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Offline Tom Skills

Complete Slayer Guide for Skillers
« on: June 24, 2015, 23:55:10 »
Slayer for skillers guide
A requested topic by many skillers is how best to train slayer? The bane of a skillers 1820 dream, slayer is required to be considered a maxed skiller as it does not contribute combat levels. So I am going to try my best to enlighten any confused new skillers on training the skill. I am by no means a complete expert in the matter, but I will try my best to be as clear and thorough as possible with the topic. For those of you who do not know me, my name is Tom and I can normally be found playing on my account "Tom Skills", a near maxed skiller account who has achieved that illustrious 99 slayer goal. So without further ado, let's get the guide started.

0) All random xp rewards or lamps you may receive from specific promotions Jagex may do should go on slayer, there are literally no exceptions here since all other skills you can actually train somewhat normally.

1) Jack of trades/Master jack of trades auras:-  These are your first priority for training slayer on a skiller. Jack of trades is an aura that can be purchased from Xuan in either Burthorpe (east of loadstone) or Varrock (next to the staff shop and fountain). It costs 15,000 loyalty points to purchase and can be used once every day, with the aura resetting at standard reset time of 00:00 game time. The aura requires the player to gain xp in at least 10 different skills in the space of 3 hours. Once this has been achieved, you can remove the aura and talk to Xuan again and he will give you an xp book which can be put into any skill. The Master version of the aura requires you to have already purchased the regular jack of trades aura, and will set you back an additional 30,000 loyalty points. This aura works identically to the lower tier aura but instead requires xp to be gained in at least 15 different skills, giving a larger xp reward for doing so.
The way to gain the xp in all the different skills varies by player preference. For the 15 skills run I advise avoiding doing the following: Slayer, Construction, Dungeoneering. As an example run this is how I did mine, but remember this is not the best way to do it, it's just what I came up with and now it is just habbit. I start my run in catherby (normally because this is where my herb runs finish), and at the bank I withdraw my Jack of trades bank preset. This contains: 48 Vibrant energy, 20 Chinchompa (grey), steel bar, maple log, molten glass, grimy herb, 3 coal, wicked hood, raw lobster and 40 vis wax*. To start exiting the bank, cut the nearby tree, light the logs and cook the lobster, Fletch the maple logs, blow the molten glass, clean the herb, go east and fish a lobster, pick a fruit from the fruit tree patch, home teleport to ardougne and cross the log shortcut to the west, teleport to an rc altar with the wicked hood and craft some runes, home teleport to varrock and pickpocket a guard, run west and mine some clay, run north and smith the steel bar, create your divine box trap and use it. Run a little east to the fountain and claim your reward from Xuan. (note the coal and extra  energy are only needed if you reset the aura, as transmuting is a quick way to gain divination xp without going to a divination spot.)
Doing this aura every day will grant you excellent slayer xp as long as you make sure to do it daily. What is better than doing the aura once a day, is twice a day which brings me onto the topic of Vis Wax.* Vis wax is an item that can be purchased from the grand exchange or be made by the player using the rune gold berg machine in the runecrafting guild (50 Rune crafting needed to enter). By offering combinations of runes, you can craft yourself up to 100 vis wax a day, which is all you will need for slayer. After completing your Jack of trades aura once, you can simply click on your vis wax, and select to reset an aura. To reset the Jack of trades aura is 40 vis wax, but it is well worth doing.

2) Penguin hunting:- Can be completed once a week and resets every Wednesday at 00:00 server time.  Before you begin you will need to talk to Larry at least once, he is located to the south west of the Ardougne zoo. After talking to him you can start gaining penguin points for finding hidden penguins around runescape. The locations of the penguins each week can be found here: http://world60pengs.com/. You can also join the friends chat "world60pengs" if you are struggling to find the penguins. You should try do this activity every Wednesday on world 60, if in doubt, follow the crowds of people. As a skiller some penguins will not be available to you as they are in quest only locations, just find all the ones you can. On a particularly good week you may wish to consider using a weekly distraction and diversion reset token to be able to reset the cool down on penguin hunting. These tokens can be obtained via treasure hunter.

3) Troll invasion:-  A monthly D&D which resets at the start of each month 00:00 server time. To start this D&D simply go a little north west of the Burthorpe loadstone and talk to Captain Jute. As a skiller you are limited to repairing the castle, in which you need to run around and fix the walls and barricades in order to repel the trolls. I am not going to go into full details on how to do this here, but I am sure there are some great guides online.

4) God statues:- Another monthly D&D which resets at the start of each month 00:00 server time. The only real requirement you may have not done is completed the quest "Let them eat pie" in which a guide can be found here: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Let_Them_Eat_Pie/Quick_guide. To start the D&D you must talk to Copernicus Glyph who can be located at any 4 of the skiller accessible statue locations. The locations are as follows : Burthorpe/Taverly south of the loadstone, Yanille south of the loadstone, Canifis right next to the loadstone and finally Lumbride just south of the chicken pen. The activity itself is just a trial and error building activity which will take very little time. You need to first select a god to build the statue of, and it will tell you which options give slayer xp. After building the statue, you will be attacked by angry citizens of the area and you should recoil these to death, upon killing them they will give you slayer xp.

5) Daily challenges:- This requires a friend to help you as it involves co-op slayer. Invite your friend to co-op slayer on the slayer ring/gem. Both of you must be on the same task or both of you need to have no task assigned for it to work. In the latter scenario, both of you will be assigned the same task when one of you speak to the slayer master. When your friend kills the slayer monsters (and you're in the vicinity) it will tick them off on your task (though you get no XP for the kills specifically), so you only have to stand there and do nothing. Again with this method you can chose to extend your daily challenge which doubles the xp reward at the end and costs an additional 50 vis wax. (Credit goes to Redtunnel as I shamelessly copied exactly what he wrote on a previous thread).

6) Broken home quest repeat:- After completing the broken home quest you can repeat it once a week and gain xp lamps for doing so. For this guide I am going to just link a quest guide on how to do it: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Broken_Home.

7) Player owned ports:- To gain the full benefit of player owned ports for slayer you will require at least 90 slayer already. Again I will not be going into detail on how to do player owned ports, but here are some things you can do to make xp gaining in the port more efficient. Build Parrots on the hotspots, these give an increased chance of xp missions. Have all of the totem hotspots built as the Human skull, this increases the chance of the assassin being in port, and therefore her missions which can give slayer xp. If you have many skills at 90+ then other adventurers can be a problem as they will decrease the chance of the assassin being in port. To help stop this you should "block" these adventurers. This is done by sending them off on missions, and never actually checking the ship again. The game will count them as not in port until you check the results of said mission. This drastically increases the chance of getting the adventurers you want. If you are in the situation of having just too many adventurers to block, the two best adventurers other than the assassin to not block are the trapper (hunter) and convict (thieving) as these both have joint missions with the assassin which grant more xp.

Don't bother) Last and certainly least is soul wars. This terrible xp rate minigame should never really be an option you use for slayer xp gains. Literally only use this if you are maxed as a skiller excluding slayer. The xp rates are just terrible so please for your own sake do not think this is a good idea.

Well that is the end of the guide. Hopefully it was helpful and clear to understand. My advice on training slayer is to basically do what you want with this list. Jack of trades is a must but to be honest consider the rest as optional towards the later levels. After all this is a game so don't do anything that does not seem worthwhile to you.

Happy Scaping!
Tom Skills


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Complete Slayer Guide for Skillers
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2015, 11:01:46 »
Put greatly. Thank you.


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Re: Complete Slayer Guide for Skillers
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2015, 09:56:20 »
Excellent dude!

Click Me


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Re: Complete Slayer Guide for Skillers
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2015, 15:10:40 »
Great guide, thank you very much!


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