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Offline Creptine

[Request] - early to endgame
« on: January 10, 2017, 17:36:12 »
Hey everyone, as told before, my account Creptine is about 4-5 days old  which means i'm in the very early stages of the game again. It has been quite a while since i've played rs3 and a much longer time that i've played as a noobacc. I know most basic things but I'd like to hear peoples opinion on what I should work on asap. Basically, what should be my focus first few weeks/months.

- I've allready started my farm runs
- I do my daily's

Was thinking on getting my mage up to 70 ish and then take a week to grind quests to about 200ish qp's as that seems to be the most efficient.

- Any must haves early/midgame?
- Most important things to head towards right now for later use?
- Is questing still as important?
- Anything that would put me more ahead in terms of efficiently getting towards the endgame?

All info, opinions and advise is welcome.

Have a great day, Creptine.


Offline Bootiful

Re: [Request] - early to endgame
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2017, 17:39:52 »
Get your levels through questing. You will get further in the game very easy.


Offline Dave

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Re: [Request] - early to endgame
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2017, 22:22:45 »
Train combat via slayer

Elf city ASAP

Sinkholes are a must

Dw about chaoitcs slayer cash will fund the gwd2 Weps + Attuned elf city free weps

Unlock invention for perks

Bust out the quests that give you abilities and access to parts of the map


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