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Offline Laggspikes

Clan News - November 2020
« on: December 01, 2020, 09:53:41 »

Welcome to the Clan News for November 2020!

The end of the year is getting near. All the turkeys have been eaten (except that special one) and everyone is getting ready for the dark, yet jolly, month of December.
And while we await the arrival of Saint Nic, we sadly had to say goodbye to a similar named staff member, @Inkyy . We hope you are doing well and wish Coln, little Ollie and you the best :)

We would like to welcome @seldomrobin and @tashoony to the Media Team! These two friends are going to make some great pictures and already have some hilarious plans for you all in store! They certainly have helped us ramp up the production of pictures for our instagram and with this extra Media Team help, we have started to stream on Twitch! We are also over the moon that @Joe , our Discord specialist, has made his return to the Media Team! As a nice welcome back, he has made us a little Thanksgiving video! Enjoy :)

And now comes the awkward part of this letter where I have to congratulate myself on becoming a Senior member on the Media Team. Hurray! I am currently focusing on providing extra picture and video editing to our media platforms next to my usual spy footage of clan members :)

The Events Team also gained a new Senior: @Haseo ! Haseo has always been a very active member on the team and he decided to go even further beyond. While being a PvM specialist he is still looking to get a certain pet, which according to him doesn't exist, so keep an eye out for his ED2 teaching streams on Discord or Twitch!

To strenghten this team even more @SH4UNoo and @Maximum  have joined the party! I know they will be great at giving us a great range of events and supporting Haseo in an ongoing growth of our PvM activities in the clan.

And last but not least we are very glad to welcome @jj oo ee yy  to the Socialites team! Joey has always been a great chatter and he has already shown a great boost to our social endeavours! Keep it up!

Last month's Events

GWD1 Spam events
This was originally an idea by @Danny , who wanted to spam the chat with a bunch of drops from Kree'arra. This was such a succes that during the month we gave all the God Wars Dungeon 1 bosses a nice trip to the meatgrinder. This type of event is a lot of fun and it is surely worthy of a sequel!

Clan alliance: Unity of Lunacy

Looking to give more flavour to our events Unity of Lunacy and Consentus have joined hands with our ingame events! This month we already got a great taste of that with some great PvM content at bosses like Vorago and AoD together with Street Chemistry. There is a lot more to come so keep an eye out for some more action!

Media Hunt event

During the month @tashoony organised the Media Hunt event where several hints were posted for people to recognise Runescape celebrities, and a penguin. The hints were spread out across all our social media channels. It came down to a randomiser to pick the winner, but eventually @Joe  walked away with that precious Bond. Congratz!

Consentus Clue Casket Opening

The entire month our clannies did their best to resist the urge to open their caskets. On the 27th of November it was time. The amount of fortunate components that were generated that day would provide legions with Luck of the Dwarves and Essence of Finalities. It is safe to say... it was a good day!

PVM Roulette

@Haseo has started a new spree of PvM events called the PVM Roulette. Every event a randomised boss for everyone to enjoy. Make sure to join in on future encounters. It is a nice time to grind some bosses and fill those collection logs!

DXP Live

A lot of members made a great effort to grind out as much xp as they could
@Laggspikes has made a nice DXP recap video. Check it out!

A big thank you for all the great moments we have with eachother, including the awesome Discord events like Skribble.io and JackboxGames, the regular Skill and Chill events and ofcourse Yews

Coming up next!

Secret Santa!

@Sissybear is hosting a great event, based on giving and being given! Make sure you sign up here fast! I've heard there ain't too much time left!

Christmas Party with Drop Party!

The Socialites team is hosting a grand Christmas Party on the 12th of December followed by a drop party! Bring your best christmas outfits, cause there are going to be some prizes to be won as well! Click the following links for all the details: Christmas Party and Drop Party !

Christmas Photo Competition!

It is also time to get creative! The Media Team is looking for some great in game Christmas Photo's! Send them all over to @Laggspikes and maybe you will be the one walking away with a Bond on Christmas Day! Click this link for more details!

PVM Bingo!

Meanwhile the Events team is looking into slaying the entire world during this month of joy. @Mog has posted the bingo card here . Will you get that full house to claim a nice Bond?

December Skill War!

While one side of the community tries to get their loot by slaying all the creatures on Gielinor, another part of the community may enjoy battling in a war of skills. Join one of the two teams in an all out weekend of pure skilling! Will you be the Divine victor? Or will you chop the pedestal down from under the other teams feet? Or you know... wait till the other team wins and just steal the trophy...

Find out more following this link

Ideas from the community

@Geisla had a fun idea to stack clues like last month to open them around Christmas or New Years. Clan staff has now made a nice event out of it, so start stacking those clues! If you ever have ideas for a fun event or other ideas, please let us know so we can all enjoy it together!


We have a nice surprise for you. @Alaklondewen has been busy looking into some clan merch and it is finally a thing! Rest assured that we don't make any money off this. This is just our way to spread our clan spirit with all of you. The merch is designed with a black, white or iconic logo. Click this link to start shopping!

New Members

Welcome to all our new members from November 2020! Thank you for choosing Consentus and we hope you enjoy it here with us!


Whether its your first 99 or your last 200m, its always worth celebrating! With that DXP weekend it sure is a big list! A huge congratulations to the following:

(click to show/hide)

Member of the Month – November 2020

A huge congratulations to this month’s Member of the Month – @Dasein !

Dasein has always been a very helpful person in the clan and some members of staff couldn't believe he hadn't won MothM before. So it is a long overdue one! Congrats Dasein!

Pro and Noob of the Month – November 2020

Pro of the Month: @DumbleDude  - 232,092,995 XP

Noob of the Month: @zuumish  - 266,861 XP

Forum Awards

A gentle reminder that we offer Forum Awards on your forum account! @Aqua has done an amazing job with the designs, take a look here for yourself!

Interested in applying for some? Click here to do so!

Please include the following in your post: (See Spoiler)

(click to show/hide)


Our Discord Server is a huge success and it's thanks to @Joe's hard work in maintaining it. If you haven’t joined and would like to, click below! We encourage you all to make full use of it.

Monthly Recap

Welcome to another Monthly Installment of @Alaklondewen's recap videos! You can find it below:

Monthly Recap:

If you would like to have an achievement filmed please let us know on this thread

Clan Instagram

Have some pictures that you want to have featured on our Instagram page? Please post on this thread or post in our #clan-instagram text channel in our Discord Server. You could win some geepees if RuneScape like or share your picture!

WhatsApp Groups

We have a WhatsApp Group available for all our members – if you would be interested in joining, please contact @Only Lilly.

We also have a Women’s Whatsapp Group as well – please contact @Laurisaurus if you would like to join.

Social Media

Feel free to look at our social media pages!


From Staff

This month we have shown eachother what a great community we can be. Lots of gainz during double xp and some great times all around. Everyone achieved so much and had lots of fun. We really want to thank every single one of you for making this community so special in this good old game we play. On that note, I'd like to end this post with the statement we have recently put out.

Stay safe and be jolly!

- The Consentus Team

"I do the choking here" - Laggspikes 2k21
"No wait, I do wanna dye!" - Joe 2k21


Offline cheeslets

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Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2020, 10:02:39 »
Awesome month! i can't wait for Decembers Christmas events, and the clue event 1st of jan!


Offline starfire

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Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2020, 10:24:11 »
congrats to all winners but a bigger congrats to everyone in this clan for making it such a wonderful place <3


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2020, 11:04:03 »
What a read.
The Clan is ending 2020 with a bang.
What amazing events we have over every area of the clan.

Thanks for the newsletter


Offline Ms Go

Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2020, 13:21:13 »
This is brilliant.  Great work everybody!  Happy to be a part of this family!   Can’t wait for the events this month!


Offline Geisla

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  • Rsn: Geisla
Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2020, 13:51:11 »
Congrats to Daseiin for CMOTM :D


Offline Alaklondewen

Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2020, 16:19:37 »
Thanks for the news, Laggs!  You did great!

Congrats to @Dasein on motm!  Well deserved.

Thank you all for making this an amazing clan.  I am thankful for all of you!


Offline btraill

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  • Oldschool: btraill
  • Rsn: btraill
Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2020, 22:28:35 »
These newsletters just get better and better!

Thanks so much for finally launching some Merch. I'll be grabbing some for sure.

Consentus just keeps getting better and better... Congrats to all of the winners/promotions.


Offline Officer Papi

Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2020, 08:51:18 »
I am blown away by the amount of effort put in by this clan's leadership teams. An excellent newsletter.


Offline Sissybear

Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2020, 14:20:47 »
Amazing month! Congrats everyone on achievements and promotions! And thanks for another great month! <3


Offline Mog

Re: Clan News - November 2020
« Reply #10 on: December 03, 2020, 19:16:32 »
Thanks for the update @Laggspikes
Congrats to @Dasein for motm  :P and thanks to everyone involved in all we do, nothing is possible without each and everyone's contributions!


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