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Offline amolite255

Clan Rank
« on: February 23, 2016, 01:12:54 »
Hi I have earned 109.287.168 experience since I join the clan , am I'm I eligible for a new Rank in the Clan

I know I don't talk much but I am enjoying being in the best clan

Amo xx


Offline Tim

Re: Clan Rank
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2016, 03:16:16 »
Hey there!

You're actually eligible for the "Elite" rank, which is 50m xp since joining or 150 posts on the forums.

If you'd like to rank up, use this form to apply:

Runescape Username:

Applying by post count or experienced gained?

What do you enjoy about being in Consentus?

And also, thank you for your service to our clan!

Next rank is at 150m xp or 500 posts on the forum, in case you want to look ahead ;)
You're here for a reason
Living and breathing
If you keep on trying, someday you'll find out why
If I love you, I miss you cause I probably haven't seen you in a
Long, long time

Just don't let it be the last time
You come into my life
No, don't let it be the last time
You come into my life


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