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Zach Banned
« on: February 21, 2013, 12:50:15 »
It is always with a heavy heart that we have to ban members for breaking rules.  This announcement is harder than most.

The staff have been made aware that a Zach has broken rules regarding RWT.

This has lead the staff with no alternative to ban him for 3 months starting from today until 21st May 2013.

I would like to make a few things perfectly clear. I personally do not believe these allegations but think they have been fabricated to discredit him.

There has never been a suspicion that he has broken rules on his Melvl138 account, he has spent time and energy for this clan and his loyality both to me and Consentus has never been doubted.

There is a lot of information and investigating still going on in the back ground so hopefully this situation will be resolved.

Can I once again say, personally I do not think Zach has broken a rule, but we have followed the protocol so the staff treat him in an unbiased way.


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