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Offline Jarofhearts

Jarofheart's high level glacor guide
« on: March 10, 2014, 03:31:47 »
Under construction will do more editing throughout the week.

I've been doing a lot of glacors and decided to make my own guide on glacors. Some background information on the glacors. They are the monster you can kill after completing the quest ritual of the Mahjarrat. They were designed by mod Chris L. For people that don't know who he is, he is a mod at Jagex (obviously). He has made numerous amounts of bosses those including: Tormented Demons, Vorago, Rise of the Six, and some dungeoneering bosses. I'm not too certain if he did any work on the Kalphite King. Unlike his other bosses this boss was intended to be soloed and can very great magic or defense experience. So now on to the guide.

Requirements to kill Glacors:

Magic level at least 92.
Prayer level 95.
Summoning level 96 (not needed but recommended)
Completion of ROTM


Helm: Virtus>Sub>void>Gano

Cape: Comp>max>skill>God cape

Amulet : Arcane stream > Saradomin''s hiss>fury

wand: Seismic>virtus>abyssal (no staffs will state why later on)

plate: Virtus>sub>void>Gano

orb: Seismic>virtus>abyssal

legs: Virtus>sub>void>gano

gloves: Virtus>sub>void>gano

boots: Virtus>sub>ragefires

ring: Seers I > Onyx I > seers > wealth

aura: Penance > Reverence


Overload flasks x2
Prayer Re-newel flasks x2
Prayer potions 12 (if penance) 14 if supreme reverence 16 if master reverence
Blood runes 1,000 is more than enough per trip
Fire runes 5,000 is more than enough per trip
Pack Yak 1
Winter storage scrolls 20
Imp collector

Ability Bar:

Just make them comfortable to your fingers I'll mention how mine are. This doesn't mean you have to do it this way I just find this way more comfortable.

1 Wrack
2 Concentrated Blast
3 Wild Magic
4 Asphyxiate
S Impact
W Dragon Breath
R Chain
D Quick Prayers
F Freedom

The Rotation:

The first kill you want to do Concentrated blast for its 3 full hits. Then use Impact, then concentrated blast until it is around 17,000 life points then use wrack to interrupt your concentrated blast. At 15,000 life points the glacor will spawn 3 monsters called glaciates. There are 3 different types: Enduring, Unstable and Sapping. They each have their own ability. The enduring glacor has high defense as long it is next to its host glacor. The unstable glacor will have a bar bellow its health that looks like an adrenaline bar. Once that bar is full it will explode causing you to take half your current life points. The sapping glacor will drain your prayer. As you kill the glaciates the main glacor will take one of these abilities. The ideal theory is to make sure it takes the unstable glaciate.  The Enduring glaciate will stay next to the glacor you are killing so you must attack it as soon as it spawns. Once you attack it with an auto attack run about 8 steps from the glacor then use concentrated magic. Let it hit 2 times and interrupt it with chain. The enduring will or should almost be dead. Next auto attack the unstable glaciate, if it is in the 3x3 box so that blood barrage will hit the enduring. Regardless if the enduring is dead kill the unstable glaciate before it explodes. If it explodes it causes you to lose experience. Sometimes there is nothing you can do about it and it will explode (crappy hits, lag, the glacor freezes you (9001 times in one kill). When it is about to explode and you know you won't kill it just step one square away from it and it won't cause you to lose half your lifepoints but you will lose xp for not killing the whole thing. After killing both the unstable and enduring kill the sapping. After the sapping is killed go back to the glacor and use Asphyxiate if you don't kill it with asphyxiate use Wrack or Impact to kill the remainder of it.

So this is how a kill (that's not the first should be done)

Concentrated blast
Wild Magic (wasn't in first because there wasn't enough adrenaline)
Impact (if glaciates haven't spawned)
Standard attack enduring glacor
step away concentrated blast
basics on glaciates until dead
impact (if not dead)

More tips and tricks:

Kill the 3 glacors in a circle will post pictures of my spots and which ones I kill (doesn't matter the order as long as its clock wise or counter clock wise. My reasoning first you don't want to pick up the drop as soon as you kill the glacor. You want to attack your next glacor as you pick up the drop. Also you want to lure your glaciates to the spot where you killed the last glacor. This is because the glaciates can get stuck on other glaciates

Average xp/ph 450k-700k just in magic. The gap is because of a lot of factors such as someone using abyssal or seismic's. If this is your first time doing these or tracking how you do on these don't get discouraged with bad xp/ph. Mod Chris L's content is very tough and takes practice to master. I started these and was averaging about only 250k an hour. Now I'm averaging about 480k an hour with not really good gear at all.

All three glaciates should be dead by the time the unstable explodes.


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