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Offline Holyhammerr

Summoning lvl83 - lvl99 Cost Efficient guide:
Gonna be posting a few guides that helped me skill some of the harder skills. First guide is for Summoning lvl83 - lvl99, Instead of making Geyser Titans from lvl83 - 99, Make Lava Titans, they have almost as much xp per pouch as Geyser Titans and they are free if you collect the Obsidian Charms. Melee with charming imp will get you roughly 500 Obsidian charms an hour. Run from bank to bank killing Tzhaar only for charms. I saved 200mil+ using this method.

Mining lvl80 - lvl89 Maximizing your smithing gainz while mining (guide):
Once you hit 80 mining, your going to want to skill in living rock caverns till lvl89. LRC is probably the best mining xp you can make till seren stones. In order to maximize your xp gainz in LRC, before you crawl into the cave and start mining, do the quest for Goldsmith Gauntlets or revert them if you already have them (Family Crest). Buy and use a Perfect JuJu Mining potion from G.E. or Herblore Habitat before you start mining. What the Perfect JuJu Mining Potion is going to do, is periodicly smelt and bank your ores for 1 hour. The JuJu potion will work in sync with the Goldsmith Gauntlets giving you 56.2 smithing xp per bar in addition to your regular mining xp per gold bar banked from potion effect. I have seen anywhere from 60k-100k mining and 20k-50k smithing xp per hour from this method.

Epic Ranged + Farming xp/rates per hour (1.5mil-3mil gold per hour as well!) - Holyhammerr's Lazy Farmer Guide: I came up with this method of skilling farming because I don't really have the patience do farm runs and I find them extreamly boring. This guide revolves around the use of "Seedicide" from Cabbagepatch facepunch bonanza, or you can also buy one with 'Thaler' from mini-games vendor. Aquanite's are slayer monsters found at the very end of  Fremennik Slayer Dungeon. You can kill them on or off slayer task. Feel free to use any combat style your most comfortable with, however they are weak to "arrows" so ranged would be the best decision. If you have bone crusher and a DG Prayer restore necklace ({example}/Demon-Horn Necklace), wear it as well because they have a 100% big bones drop and it will prevent you from having to bring prayer pots. I also recommend bringing a BoB and/or magic notepaper and/or a slayer mask port. If not you may have to bank 1-2 times an hour. Aquanite die very easily, and drop a lot of seeds. I Personally have tested and made an average of around 150k - 250k ranged xp/30k - 90k farming xp per hr. Not to mention they are really good Money per hour with drops such as Seismic scale, amulet or ranging, expensive seed drops(don't set seedicide to crush), battlestaves, and several noted high-end herbs.

All my mini-guides have been tested and calculated personally, if anyone has any questions or needs help/info on a guide please contact me in-game. Thanks for reading!, Holyhammerr


Offline Only Lilly

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Thanks for taking the time :)


Offline Tommykillme

Definitely going to use this mining smithing method. Thanks!


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