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Offline GodFirst

Loot piñatas
« on: January 13, 2016, 19:37:48 »
13 January 2016 Treasure Hunter
Treasure Hunter | Loot Piñatas

Place, smash, and loot. It’s as simple as that!

From 00:00 UTC on the 14th January until 23:59 UTC on the 18th January, Loot Piñatas will be available on Treasure Hunter for more piñata-smashing fun.

Place these destroyable piñatas down and team up with your friends to smash them open. The piñata will have a health bar similar to combat dummies, which will progressively decrease 10HP with every successful hit from the owner.

Each piñata is guaranteed to drop a stackable piñata loot sack – catch them before they hit the ground! Inside these goodie bags, the owner will be rewarded with a prismatic star, prismatic lamp, gold and two random prizes, as well as five additional rewards randomly distributed between any other players who have also hit the placed piñata.

Non-owners can hit as many piñatas as they like, but they will only be able to receive up to 5 rewards a day. Sometimes non-owners can be unlucky and may not receive any prizes, but these will not count towards one of their 5 rewards for the day.

Once the piñata is destroyed, the owner and contributing players will have a chance of receiving rare piñata themed items including piñata plushies, Luchador Mask tokens and sombreros. Piñata plushies and tradeable sombreros will be an exclusive drop only available for the piñata owners. However, the Luchador Mask tokens will be randomly awarded to both piñata owners and non-owners.


Good luck! Have fun smashing these new loot piñatas and give us your feedback on this week’s Treasure Hunter promotion over on the forums.

The RuneScape Team


Offline GodFirst

Re: Loot piñatas
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2016, 19:38:12 »
We should keep them and use them together for more rewards!!


Offline Zack Son

Re: Loot piñatas
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2016, 20:11:50 »


Offline XDarkraynX

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Re: Loot piñatas
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2016, 04:33:56 »
I agree i would love to see one big pinata smashing clan event! :) but short of that we can smash ours together at least lol


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