Guide my friend made on the RSOF, I helped with some qfc: 98-99-895-63652619I hope this explains things for those who aren't too sure ! For those who are struggling with dungeoneering...(It's been out for awhile though, this is pretty basic.)
My goal is to explain how experience is calculated on floors, and what the "current progress" and "previous progress" on the ring interface is. I will also attempt to explain what role they play in calculating your xp per floor.
What is prestige, current progress and previous progress? Although this may not be the perfect place to start this guide, i think it is essential because this is the part that is most confusing to people who pm me.
Prestige is super important as it makes up half of your base xp on every floor (base xp explained later). So.. what is it? Prestige is simply put how many floors you had checked off before you clicked the "reset" button on the ring interface. what do i mean by checked off? When you select the floor you want to do on the ring interface you have a column that runs through different colors. The game keeps track of which floors you have completed since the last time you reset, and puts a check next to the ones you have already done. Having a check mark by all the floors before you reset will insure that you will receive the most xp from prestige.
Current progress is what i just described with the column/check system. On the ring interface this is tracked numerically in the lower right corner, BUT is a total of the floors you have completed on that reset. If you finish floors 10,11,12 and those are the only ones you have checked off the "current progress" will read "3" because you have not completed floors 1-9. Why is this important? The current progress eventually becomes the previous progress which represents 1/2 of your base experience (base xp explained later).
Previous Progress is how many floors you completed the last time you reset. To make things simple think of previous progress and prestige as the same things. The two are interchangeable.
SO, how experience per floor is calculated. At the end of the floor you see a bunch of numbers that will eventually decide how much experience you should get. Lets go over these numbers and ill explain what each one means and how i believe they are calculated and why they are important to getting the most xp per floor.
The first thing we see is the "Base Xp" part on the very top of the score screen. The there are 3 parts to this: The floor you just completed, "the prestige", and the "average".
Each floor you complete has a base xp with it. The lower the floor, the less the base xp.
The Prestige is explained in another part of this guide.
The average is simply the average of these 2 numbers.
The higher your prestige, and the high the floor number you finish is, the more experience you will get as your base
The next part we see is the modifier. the modifier is made up of dungeon size, difficulty, level mod, complexity, deaths and finishes with a total.
-The dungeon size can be small, medium and large. The bigger the dungeon, higher % of modification you will recieve.
-Bonus rooms are all the rooms that do not lead you to the boss. In order to finish a dungeon you must kill the boss, and end the floor. You may not have to open all the doors to reach the boss, and those doors are considered the bonus rooms. So in order to get the full 13% modifer you must open all the doors.(correct me if im wrong please).
-Difficulty is measured in monster levels and is decdied before entering a floor. it is measured in a ratio. Most large floors are 5:5, will offer the most xp because they are the hardest difficulty.
-Complexity is measured 1-6 (6 being the best xp) and is broken down in the ring interface.
-Deaths are.. deaths the more deaths you have the bigger your penalty is. Deaths are capped at 15, and after this the system will stop counting.
Combining these will give you your xp per floor.
Now how do i use this information to get the best xp per hour? There is a debate in the rs community weather doing all the floors at large 5;5 c6, or just a selection of your higher floors will yield more xp per hour. Personally i do my highest 2 themes, and did the rest as C1 1:5 floors. (if this guide was helpful, what i just said should make sense

Reasoning: The base experience for the lower themes is substantially lower then the base xp for the higher floors. Spending time doing the lower floors would not yield as much xp per hour as the highest floors i can do, and the time spent to do the c1's (about 90secs a floor) insures that i receive a good prestige bonus.
When calculating Xp gained for a floor, in addition to base xp, deaths, etc., it also calculates --Iit's called "Level Mod"
This percentage is a small part of the overall Xp per floor, as I easily hit 130k xp/floor while it usually stays at 0%. Anyway, this increases based on the amount of rooms that are cleared. By clearing I mean all monsters have been killed (obviously, the max % from clearing all monsters in the entire dungeon). Also, this increases based on how many resources are harvested from the rooms. Again, though, this has a small impact on the overall XP (from what I've experienced).
About bonus rooms--Correct, to gain the full 13%, all rooms in the dungeon must be opened.
To this affect, there is a 'vital' path in a dungeon. Rooms that require a skill to be boosted over 99 are NOT vital paths, in other words to get to the boss you don't need them to be opened, HOWEVER, to get the full 13% boost, all rooms must be opened.