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Offline Javaneter

Devoted to Defenders [6PM-8PM, Sunday 6th November 2016]
« on: October 30, 2016, 19:27:37 »
Dear Consentians!

Personally, I'm trying to get my hands on all the shiny t90 stuff. That includes stuff like power armour, seismics, Achto, and.... Defenders. I haven't had any luck yet for the T90 defender piece (Perfect Chitin), but I do have my T80 repriser. I can imagine though, that some of you haven't got their T80 defender yet.

Because of this, I will be hosting one hour of Nex mass at 6PM in game time, on Sunday The 6th of November, followed by one hour of mass Kalphite King. Both will ofcourse be on LootShare, so everyone has a chance at the defender piece.

For those of you who have never had a defender or don't understand the concept, here's a brief explaination:
What is a defender?
A defender is an ''offensive'' shield. It goes into the shield slot, and acts as a shield, except for that it helps with accuracy too. The defender is NOT an off hand weapon, as it does not actually attack.

What does a defender do?
A defender is a useful tool while PvMing or doing legacy pking. The defender acts as a shield, with a level half of its tier. For example, A Kalphite Defender (T90) will act as a level 45 shield. A Dragon Defender (T60) will act as a level 30 shield. A defender also has the chance to completely parry a hit. This is a 1/15 chance to activate, and will completely negate all damage from that hit. If a hit is parried, your next attack has a flat 30% accuracy increase.

How do I obtain a defender?
There are various defenders, which are acquired in different ways. The first eight are obtained in the Warrior's Guild, and the last three are all obtained in different ways.
To get defenders, one must kill Cyclopses on the highest floor of the Warrior's Guild. To enter this room, you must pay in tokens (20 if using normal mode, 15 if using multitoken mode). You can get these tokens easily by killing Animated Suits on the ground level of the Warrior's Guild (rune is the fastest). If you have sufficient points (get around 2000-3000), enter the cyclops area. Kill the Cyclopses until the bronze defender drops. Then LEAVE THE ROOM, and use your defender on Kamfreena (the girl just outside the room). Skip through the chat and go back in. If you do not do this, you will keep getting bronze defenders and not move up the tiers.
Bronze Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild.
Iron Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Steel Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Black Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Mithril Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Adamant Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Rune Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Dragon Defender: Kill Cyclopses on the highest level of the Warrior's Guild. Must have the previous tier of defender in your inventory!
Corrupted Defender, Tainted Repriser or Blighted Rebounder: Loot the barrows chest until you get a Corruption Sigil. Combine this with a barrows weapon of the corresponding style. To receive the Corruption Sigil, the player must have his dragon defender in his inventory!
Ancient Defender, Repriser, Lantern: Kill Nex with the T70 defender in your inventory to receive an ancient emblem (~1/50). Combine this with a chaotic splint from dungeoneering (150.000 tokens) to make one of the three T80 defenders.
Kalphite Defender, Repriser, Rebounder: Kill the Kalphite King with your T80 defender in your inventory to receive a Perfect Chitin (~1/50). Combine this with an off-hand drygore to make the Kalphite Defender, an off-hand Ascension Crossbow to make the Kalphite Repriser, and a seismic singularity to make the Kalphite Rebounder.

If you are continuing or just starting your defender hunt, please get at least the Tier 70 defender before the event starts. This way, you are enabled to get the other pieces. These pieces ARE distributed on LootShare, which is why we will have that on. I hope to see you all there!

Nex and KK mass (LS)
Sunday 6 November 2016, 6-7PM in game time (Nex), 7-8PM in game time (KK)
To obtain defender pieces.

Yours truly!
Hunter 6098.


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