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Puush - Make printscreens and share them with others!
« on: April 03, 2014, 22:55:21 »
Hi everyone,

Sometimes you want to screenshot a RuneScape moment, or just a image to show others. I present you Puush. Puush is a program wich allows you to select an area, save that "screenshot" and share it with a 5 letter combination to your friends!


Mac download: http://puu.sh/7UTIU.msi
Windows download: http://puu.sh/7UTLi.zip


Download the file above and create your own account at http://puush.me/register.

After you've created your own account you can log-in to the program you've just installed.
All you have to do to make it work is set a hotkey for "screen capture"


To share it with your friends make sure to use uppercase and lowercase letters, use spaces in runescape chat to make sure this is visable. .

If you want to share a image you made a while ago, you can log in on the puush website and all your images will show there. Please note that if you dont view an image for over 3 months it will be deled. It's smart to check the "save a local copy of image" in the settings (in the program) so you always save your screenshots).

Forum use

To use screenshots on this forum you have to use the command, paste the link between the ][.
You can adjust the image size by either klicking on it, or changing for size after you have posted the link.


You can also use Puush to upload files and share them with other people. Simply add a hotkey or right-click the puush icon in your right-hand corner and click "upload file"


Puush screenshots use a code wich is accesable and guessable by everyone, this means private screenshots of your puss cat can be viewed by everyone. To prevent this log in on the site, had to settings, and make private your default upload

The reason you dont want to do this for normal use is because it generates a long link with a code to confirm that you have acces to view the puush, this link is hard to share in RuneScape etc.

Typing "Puush *code here*" is a reportable offence and can lead to you been muted, so just say the code 9/10 people will know what you mean

Thanks for the tip Stee!

Do you have any cool screenshots you want to share with us? Feel free to post them in this thread ;) remember to use the Img command so we dont have to click links.

Goodluck, feel free to ask any questions,



Offline HomeScape

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Re: Puush - Make printscreens and share them with others!
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 22:55:45 »



Re: Puush - Make printscreens and share them with others!
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2014, 00:21:11 »
Typing "Puush *code here*" is a reportable offence and can lead to you been muted, so just say the code 9/10 people will know what you mean



Re: Puush - Make printscreens and share them with others!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2014, 01:33:09 »

Just had to, just had to!!
Found it in my puushes and I thought i'd just be cringey and post it ~ XD

Oh and this, the BEST chinese take away ever, never seen such a HUGE menu,


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