With the sparkles of November fading away, it's time to wrap up as we approach the festive season...and what a festive season we will have here in Consentus, we have a wide range of Christmas Events taking place, so why not get involved?
Wondering what to expect? We have a
Winter Photo Competition commencing through December, an
interactive Christmas tale which will take place via our forums but will also have you searching in game, this will commence from the 9th December, a
Christmas raffle with tons of prizes to be won and of course our usual weekly in game events to keep you busy!! It's going to be a busy month!
As the end of the year approaches our annual awards taking place so stay tuned for that as the voting currently takes place!
We'll have a quick look at the highlights of what Novmber had to offer.
Marius ran an XP Rain Competition seeing each day an EXP threshold have to be met with the loser being kicked out, it was a competitive end but congratulations to Charms who secured his victory, let's have a look at the top 3:
Charms: 18,490,517 expG R I: 16,072,147 expPFBunnyNoob: 7,727,865 expTeam Lilly were reliving the nostalgia with their Brimhaven agility event with a photo provided by summer below:And to round things off we would like to say a congratulations and a heart warming return to Krazy Golf who will now be the senior staff member for
Team Red
We would like to welcome all of the new forum members who have joined throughout November. Welcome to Consentus!@Sunni @Colby32100 @vpostay @AdrianX @10davija2 @Dotish @JK @ice barrage @Aussie Crazy @2w
AchievementsCongratulations to the following people who achieved something throughout November, keep up the good work!
[99's Achieved]Nate 7447 → 99 Constitution, Invention, Attack & Strength
Sun Fairy8 → 99 Dungeoneering
zapdos666 → 99 Fishing & Mining
jomtones → 99 Constitution
Alaklondewen → 99 Defence, Summoning & Slayer
Michael Silk → 99 Mining
Cacophonic → 99 Woodcutting
Charms → 99 Prayer, Ranged, Attack, Constitution, Slayer & Strength
Lady Olenna → 99 Defence & Invention
Medic Mikey → 99 Slayer & Constitution
Tonyyy → 99 Mining & Thieving
So Soft → 99 Invention, Strength, Slayer & Attack
1200hp Supra → 99 Ranged, Strength & Attack
Slid → 99 Defence & Constitution
G R l → 99 Woodcutting
killermi201 → 99 Farming, Agility & Mining
Advay → 99 Prayer
Orvix III → 99 Divination & Thieving
Sylfanaaa → 99 Slayer
Limefhet → 99 Farming, Smithing & Construction
AdrianX → 99 Herblore & Smithing
Jack boy 0 → 99 Invention
Swinkid → 99 Defence
Aussie Crazy → 99 Fishing
Colby32100 → 99 Prayer
Dynakiin → 99 Crafting
Poolmilk → 99 Crafting
Capiche → 99 Woodcutting
[Maxed levels Achieved]Cahaya → 2715 Overall
[120's/Comps/200Ms Achieved]Tij s → 120 Invention
Kobran → 120 Dungeoneering
Monika x → 120 Dungeoneering
Sir Genjuro → 120 Constitution
Golden Rock → 120 Woodcutting
Cassin → 120 Dungeoneering
Brew Time → 120 Dungeoneering
Buying Luck → 120 Mining
Teknolla G → 120 Ranged
Holyhammerr → 120 Strength
G R I → 120 Firemaking
Oh Ella → 120 Prayer
Possessing → 120 Mining
Dotish → 200M Invention XP
Pro & Noob of the monthEvery month we have a Pro & Noob competition. We track the experience of all of our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained this month with the Pro rank, and the player with the lowest experience this month with the Noob rank.
In order to be eligible for this competition you must have gained a minimum of 250,000 XP this month. This is to account for inactive players.Pro of the Month: @Oh Ella (140,155,961 experience)!
Noob of the Month: @Bootiful Alt (256,342 Experience)
Looking ahead to DecemberUpcoming EventsAnother fun event is being planned at Walibi Holland. We're currently looking at this event taking place in August 2018, but we need your input! Go to the
WALIBI HOLLAND for more details.
The front page has been updated so you can see any upcoming events each week. Be sure to check out this out as well as the
events section of the forums to stay up-to-date on upcoming clan events.
We'd also like to see more new faces on the Runescape forums so head on over
http://services.runescape.com/m=forum/c=FBOPjzfECgE/forums.ws?290,291,630,65895527 and say hi and post a bump!
Citadel resourcesWe know that collecting resources in the Citadel can be an annoying task, mainly because there is nobody around to talk to, if you feel like this feel free to join us on a
Sunday afternoon. Here you will find a great portion of our clan members filling their cap, and having great fun with each other.
DiscordWe would also like to remind everyone in Consentus that our Discord server is available to both clan members and guests! Our Discord link:
https://discord.gg/evBUkuk "
If anyone needs their discord rank updating, let one of the staff members know and they will sort it out for you.
Social MediaWe’re keen to continue our efforts to expand and raise our profile on different social media. One thing we still lack is an active Youtube Channel. If you want to help, please message an owner. We appreciate any help we can get!
Be sure to check out our other pages:
Be sure to check out our pages if they tickle your fancy. The Facebook page is updated on a regular basis thanks to our awesome page admins, they always provide a good chuckle!
Member of the Month@Rcing for all his helpful work and dedicated time to helping me and all round being amazing
NewsletterIf you would like to have anything added to the monthly newsletter that may not be on here, please make sure to let an owner know and we will try our utmost to implement it if it fits the newsletter.
If you have any ideas that you think would boost the Clan and raise our profile, please let a member of staff know. We are always pleased that people take their time to help us run this busy and respected Clan.