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Offline Tomarnomar

Floor Sweepers
« on: April 29, 2020, 12:08:16 »
Floor Sweepers

With Dungeoneering being the Skill Of The Week it is time for the floor sweepers to sweep in again and show everyone how many Rusty Coins can be gathered within 2 hours! So gather up your weapons and come join us in the great delve under the earth!

We shall go and do a Medium sized floor (any floor works) in which each person by themselves must try and gather as many Rusty Coins as possible. At the end of the floor the participant must send me a PM with a photo showing how many Rusty Coins they have, and top 5 people win :D

For all the hard work and competitive spirit, the five people who gather the largest amount of Rusty Coins will also get some GP.
1st place: 5m
2nd place: 4m
3rd place: 3m
4th place: 2m
5th place: 1m

There will also be a special hidden reward if anyone is about to pass my amount of Rusty Coins by the end  3:)

Monday 04/05/2020 2000-2200 Game Time

In the dark deep dungeons of the world, in the pit of the demons at Deamonheim

Having a nice spare 2 hours and a will to be epic

Here are a few small tips for large gains on Rusty Coins:
1. Collect everything!
2. Using High Alch on an item gives more Rusty Coins than selling to the smuggler.
3. Using all the resources can make items which sell/alch for more Rusty coins than the resources themselves can give.
4. Magic staves/wands give unlimited fire runes for High Alch. (All of them, doesn't matter which level is needed to use it)


Offline Tomarnomar

Re: Floor Sweepers
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2020, 00:03:21 »
This is going to be happening tomorrow evening! I would really love to see a lot of you come and have a grand time clearing away everything in the floor ;)


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