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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #75 on: June 09, 2019, 17:35:36 »
Maybe have a swap out for skill wars, just in case someone has to pull out while the event is running
can't swap people during a competition sadly

can i ask why not? im not being argumentative but would be nice to no

cant change the trackers on runeclan

Thank you @Aqua, now i understand why


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #76 on: June 09, 2019, 19:50:30 »
40 minutes until this meeting, see you all in my friends chat :)


Offline SiddoSnow

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #77 on: June 10, 2019, 10:43:49 »
Hey, so..

I was unsure where to put it, but after attending last night, I felt like the community meeting was a bit of a waste. It might be that my status as mainly OSRS player made some parts less interesting, but I did follow the whole meeting (while reducing the RS3 cow population).

The skill wars were discussed at length, but even that topic showed the same issues that I saw in the other ones. Namely that a lot of the topics were named, had a few lines of discussion, and were then quickly moved on from.

I saw I think 3'ish topics that received basically no feedback and they were quickly moved on from, like the minimum exp for skill wars raffles. Within seconds, the topic was basically changed to whether a raffle was needed or justified, instead of the actual point of minimum exp. I don't recall anyone giving real feedback to the question raised, and I didn't see  any major attempt to keep the discussion on track. Resulting in what I mentioned before - that next to no real discussion happened outside of 2-3 topics.
I'm aware that something like this does rely on attendance and it does rely on people attending also giving feedback/adding to the discussions being had. But I think it could be hosted and done in a different way. One that would be both more productive AND enjoyable for those who set aside an hour of their time.

Granted, I did hop back to OSRS after the meeting, so I might have missed any follow-up event, but that would be a good idea in my opinion. On OSRS Hell Naw Man hosted a bankstanding/social skilling event. After that a few of us went on to Burthorpe to play board games against each other, which wasn't really planned. It was a ton of fun doing both and for me really gave the feeling of being part of a community.
Segueing the meeting into something social to gather interested members around would be awesome.

Also, existing at the same time was a rather active voice chat on Discord. I didn't check constantly, but I recall little or no staff were present there (could be wrong). A lot of the talking that happened there didn't really get translated to the friend chat discussion. Leading me to my final point here:

I don't think that doing the meeting in a friends chat is the best way to do this meeting. I can see reasons in favour of doing it in-game, but making a (temporary) channel on Discord would be way better in my opinion. It can be locked or unlocked after the meeting, but in any case left visible after the meeting. This would allow those who couldn't attend to read up on the discussions, including the points that were raised. Which in turn would make the talk more lively during the meeting, and more likely to continue afterwards. I think it would make it easier to keep up with the discussion too, as the topics raised could be pinned. And lastly, I suggest that (some) staff join the voice chats while these meetings happen.
A very special snowflake


Offline The Elders

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #78 on: June 10, 2019, 11:10:42 »
. And lastly, I suggest that (some) staff join the voice chats while these meetings happen.

there where actualy 3 members of staff in the voice chat at the time of the meeting.
but i do like your idea on hosting the meetings in discord!
only need to find a way so there wont be 10 people talking at the same time because that would be one big messss O.o

thanks for your feedback and honnest opinion <3


Offline Aqua

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #79 on: June 10, 2019, 11:21:41 »
Meeting Notes

Skill wars

We asked how many people are interested in Skill Wars.
- Most people seem to enjoy it
- Most people would like to join a next one, depending on the skill.

What are the prefered skills?
- People like gathering skills, or atleast non-buyable skills.

Can we improve the future Skill Wars?
- Some questions are:

   - Are we allowing Proteans, Pulse Cores, Buying TH keys?
      - If not, can we even monitor this?

   - Do we find a UK based clan?
      - It was said, this doesnt really matter.
         - UK has first day advantage, US has last day advantage.
      - Do we find more US members for the skill war?

   - Are the teams big enough, too small, or too big?
      - Most people like 20-25 vs 20-25, it seems like that is the sweet spot.

   - How do we keep the drama away?
      - Do we allow guesting?
      - No taunting of other clans.

   - An idea popped up to change the total time of the skill war.
      - the proposed idea was 48 hours, instead of 72.
         - 00:00 sat , till 00:00 sunday
         - we have to poll this, because it was unclear what people really think of this.

   - Are we doing the Skill war monthly?
      - Is this too much?
      - Maybe every 2 months?
      - Maybe alternate between Clan vs. Clan, and internal Skill Wars.

   - Are we doing just 1 skill again?
      - an idea was to have 5 skills.
         - the total sum of all the members of the clan in that particular skill will be calculated
         - the clan with the most exp in that skill wins a point for that skill.
         - the clan with the most points (need an uneven amount of skills) wins the war.
      - We did many other variants of skill wars, are we doing those again?

   - An extra mention: It looks like a raffle with some nice prizes motivates people, but it shouldnt be the reason to join the skill war.

1 on 1 Teaching Bosses

It looks like this is going well, but could be better.
   - People learned some pvm stuff, even they are the basics. Small steps are good too.
   - It seems not enough people know we are offering this service.
   - It was mentioned it should be called 1on1 teaching, not 1v1 teaching as its not a competition between 2 people.

Some mentions:
- A gregorovic mass motivated people to come back to the boss.
- More people seem to want to pvm, since we do 1on1 teaching. (Or since we do more pvm in general)
- Members that used this service, seem to like it.

A suggestion:

- We should provide gear and inventory guides for bosses

Are the members happy within the clan?

Short question, short answers:
- People enjoyed the skill wars
- the cc is more active than before
- people enjoy the pvm we are offering
- some very friendly and helpful people are in the cc.

Discord Events

We asked the question; Can we do more discord events? Example: Skribblio and Cards against humanity.

Event suggestions:

Things we already did:
- Stop the bus
- Cards against humanity
- Skribblio

New suggestions:
- Bingo
- Town of salem (not sure if this is a game you have to buy)
- More quizzes

Bring back:
- Music nights
- Movie nights

Personal note on movie nights:
- I can host 720p/1080p, with High quality sound through screensharing, but this has to be in a private voice chat. (by just inviting friends, not in a seperate discord)
   - Discord is working on the screen-share option for discord channels, but it is in beta. Some discords got it, some dont. Ours didnt get it.
      - This way i can screenshare my screen, to any member in our discord, but unfortunately we have to wait for that update. (Channels that didnt get the beta, cant get it)
- The private call, screen-share option allows 10 people in the same call. Including me, so i can invite 9 people. It never occured that there are that many people.. but if this gets popular, and we do them regularly, then im sure we will have more than 9 wanting to join.
- Yes theres still rabbit, but it has alot of technical problems; cant find movies, bad quality audio or video, no subtitles or wrong subtitles, people needing an account, or people cant join the room..

Clan survey

We reminded people of the clan survey

it closes June 30th.

If you havent filled it in, you can do that here: CLICK HERE

More Discord channels

It was brought up that we need some more discord channels for specific things.
- More channels for RS3, but also OSRS.

RS3 channels suggestions:
- Completionist help channel
- Quest help channel
- Skilling tips channel

OSRS channel suggestions:
- Raids channel
- Bring the same (or most of them) channels that rs3 has, to osrs.

Oldschool RS

We asked if the OSRS side of the clan is doing well.

- It is going okay
- many OSRS staff are really busy atm, so its hard for the ones that arent.
   - If needed, the OSRS side should ask help from the RS3 side.

- OSRS members would like some more RS3 players in the FC.

Event Variation Ideas

We asked if the events we have to offer have enough variation.
- People had some ideas for events

The ideas:
- Purple Portal - Clan vs. Clan wars (this is PVP)
- Duel Arena Tournaments ( this is also PVP)
- Practice mode hard/team bosses ( PVM)
- Practise mode hard/team bosses battle royale. (Who can stay alive the longest)
- Hunger Games in the wildy. (From scratch, gather stuff only in the wildy, last surviver wins.


Is it coming back?

It was said, Redtunnel is the one that knows everything about this.

Expect an update from him about skynet.

There will be different discussion threads and polls about the skill wars.


Offline Aqua

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #80 on: June 10, 2019, 11:39:26 »
Hey, so..

I was unsure where to put it, but after attending last night, I felt like the community meeting was a bit of a waste. It might be that my status as mainly OSRS player made some parts less interesting, but I did follow the whole meeting (while reducing the RS3 cow population).

The skill wars were discussed at length, but even that topic showed the same issues that I saw in the other ones. Namely that a lot of the topics were named, had a few lines of discussion, and were then quickly moved on from.

I saw I think 3'ish topics that received basically no feedback and they were quickly moved on from, like the minimum exp for skill wars raffles. Within seconds, the topic was basically changed to whether a raffle was needed or justified, instead of the actual point of minimum exp. I don't recall anyone giving real feedback to the question raised, and I didn't see  any major attempt to keep the discussion on track. Resulting in what I mentioned before - that next to no real discussion happened outside of 2-3 topics.
I'm aware that something like this does rely on attendance and it does rely on people attending also giving feedback/adding to the discussions being had. But I think it could be hosted and done in a different way. One that would be both more productive AND enjoyable for those who set aside an hour of their time.

Granted, I did hop back to OSRS after the meeting, so I might have missed any follow-up event, but that would be a good idea in my opinion. On OSRS Hell Naw Man hosted a bankstanding/social skilling event. After that a few of us went on to Burthorpe to play board games against each other, which wasn't really planned. It was a ton of fun doing both and for me really gave the feeling of being part of a community.
Segueing the meeting into something social to gather interested members around would be awesome.

Also, existing at the same time was a rather active voice chat on Discord. I didn't check constantly, but I recall little or no staff were present there (could be wrong). A lot of the talking that happened there didn't really get translated to the friend chat discussion. Leading me to my final point here:

I don't think that doing the meeting in a friends chat is the best way to do this meeting. I can see reasons in favour of doing it in-game, but making a (temporary) channel on Discord would be way better in my opinion. It can be locked or unlocked after the meeting, but in any case left visible after the meeting. This would allow those who couldn't attend to read up on the discussions, including the points that were raised. Which in turn would make the talk more lively during the meeting, and more likely to continue afterwards. I think it would make it easier to keep up with the discussion too, as the topics raised could be pinned. And lastly, I suggest that (some) staff join the voice chats while these meetings happen.

Hi Siddo,

I want to adress a few things youve said. Dont see this as criticism, but rather as explaining.

You mentioned we skipped alot of topics, or didnt discuss some topics as much as others.

This is, because we only have X amount of time to discuss things. This meeting was already way longer than others, and we had more to discuss than ever before.
We always make notes on all the things that are said at the meeting, this time it was me who took the notes. In this thread i posted them, it took me a while to write because there was alot that we discussed.

This solves your mention that we can read back. It is now summarised.

Also; the skill war topics will have a new discussion thread, and some polls. We do this because there is alot to discuss. We move on on topics, because the meeting is not to discuss specific topics for too long, but rather to give some ideas, suggestions, critics etc. We then discuss this further after.

We always asked in between topics, if we missed something, if we can move on, or if someone has something to add. If this opportunity is not taken advantage of, we move on.

Previously, we did the meetings in the citadel. This was messy, and not everyone could join, for example f2p members. We decided to do it in an FC, because everyone has access to the fc, and not everyone has access to discord.

We will discuss your idea of having a discord voice chat, BUT, personally i think the people that are not joining the voice chat will miss out on some things, bc its very easy to say something with your voice, that the others wont hear.

It should either be all on discord, or all in an fc. For example; we do staff meetings, in a voice call. The notes are taken live, and is pretty hard already to keep up. (people talk faster than they type, and many people talking at once is confusing)

We could do it in a channel, just typing, but then again, not everyone uses discord or wants to do this outside of rs. (also, not everyone has multiple screens, so then it is annoying to play rs and be at the meeting at the same time.

i hope you understand :)


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #81 on: June 10, 2019, 11:45:58 »
Thanks for the notes Q :)


Offline SiddoSnow

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #82 on: June 10, 2019, 12:32:36 »
Hi Siddo,

I want to adress a few things youve said. Dont see this as criticism, but rather as explaining.

You mentioned we skipped alot of topics, or didnt discuss some topics as much as others.

This is, because we only have X amount of time to discuss things. This meeting was already way longer than others, and we had more to discuss than ever before.
We always make notes on all the things that are said at the meeting, this time it was me who took the notes. In this thread i posted them, it took me a while to write because there was alot that we discussed.

This solves your mention that we can read back. It is now summarised.

Also; the skill war topics will have a new discussion thread, and some polls. We do this because there is alot to discuss. We move on on topics, because the meeting is not to discuss specific topics for too long, but rather to give some ideas, suggestions, critics etc. We then discuss this further after.

We always asked in between topics, if we missed something, if we can move on, or if someone has something to add. If this opportunity is not taken advantage of, we move on.

Previously, we did the meetings in the citadel. This was messy, and not everyone could join, for example f2p members. We decided to do it in an FC, because everyone has access to the fc, and not everyone has access to discord.

We will discuss your idea of having a discord voice chat, BUT, personally i think the people that are not joining the voice chat will miss out on some things, bc its very easy to say something with your voice, that the others wont hear.

It should either be all on discord, or all in an fc. For example; we do staff meetings, in a voice call. The notes are taken live, and is pretty hard already to keep up. (people talk faster than they type, and many people talking at once is confusing)

We could do it in a channel, just typing, but then again, not everyone uses discord or wants to do this outside of rs. (also, not everyone has multiple screens, so then it is annoying to play rs and be at the meeting at the same time.

i hope you understand :)
Ayo, even if it was criticism, I'd be happy to take it :P
Thanks for taking the time to address so much of my post <3

I was aware of the notes being added after the fact, and I suppose they are enough in retrospect :)
I didn't elaborate on the perks of doing it via in-game FC, but I didn't consider the point that everyone has access to it, so I'll concede that point.

The idea of staff joining the voice chat is not to move the discussion to voice chat, but help bring it into the text for everyone. Yesterday a bunch of things were said that never really got brought up in the FC. In other words, it'd be cool if staff would try to act as a channeler for the voice chat.
I'm aware this may backfire in practice, but the idea is that... Let's say we discuss the topic of pineapple on pizza, people are avidly discussing pros and cons. Someone in voice chat says "But can't we all love pizza our own way?", staff could then motivate that person to add that to the in-text dialogue, or raise it as 3rd party "Someone in VC mentioned that maybe we don't need to fight over whether pineapple goes on pizza". Of course, the majority of people would instantly disagree with a peace-mongering sentiment like that, but the point would be raised and addressed, rather than disappear into the ether of voice chat.

There are perks to doing a live discussion, rather than a forum thread about the topics you'd like feedback on. But with time pressure, I feel it takes away from some of those perks. Perks like interactivity where you can quickly bring up a point, get feedback, etc. Not everyone is the sharpest knife and some may need time to think up and phrase their point. I'm glad that the topics are followed up, but I still wonder if this is the best way to do it.
A very special snowflake


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #83 on: June 10, 2019, 12:56:19 »
If people are choosing to comment on things in discord voice chat rather than the friend chat there isn't really anything we can do. I'm slightly confused why this would happen when people are in the FC and can quite easily respond.

We also ask members to think of things they would like to discuss, post it on this thread or come to a member of staff if they have thought of something after the meeting.

I'm sure this is something we can discuss next time, and see what others think aswell. Thank you snow :)


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #84 on: June 10, 2019, 19:00:15 »
Thanks everyone for attending and providing feedback :)


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #85 on: July 17, 2019, 22:45:42 »
Meeting Notes for 14/07/19

- Members asked if there were any updates on skynet? @Redtunnel
(followed by a lot of excitement about the return of skynet)  XD

-  We discussed potentially introducing activity requirements due to constantly reaching the 500 limit - the idea of mandatory stuff wasn't well received.

- It was mentioned that a lot of events were targeted at end game/high level content and a lack of events catering towards lower levels.

-  It was suggested that there was a place for low levels to ask for help/assistance. (we currently have this in some situations - eg reaper help)

- Completionist achievement events was requested - events such as Livid farm, to help motivate people to get the Comp cape.

- Fiona felt ignored in the CC, said she often doesn't get an answer, Munkeypuzzle agreed with this.

- Nikkie requested that more people take pictures and videos at events for social media.

- It was suggested that staff make more of an effort to interact with new members, show that we care and they matter to the clan.


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #86 on: July 18, 2019, 07:59:00 »
Did we have a rough idea when Skynet was returning?

What mandatory stuff was discussed?


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #87 on: July 18, 2019, 13:35:09 »
There is a problem installing the NXT client on Linux. It's actually a major nuisance on newer systems. A couple of months ago, Jagex tweeted that they were working on a fix that would be coming soon. So I've essentially just been waiting for that as I ran into some problems with the Java client too. Recently I tweeted them asking for a status update on the Linux client and they replied:
"Unfortunately the job that makes a bunch of improvements to the Linux client has had several issues found whilst in testing so isn't ready to deliver just quite yet."

So it's hard to tell when exactly this will happen. I would guess months from now. Perhaps I should just sort out the setup as is :/
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #88 on: July 18, 2019, 16:49:16 »
Is there no way to just bring it back how it was?


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Re: Monthly - Clan Consentus Community Meeting
« Reply #89 on: July 18, 2019, 19:52:25 »
Thank you for the notes Nick  :D


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