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Re: Community Meeting Location
« Reply #15 on: July 30, 2019, 13:36:39 »
If it happens in the citadel, aren't you excluding OSRS? In a friend's chat, OSRS members can also join in.


Offline Sissybear

Re: Community Meeting Location
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2019, 01:58:40 »
If it happens in the citadel, aren't you excluding OSRS? In a friend's chat, OSRS members can also join in.

osrs has had their own meetings before in the fc. We are not trying to exclude OSRS members but we are just trying to find the best location for it :)


Offline Powerless

Re: Community Meeting Location
« Reply #17 on: July 31, 2019, 06:39:34 »
If it happens in the citadel, aren't you excluding OSRS? In a friend's chat, OSRS members can also join in.

I feel as though community meetings are focused around just that, a community. Having a community meeting on RS3 deals with the RS3 clan community's needs/issues/concerns while OSRS would hold their own separate meetings on OSRS if they find it necessary. Although I understand your concerns, the needs of one game and the needs of the other are different.


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Re: Community Meeting Location
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2019, 00:21:34 »
I don't agree with that. This is a clan meeting, and OSRS is also part of the clan. Having a meeting with both RS3 and OSRS members will improve the communication and support between both. I don't see why we aren't looking into including every member. I agree that RS3 and OSRS both have their own discussion/issues/needs, but we discuss them, just like you guys do. If you call it a Clan meeting, then include OSRS. If you just wanna discuss RS3 stuff, call it a RS3 meeting.

I think we have been very lucky with people who put effort into setting up the OSRS part of this clan, let's not let their efforts go to waste by excluding the OSRS part.

So if you're talking about a Clan Meeting, my opinion is that you shouldn't exclude OSRS by doing it in the citadel or any other spot than the FC. The FC is the only mechanic that connects us, let's use it.
If you want a RS3 meeting, call it an RS3 meeting.


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Community Meeting Location
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2019, 02:31:08 »
This meeting has been called the Community meeting for months before the OSRS part of our clan was started.  I'm really sorry for any offense it has caused by us calling it that, but when we have invited OSRS members to this meeting (that is run by the RS3 staff and if focused primarily on the RS3 events)...they complained that it wasn't relevant to them.  I know Tommy was having monthly community meeting for the OSRS side of things as well.  If that's not still happening, please reach out to the OSRS staff and see if they will continue.  We had discussed at one point having a full clan meeting every few months, and that would be considered a "clan meeting".  I'm sure we can change the name to RS3 Community Meeting in the future to not cause confusion or hurt feelings.


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Re: RS3 Community Meeting Location
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2019, 20:08:09 »
Thank you, Summer, I think that wil help narrow down the essence of this post and prevent confusion! :)


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Re: RS3 Community Meeting Location
« Reply #21 on: August 04, 2019, 14:52:25 »
Poll results:

This meeting will now be referred to as the RS3 community meeting. Citadel won the overall vote, so will be held at 18.00 on Sundays during capping, as we get many people in the same place at once already. Subject to change based on each team.

Thank you for your input everyone <3


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