRE letter in each word
You can also make at least one word using all of the letters,
The letters can only be used once in every word
No proper names or plurals will be accepted.
You will receive One point for each correct word
Words from Collins Concise Dictionary:
Brilliant = 35 or more
Excellent = 30 to 35
Good = 25 to 30
Also using all the letters to make a eight letter word will give you a 10 points bunus
1st place = 5m
2nd place = 2.5m
3rd place = 1.25m
more than 1 winner prizes will be shared
Good luck to all!!!
You will receive an extra 20 points for completion of this puzzle
With this one all you have to do is:
Place the tiles into the grid
so that four different numbers
and four different shapes appear in
each row and column of the grid
Please PM me your answers............