After looking at Arron's post, I realized I really don't understand (not don't like) a lot of the RS builds. I am hoping someone will answer some questions because if you search on the builds people talk about them but don't define them.
I am not sure I fully understand the 10 HP concept - unless you are making a statement about violence? Otherwise - why would you get the combat skills (not using combat obviously) just to avoid getting HP? I am not trying to be dumb, I am really curious about this.
What is a ranged tank? It looks like you get ATT, STR, Prayer, and DEF but you only max Ranged? How do you know when to stop the other combat skills? Is there a mage tank too?
Other than skiller, ironman, main, OSAAT, 10hp, and ranged tank (and hybrids or changed builds) - what common types of other builds are there?