*Bossing to 1b cash*
Good morning everyone
Back to EoC for a while, gotta take a break from Old School
I seem to have lost a lot of cash after EoC was released as my gear dropped about 50-70% of it's price pre-EoC
So I thought that bossing would get me a good start-up cash, or cash to buy more 99's to get max
But I needed a partner. someone with good PvM'ing skills, that person is
noob Nour!
Nour is one of the best PvM'ers I know till now
with 50 def only, but a good PvM'er and former PK'er
Anyways, this noob
never went bossing before, so i'll start with him with something rather easy. Bandos of course
When he becomes more capable of bossing, we'll go to harder bosses to make more cash
We'll begin posting loots from bosses here
Wish us luck!