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Offline Only Lilly

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Please read
« on: September 21, 2013, 12:54:50 »
It cannot have gone unnoticed that Consentus as a CC, and Forums have quietened down considerably over the past couple of weeks.  :'(

I myself think this isnt anything to do with Consentus and that people are unhappy with us, but due to the real life situations and boredom of the game.

My question to you all, guests and members, even if you are not ranked in the CC, is what help could you offer to help maintain Consentus where we are, and preferably grow into a larger clan.

Out of 3 Owners, there is only really me that will be active over the next few months.

Out of 3 Globals, again 2 have real life responsibilities,

We do have CC mods, who try and keep the chat active, but once again it does take YOU to help maintain the chat.

As a body of staff, there were events organised over the summer, some were a success some not so.

The purpose of this announcement is to ask if YOU are willing to go that extra mile to maintain and add to Consentus.

If you have a talent to offer the please PM me, telling me what support you are willing to offer.

Do not offer support only to go inactive a few weeks into your new role.

Recently I asked for volunteers to front a new recruiting team, we have that team in place and we will see some recruiting after the 3 year events.

Any offer of help will be greatly appreciated as I said member, guest, ranked or unranked.

My last message, clans take a lot of organising and running, we may slip if no one is willing to help.  No one wants to be in a clan, where only 5 or 6 people make the effort. 

We will not make the next 3 years if people do not offer help now.  Sounds harsh but this is the truth.


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