To get into a fish flingers game, talk to fisherman npc (located eg lrc, by barb village etc)
Talk to him he will either tell you how long til the "waiting room " is open, OR time IN waiting room until start
When you get in, you will see people talking to an NPC to get a part of a hint - these are all typed to a single person in the "2flingfish" fc.
They ask you at least give them your NPC hint.
They will compile ALL 6 locations at start as much is given
They will update 100% @ 2mins into game approx
100% = 6 locations of correct hook, bait, and weight
B/W = Bone or Wood
numbers = weight total (5 = 2+3)
locust, cricket etc - all baits
The interface is in the same location as the box for inventory basically, and everything you need is in there.
Select weights, hooks and baits in there, and more importantly press CAST to fish at the location.
Big bubbles in the water are BIG FISH - click the bubbles to assist another player. do this 6 times and you get an extra MEDAL
Locations are: Docks, River, Lake, Beach. There will be doubles at times.
Each fish is called on its own line in the fc, with its 100% following
eg. Salmon Dock 4 cray bone
The dock is right by where the waiting room is
The lake is north and a bit west of the waterfall.
The river is of course, to the east of the lake, down stream
The beach is north east
Your 100% will be shown in catch history button/in the little scroll interface at top of screen - its good way to check
2 medals = all 6 locations
1medal = 6 assists
1medal = 3 big fish of your own caught
More fish and more weight = more tokens = more xp basically
The fc will call for you which fish is the heaviest and 2nd heaviest (aka "heavy"
It becomes more understandable when you get in there, but i have tried to explain it as simply and sectioned as i can