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Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 3-7) Finished
« on: January 15, 2013, 05:28:31 »
To start off this guide Id like to stress a few things.

First off, I highly recommend the use of a audio communication app/device etc.
Some basic ones are Skype, Ventrillo, Oovoo etc.
I know that Assassin Lore has a Clan Skype, but i do not know if its listed anywhere or whatnot.
Second of all, With Kalphite king I found it best to kill it in small groups.

Due to the magic phase of this boss it is best to keep the group size under 10 people if possible as to make it the easiest possible to escape its magic orb attacks.

Shielder: person who has shield and uses provoke/resonance for green splat special attack

Tank/DPS Dealer: person who would normally keep Kalphite king on them/are geared to deal the most damage per second. This allows the shielders to use abilities to absorb his 1hit KO attack.

The reasoning for these numbers will be explained later on in the guide.

Last but not least, Id like to point out that you do not need to be maxed to partake in killing this boss.
With the correct communication and basically just time i found that it did not matter the level of the people in the group killing it, it only truly mattered how focused on the strategy the group was.

About Kalphite King/his attacks

I. Location of Kalphite King:
The Kalphite King is located in the Exiled Kalphite Hive, located south of the Desert Home teleport Lodestone. The Fastest path to it is shown below.

II. Attack Types

Phase 1:Melee Phase/Attacks:

When the Kalphite King Originally spawns into the room he will be in the melee phase. He looks like, take note of the yellow wings:

During this phase the KK is weak to fire Spells. The People in the "DPS" roles should switch to appropriate gear. During this phase it is common to use soul split. I will introduce strategies later in the guide.

He uses 3 main attacks during this phase:
1. His normal attack, he lunges forward and leaves a bleeding effect, if you move while this bleeding effect is active it will deal 3x damage unless you use freedom first(cancels damage over time effects).

2. "Charging Bull": He charges up and rushes forward sweeping everyone in his path with him into the wall and reattaching onto whoever was "tanking" before he did so. When he uses this attack, any cmb against it is stopped and must be restarted after he is finished charging. If you use the method this guide teaches this will be the most common attack and youll find it doesnt do very much damage if any at all.

3. "Stomp": He uses this when the "tank" is in melee distance. Anyone who is within close range to it will be thrown backwards and have damage dealt to them(usually 300-500) sometimes.

Phase 2: Magic Phase/Attacks

When Kalphite King enters this phase you will see him start using orbs and his wing color will change to Blue, Looking like this:

Blue energy ball wave: He shoots a wave of "blue basketballs" as we called them, around him in all directions at all players in the room. This is unavoidable but praying against mage helps protect you from these. These balls deal anywhere from 0-3000 damage normally closer to 0, but they also stun you for 5 seconds. I recommend using the ability "freedom" to break free and instantly run for the outer walls of the room due to his next mage attack he instantly follows this one with.

Yellowish/redish energy ball wave: Apparently also called cluster f#ck, This attack is the most dangerous attack the KK has in terms of the full team. The KK sends out 2-3 orbs per player in the room and theyre also aimed at the ground around the players. If you have not yet ran for the walls of the room, get to them as fast as possible. These orbs hit the ground and begin to float. After 2 seconds they explode each dealing 1300-1500 damage to players around them. If not near them a mage bleeding effect is left on the player. This usually comes in 2 waves.

IMPORTANT: Moving 4 steps away from the yellow/orangeish ball wave before they explode will keep you from taking damage from them.

Phase 3: Ranged Phase/Attack:

During this phase the Kalphite King only uses one standard attack and its wings are green. He looks like this during the ranged phase:

Other Attacks that are painful/need to be watched for:

1 Hit KO:
The Kalphite King will lean back for a second and shoot a small green ball of poison colored liquid out of its pincer area. This hits the "tank". The partner tank has 3 seconds to use the "provoke" ability that looks like: and swiftly follow it with "Resonance" which looks like this: . Doing this will allow the original tank to live. If you fail to use resonance in time the 1hit KO attack the KK originally intended for the tank, will hit you instead. If anyone killing the KK sees this green orb or a green player, someone in the skype call should announce it allow so the partner "shielders" know to use provoke and resonance.

When a player is targeted with this attack they will look like:

Notice how even though he is green the Kalphite king is looking away from him. This is due to the fact that someone used provoke, but remember if you dont instantly follow it with resonance YOU WILL DIE IN THE GREEN PLAYERS PLACE

I cannot stress how important it is that the tanks work together with this attack to make sure yall do not die. The first few times there will be some mistakes but as you kill more youll get faster at noticing it and helping avoid it.

Once the attack has been avoided, either the original tank can use provoke and start tanking again or the new tank can resume tanking responsibilities which ill describe later on fully.

Spawning Monsters:
The Kalphite King will spawn a hoard of Kalphite Marauders to help kill the players. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES KILL THESE WHILE THE KING IS ALIVE.


If the Kalphite King is away from the tank for too long, i.e. Hooked on a mass of players, he will burrow under ground to pass them and go straight for whoever was tanking. He will pop out of the ground dealing 2500-4000 damage to anyone who is on top of where he comes out of the ground if players arent careful. This is quite easy to spot and avoid and tank should already be running away from him by time he pops out of the ground fully.

The animation it makes when coming out of his dig looks like this:
Posted Image

Phase Changing
Even though this really isnt an ability, i felt the need to show its importance.

Its not often that you see a Kalphite King last longer than 3 phases but it does happen.

Healing ability1:
The KK will walk to the wall and eat off a carcass, an easy way to avoid this would be to keep the KK from going near the walls of the room.

Healing ability2: Red aura

The KK will shine a red light in front of its face, its hard to tell when it happens beside the fact that any hits he deals out for 6-8 seconds will heal him instead of hurting him.

Healing ability3: Green aura
The KK will have a green shield of light around him. During this time any hits he recieves will heal him instead of hurting him so watch closely for it.

Intended Gear Setups:

Ideally you'd want a Arcane or higher, or even a chaotic shield over Arcane, however, it still works rather well.
This possible could be the best Melee + Shield set up besides a different amulet and a Warrior (i) ring.

Possible Dual-Wield setup:

If you are in charge of dealing damage you should have this setup, but bring a shield in your inventory for encase of emergencies.

Substitute Excalibur for Drygore Rapier or Chaotic, whatever you're willing to use.
Again with the Ring and Amulet, this is the optimal DPS dealer setup.
Ability Bar Setups:

If you are Shielder or back up you should have a bar similar to this one on your quick bar selections:

If you are a DPS dealer your main bar should focus on something similar to this, but remember to have a back up shield just to be safe:

Chaotics still work for both sets, but it isn't nearly as good as Drygores. It just depends on what money you have on you.

Quick Edit: Bandos Boots can be replaced with Steadfast. That would technically be better as well.

Suggested Inventory setup:

This is the setup for the one hour you have penance activated. When your aura is dead simply bring 2 extra prayer flasks.


Once you have read this guide, and as you get practice youll start to form strategies on how to kill Kalphite king the best for you in particular. I personally prefer to mage and shield bash him, whereas effigy does wonders with melee.

If you have any questions or see anything in the guide that isnt right please let me know and ill fix/add it/clarify as well as possible =)

As far as strategies go, everyone has their own strategies that they form as they get better at killing it. Always remember, If all else fails, Play dead or blame bates =)



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2013, 05:32:08 »
MMMMM I am expecting a lot :)


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2013, 20:24:43 »
Are you planning on making a team for this? I'd love to camp it while it's still real profitable.

(Instance worlds = Lots of drops imo)



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2013, 20:53:38 »
Considering I can't even measure up in God Wars Dungeon, I doubt this is something I will be able to do. Nonetheless, I look forward to seeing what's required and how it's done.

And I wish luck to everyone who goes for it.



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2013, 20:55:25 »
I do plan to form a team yes. But no not lots of drops.  Due to being such high value and such large teams unless lifelong friends you're seeing the drops being cs split therefore not truly entering the market at all.


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2013, 21:02:47 »
True :)

Well, I'd be happy to join you guys if you want me. Just send me a PM :)



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2013, 21:03:45 »
Ill be putting together an actual event on here after i have this guide completely finished so that everyone can see either:
A. that they can really do it or
B. what theyre signing up to do


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2013, 21:04:41 »
Sounds good.



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2013, 21:07:00 »
Now, to blow through my bank to get gear screenshots =p


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2013, 21:27:48 »
I have robes of subjegation if you need a lend, well. top and bottom :P



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2013, 21:37:13 »
Nah thats the problem i have full subjugation from drops but the method im using doesnt use em =p


Offline Andrew

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Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2013, 00:16:54 »
id be down once i can free myself up



Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #12 on: January 16, 2013, 00:20:55 »
I'd be more than excited to tag along and murder this beast.


Offline Andrew

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Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #13 on: January 16, 2013, 03:11:56 »
Kalphite King Cluster F*#K - 29 Players Die In 1 Hit - Glitched A 50 Man Team By Accident?  is this a special or something idk what the hell happened but to quote james "a clusterfuck" lolol


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Kalphite King Guide (groups sized 10-5) ~In progress~
« Reply #14 on: January 16, 2013, 09:17:23 »
This guide is amazing

I doubt I will ever visit this monster


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