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A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« on: July 30, 2014, 10:08:22 »
Found this on the RSOF.

Not sure if it will help anyone

This is the person who wrote the guide.

In this guide I will explain techniques, recommended gear and inventory items to overcome the almighty Araxxor! Please feel free to join my FC "zaper" to ask any questions!

Recommended Gear

Magic Attack Style
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Range Attack Style
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Melee Attack Style (Not recommended)
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Either use a Yak or a Tortoise with nothing but Rocktail or your chosen food.

Note: When sipping several Brews you need to sip a Restore to restore stats.

Araxxor Info
Combat Level: 2500
Life Points: 100,000 Per Phase
Weakness: Nothing
Max Hit: 32,767
Attack: 99
Defence: 85
Ranged: 99
Magic: 99
Poisonous? Yes
Members? Yes
Aggressive? Yes
Examine Text: "I dont think a newspaper is going to cut it"

Melee Araxxor will have red legs.
Range Araxxor will have green legs.
Mage Araxxor will have blue legs.

Cavern south-east of Port Phasmatys

Yes there's a graveyard but hurry to your grave because there are acidic spiders that lower your timer!

Yes you can create an instance by spending 200K GP

Completionist Cape Requirement?
Yes as of now (July 29th) the only thing you need is a music track.


The "Cleave"
Araxxor will suck you in and cleave you with one of his legs, so you need to click back as soon as possible or you'll get hit 2,000-5,000 damage!

Araxxor's "Barricade"
Araxxor will "cade" himself in a web and whatever damage you do will be reflected back at you, if you don't hit him at all, he'll heal 1K life points per tick.

Araxxor will cover you in his web making you look like a mummy. You need to spam click the ground to free yourself!


"KO" Acidic Spider
This Acidic Spider is a ticking time bomb. You gain tell where it is going to spawn by looking for the acid splat that Araxxor spits out. If this spider touches you before the timer runs out, you're KO'd so watch out! (This spider has an adrenaline bar above his head)

Acidic Spider
A non-attackable spider that's summoned by Araxxor during the 3rd phase. You need to lure 5 of these spiders into Araxxor to proceed to phase 4. Each spider heals 5,000 life points and Araxxor's accuracy and damage increase.

Mirrorback Spider
This spider is your number 1 priority when it spawns, it reflects ALL damage you deal to Arraxor so you MUST kill it as fast as you can!

Pulsing Spider
This spider assists Araxxor by healing him 5000 life points every time on of its pulses reaches it. This spider has high priority to kill also.

Spitting Spider
Range attacking spider.

Imbued Spider
Magic attacking spider.

Bladed Spider
Melee attacking spider.

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 1


When starting Phase 1, you need to pick which web you want to go through immediately. You will set it on fire and take about 1 minute to incinerate. Each web leads you to a different-styled phase 2.

Quick Prayers
Protect whatever mode Araxxor is in along with your attack-styled turmoil and protect item. If Araxxor is in range mode, protect range. He will stay that way till Phase 4.

The best effective way dealing with Araxxor on Phase 1 is to sip your adrenaline, get to 100% as fast as possible and use your ultimate. Get to 50% and use 1 threshold. Get back to 50% and use devotion (if you have it) if you don't, use another threshold.

Keep using abilities along with devotion, thresholds, and ultimates and get Araxxor down to the point where he has to heal himself to stay alive, which is around 5,000 life points.

Try not to use a lot of your Saradomin Brews during this phase, a couple sips should get you through.

REMINDER: When he sucks you in be sure to click back so you're not cleaved with a high hit. Also when you're mummified you need to spam click the ground.

DO NOT pass the space where you set the web on fire before getting Araxxor to 5,000 life points or phase 2 will start!

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 2 (Left Path)


At the start of Phase 2 (Left Path) its recommended to go to the middle of the tunnel. Dps Araxxor has hard as you can using ultimates/thresholds. Be sure to sip your Saradomin Brews when needed! I don't recommend eating food till phase 4.

Arraxor will throw out 3 eggs and spit out a fire spider. You need to stand adjacent to the 3 eggs so the fire incinerates them. You will be dealt with a 300 hit. If you don't make it to the eggs, you will be dealt with a 3,000-6,000 hit.

Arraxor will spawn 20 spiders throughout the phase. BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR MIRRORBACK SPIDERS. If you threshold Araxxor and a Mirrorback spawns, you will be hit by your own threshold and maybe PK yourself. MIRRORBACKS ARE PRIORITY!

It is recommended to get Araxxor all the way down to 5,000 health and kill all 20 spiders that spawn before continuing Phase 3.

Strategy: If you get Araxxor down to 5,000 health before all the spider spawns, pull out your shield and start using shield abilities so you can conserve your saradomin brews and food. Use abilities like anticipation, preparation, barricade, resonance, devotion, etc.

REMINDER: Do not go too far in the tunnel before getting Araxxor down to 5,000 health and have killed all spiders or you will start Phase 3!

Araxxor WILL cleave you this phase. Please read on post 3 to learn more about the cleave.

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 2 (Middle Path)


Start of Phase 2 (Middle Path) walk Araxxor over the acid. Build up the bar to about half way and walk him onto the hill that's upwards. He will melt the hill and you will be able to jump over the falling rocks.

Arraxor will throw out 3 eggs and spit out a fire spider. You need to stand adjacent to the 3 eggs so the fire incinerates them. You will be dealt with a 300 hit. If you don't make it to the eggs, you will be dealt with a 3,000-6,000 hit.

"KO" Acidic Spiders will spawn so you need to be on the look out! If they touch you you're dead! So surge away from them.

REMINDER: If the bridge doesn't collapse after running to the very top of the hill after getting about half acid on Araxxor, that means you need to build up more acid on him in order to destroy the hill/rocks.

Araxxor WILL cleave you this phase. Please read on post 3 to learn more about the cleave.

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 2 (Right Path)


Unkown at the moment.

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 3


At the start of Phase 3 I recommend going to the farthest wall from the Phase 2 entrance to Phase 3. (If Araxxor is Mage or Range).

You need to start Dps'ing really hard by using your ultimates and thresholds. Watch out for the KO Acidic Spiders that will spawn from the green splat Araxxor spits out. If they touch you, you're dead! The KO Acidic Spiders will have a bar that's gaining adrenaline above their head. When it reaches full it explodes.

Strategy Getting Araxxor down to 10,000 health then luring the Acidic Spiders into him by running across Araxxor. Araxxor will build up rage and start hitting you harder so I recommend barricading after luring all 5 Acidic Spiders. He should be at about 30,000 health, Dps him hard till he drops to 5,000. Sip your Saradomin Brews throughout the Phase. Try to keep your food till Phase 4.

TIP: I usually sip the Saradomin Brews after I've ultimate while I'm regaining adrenaline to use thresholds. I'll use a restore after I'm at 50% adrenaline with a decent amount of health and I'll start using thresholds. I always use 1 threshold first after the ultimate, then devotion, then another.

Araxxor WILL cleave you this phase. Please read on post 3 to learn more about the cleave.

After Phase 3 has ended, a cut scene will happen.

(¸.•´ (¸.•Phase 4


Before explaining this phase I HIGHLY recommend putting protect mage and range on your bar. Or make one of them on your quick prayers and the other on your bar. BE SURE TO SIP AN ANTI-POISON.

As soon as Phase 4 starts you need to get your adrenaline back to 100% and use an ultimate. It's very important to Dps fast and hard on this phase.

Araxxor will spit out green blobs and grey webs at you.

Green means Mage, so protect mage.
Grey means range, so protect range.

So if he starts out with green blobs you need to protect mage. As soon as you protect mage, 2 hits later he will switch to range. So throughout the whole phase he switches attack styles when you switch prayers. So 2 hits after you switch your protect prayers.

The key to this Phase is dps'ing as much as you can, try avoid food and use the rest of your Saradomin Brews in the beginning so you can get your Ultimate up with thresholds.

After Araxxor is under half health, he will send out a black core that will jump around. It is unknown at the moment on what to do with this core, but for now, you need to avoid it by running in circles around Araxxor.

Update on the black core. It is said if you stand in one spot while it jumps it will avoid you for 5 jumps and then come to your spot. After it hits your spot, move 1 away from your initial position and repeat. I tried it and it seemed to work pretty well. Good luck!

After he's killed, you loot him and escape.

Rare Drops
- Spider Leg
- Spider Leg Top
- Spider Leg Middle
- Spider Leg Bottom
- Araxxi's Fang
- Araxxi's Web
- Araxxi's Eye


Offline Cubchoo

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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 11:56:06 »
Phase 4 is wrong, but probably been updated by now.


Offline Emma

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 12:31:41 »
Maybe you could post the update meg?


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 13:13:53 »
There was an update from his original post I have done my best to add it 


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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 08:18:02 »
I really want to kill this bloody thing but i'm terrible at PvM :/


Offline Happi

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2014, 10:11:10 »
I really want to kill this bloody thing but i'm terrible at PvM :/

Here is some inspiration Ash if he can do it so can you.

1 Defense Araxxor

He also did it at 150% enrage.

1 Def Araxxor 150% Enrage

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Offline Matty

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2014, 12:18:15 »
Cheers guys will be good to watch and learn some before attempting this later


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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2014, 13:25:43 »
He got lucky 3 times at Araxxi, I could've got the kill if I got lucky like him

plus I use royal crossbow

Gimme ascs and I'll give you a kill. case closed.


Offline Cubchoo

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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2014, 13:30:38 »
He got lucky 3 times at Araxxi, I could've got the kill if I got lucky like him

plus I use royal crossbow

Gimme ascs and I'll give you a kill. case closed.

Because once you know the mechanics the boss is not hard. (at least before enraged starts going up).

You don't need Asc's to kill it either.


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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2014, 15:39:10 »
Those vids are great!!! i wanna try it


Offline Hey Im Jamie

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2014, 15:48:11 »
He got lucky 3 times at Araxxi, I could've got the kill if I got lucky like him

plus I use royal crossbow

Gimme ascs and I'll give you a kill. case closed.

I like your 1 defence.. O wait nvm.


Offline SuperAshh

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Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2014, 17:17:10 »
I really want to kill this bloody thing but i'm terrible at PvM :/

Here is some inspiration Ash if he can do it so can you.

I could have over 9000 defence and still not do it lol. I guess i'll try it at some point


Offline Happi

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2014, 21:44:57 »
I really want to kill this bloody thing but i'm terrible at PvM :/

Here is some inspiration Ash if he can do it so can you.

I could have over 9000 defence and still not do it lol. I guess i'll try it at some point

You're maxed and most likely you got superior port armors, that is more than enough even with level 80 weapons if you can't afford lvl 90's, good luck go make some bank while the prices are insane!

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Offline maraderkholm

Re: A solo guide to killing Araxxor
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2014, 17:48:44 »
Very Cool - no interest in trying - but extremely cool - thanks!


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