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Offline maraderkholm

Guide Request - Different RS Builds
« on: March 10, 2015, 08:34:40 »

  After looking at Arron's post, I realized I really don't understand (not don't like) a lot of the RS builds.  I am hoping someone will answer some questions because if you search on the builds people talk about them but don't define them. 

  I am not sure I fully understand the 10 HP concept - unless you are making a statement about violence?  Otherwise - why would you get the combat skills (not using combat obviously) just to avoid getting HP?  I am not trying to be dumb, I am really curious about this. 

  What is a ranged tank?  It looks like you get ATT, STR, Prayer, and DEF but you only max Ranged?  How do you know when to stop the other combat skills?  Is there a mage tank too?

  Other than skiller, ironman, main, OSAAT, 10hp, and ranged tank (and hybrids or changed builds) - what common types of other builds are there?



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Re: Guide Request - Different RS Builds
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 11:10:33 »
The only one I'm really familiar with are Skillers, Pures, Defence pures and I know off 10HP builds.

To me a good Ranged tank would be 75ish Attack/Strength, 99 Defence, Ranged & Hitpoints. Hit hard with ranged but can tank a lot of pures hits and stuff.

I've always thought 10HP accounts were just to prove a point. Like look what I can get without getting HP.

The one I commonly see is a Zerker pure. This is basically the same concept as a pur ebut with 45 Defence for the Beserker helm. Usually see these in Rune and a Fighter Torso on OSRS.

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Re: Guide Request - Different RS Builds
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 12:22:16 »
Range/Mage tank is a build that maximizes range mage and defence while keeping offensive melee low enough not to get your combat up.
As long as your att + str is lower than 1.5 * (highest mage or range) + 2 you are not melee based so your combat level is calculated only from defence plus mage/range
If you have 80 ranged and 70 magic, to be ranged based your att+str must be less than 122 (80 * 1.5 + 2).

Since range alone gives both accuracy and ranged strength while not levelling combat as much as melee (since melee requires two skills) they have high damage output with low combat while still able to level defence up to tank which is great against melee based 1 defence pures and zerkers.
Range tank with 90 ranged and mage, 80 defence, 85 hitpoints and 52 prayer will be combat level 91.
Zerker with 75 attack, 90 strength, 45 defence, 85 hitpoints and 52 prayer will be combat level 92.

Since range weapons provide huge accuracy compared to melee weapons the range tank will be hitting the zerker quite frequently while the zerker even with a godsword will have some difficult hitting through 80 defence and tank gear (torags helm and legs, dragonfire shield/crystal shield or even obby shield while wearing rune crossbow and black d'hide body).

Both will have access to vengeance and barrows gloves, also an armadyl godsword is 50M while rune crossbow and 100 dragon bolts (e) is only 100k or less and capable of hitting in the 50's. Dark bow is also extremely cheaper than the ags and is capable of hitting as hard with the special.

Range tank build also opens the option of bossing (most of the bosses), while 1 defence and zerker pure builds are much more restricted on what they can do.

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Re: Guide Request - Different RS Builds
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2015, 21:22:58 »
I hadnt even thought of that, that list explains it well


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