Welcome to the Clan News for May, 2020!I'd like to start off this letter with welcoming
@Pydro Hump and
@Mini Nub to staff!
Pydro has been around for a few months and is still a newer member to the clan. But we recognize hard work and great personalities when we see them. We're so happy to have you on the team and look forward to what you'll bring.
Nub, on the other hand, is no stranger to the staff team. Previously an owner until he resigned last year and is now finally returned to offer his services to the clan once again. We are so thrilled to have you back, Damien. =]
Old School!The Old School side of Consentus is still going. With the news that an official clan system is in the works and being added in the coming months. This gives us a lot of hope that we'll be able to improve even further. Keeping track of members by hand is a challenge. We have to add them to the friends' list, update the tracker manually, verify they've joined the Discord server, and continue to monitor. If people decide to leave the clan. There is no way we could ever know unless the person told us. With a clan system, this problem will be gone. We can keep track of every member. All the time. With ease. So we're very much looking forward to this and we hope you are as well!
Old School Runescape has a section on our forums found
HERE. As well as one on our official Discord server which an invite link for can be found below. We've recently added a voice chat again and has been frequently used since, which is really nice to see.
Some events that have happened this month:
On 22 May, Consentus OSRS conquered the Penance Queen at Barbarian Assault. Two clan members received their Fighter Torsos.
On 29 May, Consentus OSRS opened roughly 90 Barrows Chests and looted 7 unique items.
4 May - Superguaygix - 99 Woodcutting
29 May - Flutz - 99 Thieving
14 May - Superguaygix - Rift Guardian (Runecrafting)
21 May - Lego Brick - Beaver (Woodcutting)
22 May - Lego Brick - Tangleroot (Farming)
Allied Clans!We're still in partnership with
Street Chemistry. They're a community based clan like we are and so far, things have been going well. Each has their own events but we'll occasionally involve the other to have larger turnouts. They're a very PvM based bunch so the bulk of the events they join in on are raids, boss masses, reaper events, and Elite Dungeons.
A great clan with good people. So please give them some love and hop into their Clan Chat or Discord server (or both).
For anyone who would like to join
Street Chemistry's Discord server, please click the link below.
Double XP!Double XP is always a big time for people to crank out gains in skills they otherwise don't like doing or those which may cost a significant amount to train. Either way, the XP pours in by the millions every hour and these 10 days weren't any different.
We as a clan gained a total of
10,741,335,938 XP. So well done to everyone and congratulations! The top gains are as followed:
- @Azlin - 189,706,972 XP
- @Coln - 185,738,238 XP
- @tashoony - 181,631,041 XP
- @Spiffy - 178,479,104 XP
- @Inkyy - 143,944,082 XP
- My Ehnus - 140,619,342 XP
- @Hoda - 133,721,627 XP
- @BegMore - 128,945,132 XP
- @Duck - 128,555,284 XP
- @Blue Denim - 120,832,565 XP
Recordings Needed!Our own
@Alaklondewen is the head of our YouTube account which can be found
HERE. Her job is to assemble all the clips of our many events and general happenings in the game into one short and sweet video to show exactly what we've done throughout the month. However, she needs our help! You can do this by recording interesting things you see in-game. These can be almost anything really. Our events, other large gatherings, a 99/120/200m party, drop party, nice areas within the game - really anything that catches your eye and think is worth others seeing also.
Summer has made a thread with more info
HERE. I will also be making a video (eventually, don't rush me!) explaining how I record video, the graphical settings needed plus what each are for, and what to look for when you're recording.
Spam Event!So you all voted and chose Runecrafting as our next spam skill. The date of this event is still to be determined and there's also not a thread yet. But keep an eye on the
event boards for an update in the near future! These events work using milestone achievements to spam broadcasts on our world. The broadcast works with achieving level 99 and level 120 in a skill. Other broadcasts come in intervals of 50m XP. So 50m, 100m, 150m, and 200m will all be broadcasted on the world you're currently on. 200m however, is a global broadcast and will be visible to all players on all worlds.
So be sure you have one of the milestones listed above for when we have our spam event!
Treasure Hunting!No not that one. The good treasure hunter. Clue scrolls.
@Tomarnomar is hosting a massive clue spam event that is technically already going. On the 28th of June at 21:00 game time, we're going to be meeting up and opening all of the caskets we've stacked up all at once!
Last time we did this, a few dyes were obtained so maybe we'll be lucky again? All the details for this event can be found
HERE on the official thread.
New Members! Please join in on welcoming the newest members to the clan! Thank you for choosing Consentus. We hope you've been enjoying yourself so far and look forward to what is to come!
Member of the Month!For the month of May, the member of the month is... Different to say the least. This time a joint selection has been made. For
@Coln and
@Inkyy! Congratulations you two! You've both been nothing but lovely, incredible people since you joined us. You're active everywhere and have stood out as members we're proud to have in the clan. High energy and a welcoming attitude that newer members feel they could approach and be met with kindness. Make no mistake, these are qualities many of our members have. But you two, in particular, have made a statement this past month which caught our attention and we thank you for what doing what you do.
Again, thank you, and keep being amazing.
Achievements!Congratulations to everyone who set and accomplished their goals in May! With May being another Double XP, there was a lot!
[99's Achieved]
Erveon → 99 Herblore, Summoning, Defence & Ranged
Thomas II → 99 Mining, Dungeoneering & Fishing
Axomandor → 99 Archaeology
Advay → 99 Smithing, Herblore, Hunter, Summoning, Slayer & Fishing
Elephantus → 99 Hunter
Kenrie → 99 Invention, Magic, Defence, Smithing, Summoning, Crafting, Fletching, Construction, Cooking, Hunter, Firemaking, Agility, Slayer, Archaeology & Farming
Pandatiggerz → 99 Prayer, Hunter, Cooking & Firemaking
Lazy Sausage → 99 Archaeology
MESM3R → 99 Archaeology
Dcaf → 99 Thieving, Summoning, Construction, Hunter & Crafting
Twiskelion → 99 Archaeology
M O L E E → 99 Crafting, Slayer, Agility, Fletching, Summoning, Construction, Attack, Strength, Ranged, Invention, Dungeoneering, Runecrafting, Hunter & Divination
Maximumxd → 99 Mining
123pukky → 99 Farming, Fletching, Smithing, Cooking, Divination & Slayer
Kasadya → 99 Dungeoneering, Slayer, Smithing, Crafting, Divination, Hunter, Runecrafting, Farming & Invention
pkmat → 99 Constitution, Strength, Defence, Ranged, Summoning, Farming & Thieving
xLady-Divine → 99 Defence, Constitution & Strength
Muszytowski → 99 Magic, Invention, Attack, Strength, Defence, Dungeoneering & Archaeology
M o g → 99 Archaeology
Unruley → 99 Archaeology
Sara Nambiar → 99 Slayer
Keata Kat → 99 Archaeology
Marius Titus → 99 Cooking, Summoning, Fishing, Thieving & Slayer
Arsun → 99 Archaeology
Play Ranges → 99 Herblore
Scartorias → 99 Attack, Defence, Strength, Constitution, Smithing, Summoning, Prayer & Mining
Kenos → 99 Attack, Summoning, Herblore & Prayer
D a s e i n → 99 Archaeology
JellyPuddy → 99 Smithing, Hunter, Attack, Strength, Summoning & Prayer
Koriandr → 99 Archaeology
4G63T → 99 Farming
Ryan94cj → 99 Summoning
WheenImGone → 99 Ranged, Hunter, Firemaking, Slayer & Cooking
D8niel → 99 Herblore, Slayer, Constitution, Strength, Magic, Attack, Defence & Summoning
Nate 7447 → 99 Construction, Firemaking, Agility, Mining, Thieving & Farming
Nalandray → 99 Farming, Defence & Ranged
TotenWD → 99 Attack, Strength, Constitution, Defence & Ranged
Pydro Hump → 99 Invention, Firemaking, Cooking, Thieving, Prayer, Fishing, Mining, Woodcutting, Slayer, Archaeology & Runecrafting
Vakn → 99 Mining, Smithing, Cooking, Magic, Ranged, Prayer & Constitution
Fight Stuff → 99 Hunter, Construction, Prayer & Smithing
Jeren → 99 Herblore, Crafting, Smithing & Construction
Grand Conde → 99 Invention
Just Niks → 99 Summoning, Smithing & Mining
MrFreddi007 → 99 Prayer, Archaeology, Defence, Attack, Strength & Invention
Ev1LcH1nCh1L → 99 Firemaking, Cooking & Fishing
DrVoicu → 99 Magic & Hunter
MehruneDagon → 99 Crafting & Firemaking
Azlin → 99 Archaeology
Souls R us → 99 Herblore, Construction, Smithing & Woodcutting
btraill → 99 Thieving & Slayer
FreeKesky → 99 Runecrafting & Divination
L1viatte → 99 Crafting, Cooking & Divination
Geneocide103 → 99 Herblore & Smithing
BzF God → 99 Slayer
Xyplios → 99 Attack
42herooftime → 99 Archaeology
Tomarnomar → 99 Herblore, Invention, Summoning, Firemaking, Fletching, Attack, Defence, Strength, Ranged & Magic
Tomikee → 99 Runecrafting
Wrthlss Noob → 99 Thieving, Dungeoneering & Smithing
Gobin → 99 Fishing & Woodcutting
Adzovbhe07 → 99 Strength & Attack
Flat-Earth77 → 99 Divination
Chandrian64 → 99 Woodcutting
Cody RS → 99 Dungeoneering & Hunter
Oylimpia → 99 Fletching
Redsociety → 99 Prayer
Jerichos7 → 99 Thieving, Construction & Woodcutting
Nala Naga → 99 Archaeology
C O Z → 99 Fletching & Constitution
QUCKWA → 99 Hunter, Crafting, Runecrafting, Construction & Divination
Woodnoober → 99 Attack & Smithing
Seizo → 99 Firemaking, Divination & Thieving
ArchaEElogy5 → 99 Slayer & Invention
Doc Joe → 99 Fishing
Bydlak → 99 Crafting
Folkes → 99 Strength, Magic & Fletching
xLady Laura → 99 Fletching, Magic & Agility
Perfect lies → 99 Cooking, Fletching, Firemaking & Crafting
700 Argylls → 99 Mining & Invention
Narochh → 99 Summoning & Smithing
Sad_ye → 99 Attack, Defence, Constitution & Magic
Seldomrobin → 99 Runecrafting, Hunter & Herblore
3141 → 99 Smithing & Slayer
HypnotiikGG → 99 Attack, Defence & Constitution
Jessrox → 99 Firemaking
xXAcidRainXx → 99 Dungeoneering
Denondedrage → 99 Prayer & Magic
Klose Enough → 99 Crafting & Smithing
SirHarsh → 99 Crafting, Construction & Smithing
Mackenna → 99 Agility
ve75 → 99 Woodcutting, Hunter, Defence & Divination
Sir Hoffs → 99 Herblore
1 PRO NOOB → 99 Thieving
Jesterhat → 99 Magic
1493colton → 99 Attack
10davija2 → 99 Invention & Defence
EliteOfficer → 99 Archaeology
Swingswing → 99 Herblore
My Ehnus → 99 Dungeoneering
J osephine → 99 Archaeology
sniffyrs → 99 Divination
BlizzardFoxx → 99 Ranged
Marvex → 99 Smithing & Mining
BumbaKlot420 → 99 Magic
Wildplasser → 99 Archaeology
Sc0ttyh → 99 Archaeology
Dara Davis → 99 Archaeology
umbra lol → 99 Archaeology
Swinkid → 99 Mining
Tahtnica → 99 Thieving
Deoxygenate → 99 Archaeology
Grandwestham → 99 Archaeology
Ebeneezergud → 99 Archaeology
Citizen Naab → 99 Archaeology
Icefire Lego → 99 Archaeology
Jj Oo Ee Yy → 99 Archaeology
Markstrom → 99 Constitution
MarisaCactus → 99 Cooking
Bristol → 99 Archaeology
T H L → 99 Prayer
The Kindest → 99 Cooking & Attack
Tserofniar → 99 Archaeology
Denam → 99 Archaeology
Aghast → 99 Invention
[Max Total level Achieved]
Lt Ardo → 2898 Overall
RsRuinedMe → 2898 Overall
Cherrycrush → 2898 Overall
A Canadian → 2898 Overall
Klevitz → 2898 Overall
Spiffy → 2898 Overall
PrimalAndy → 2898 Overall
selc0uth → 2898 Overall
Teknolla G → 2898 Overall
Rizzy185 → 2898 Overall
[120's/Comps/200Ms Achieved]
Axomandor → 120 Dungeoneering
LJ Cool JJ → 120 Ranged & Fishing
Advay → 120 Thieving
CofeeMonster → 120 Archaeology
PrimalAndy → 120 Archaeology & Herblore
Dcaf → 120 Invention
SlayerKing24 → 120 Defence, Herblore & Ranged
Twiskelion → 120 Magic
Lt Ardo → 120 Archaeology
Blue Denim → 120 Farming
selc0uth → 120 Crafting, Fletching & Archaeology
BegLess → 120 Defence
Arsun → 120 Dungeoneering
Klevitz → 120 Archaeology
D a s e i n → 120 Divination
zkn → 120 Invention & Archaeology
A Ninja Duck → 120 Constitution & Defence
Nate 7447 → 120 Invention
Rizzy185 → 120 Farming, Prayer & Archaeology
Moominko → 120 Prayer
Zelon → 120 Herblore
BlitzDPS → 120 Strength
Deadlocking → 120 Construction & Hunter
Sudo rm rf → 120 Ranged & Dungeoneering
Vitalityy → 120 Invention
Spiffy → 120 Herblore, Cooking, Constitution, Magic & Archaeology
Grand Conde → 120 Herblore
Lenzouw → 120 Constitution
Coln → 120 Herblore, Magic, Strength & Attack
RsRuinedMe → 120 Archaeology & Agility
Azlin → 120 Summoning
Souls R us → 120 Summoning
Alizadeh → 120 Slayer
Sir Fenny → 120 Construction
tashoony → 120 Herblore & Slayer
42herooftime → 120 Invention
Tomikee → 120 Invention
Ryun Stark → 120 Herblore & Archaeology
Haseo → 120 Attack
SadMas0chist → 120 Strength
Nala Naga → 120 Runecrafting
Goooooofy2 → 120 Invention
Radek → 120 Invention
R0WE → 120 Summoning
Inkyy → 120 Magic
Cherrycrush → 120 Archaeology
3141 → 120 Constitution
Hullo → 120 Hunter & Invention
Halferr → 120 Firemaking
Sherif → 120 Herblore
U2 → 120 Herblore
Escalated → 120 Herblore & Ranged
ra2 → 120 Fletching
SheepProbe → 120 Prayer
A Canadian → 120 Archaeology
Abanddon → 120 Herblore
My Ehnus → 120 Invention
Whacked Luck → 120 Ranged & Invention
AsoIem → 120 Thieving
Jenke → 120 Invention
P a r t l y → 120 Runecrafting
Redtunnel → 120 Archaeology
Wildplasser → 120 Strength
Valediction → 120 Defence
WrMoodwan → 120 Constitution
BegMore → 120 Firemaking
Teknolla G → 120 Archaeology
Axomandor → 200M Invention XP
PrimalAndy → 200M Archaeology XP
SlayerKing24 → 200M Invention XP
Nimis → 200M Constitution XP
Lt Ardo → 200M Archaeology & Constitution XP
M o g → 200M Strength & Ranged XP
selc0uth → 200M Invention XP
Klevitz → 200M Farming XP
BlitzDPS → 200M Constitution & Invention XP
Coln → 200M Constitution & Invention XP
RsRuinedMe → 200M Farming XP
Azlin → 200M Summoning XP
Cherrycrush → 200M Firemaking & Archaeology XP
Only Lilly → 200M Woodcutting XP
Events!There is no shortage of events here in Consentus. Our events team is hard at work every week to try and bring you new and exciting ways to interact with and spend time with your fellow clannies. Such as the weekly events; CC quiz, citadel capping, penguin hunting, skill competition, portables, raids, and various Discord events. Plus new ones being made on the forums and others in-game each week. So be sure to check out the
Events section of the forums to always be up to date with what we're doing.
You've seen me say it before. Covering as many timezones as we can is a difficult task. Not impossible by any means but also not accomplished with ease. We do our best to find a good balance and adhere to what people want depending on where they live. This is one of the things taken into consideration when looking for new staff and we're continuing to get better at it. Now and always.
Pro and Noob!Every month we have a Pro & Noob competition. We track the experience of all our clan members and award the player with the most experience gained that month with the Pro rank. And the player with the closest XP to 250,000 but not below for that month, is tagged with the Noob title.
May, 2020- Pro of the Month: @Spiffy (309,411,519 xp)
- Noob of the Month: @Rune (278,640 xp)
Month in Review!Our own Clan Momma has compiled the many activities we've done this past month into a summarized, or should I say... SUMMERized?
Anyway, she's put together a fun video to show off to the world all the fun we've had and still is to be had in our clan. Please take a look and leave a comment!
Discord!A friendly reminder to everyone in Consentus that our
Discord server is available to both clan members and guests!
Feel free to drop in the Clan Discord and chat with all your fellow members regardless of what game they're playing! Now is the perfect time to join!
If anyone needs their Discord rank updated, please let a member of staff know and they will sort it out for you.

Social Media!We are and will continue to be committed to increasing our presence on social media to get the good name of Consentus out for all to see. You're all more than welcome to check out any and all of them if they pique your interest. Our Facebook and Instagram pages are updated on a regular basis thanks to our superb admins. Thank you for your hard work!

We also have a WhatsApp group for clan members! If you'd like an invite, please message a member of staff on how you can join.

Newsletter!If you would like to have anything added to the monthly newsletter that may not be on here, please make sure to let an Owner know and we will try our utmost to implement it if it fits the newsletter.
If you have any ideas that you think would boost the Clan and raise our profile, please let a member of staff know. We are always pleased that people take their time to help us run this busy and respected Clan.
From StaffUntil next time Consentus, have fun and keep on 'Scaping! May has been busy. Just like April before it. Not quite in the same way but it's taken a toll on us much differently than we thought. We've been confined to our homes for well over a month now and only recently are things starting to open up and we can go out in small amounts. Things are very slowly improving. It's still an effort that all people everywhere need to take part in. We'll get through this. Better days are coming. Both in the real world and here.
The circumstances aren't the best, but it has been amazing to see so many people returning and spend time with us once more. Plus a ton of new people that have kept things fresh and exciting. It's great to have you with us and we hope that you stick around. At least for a while longer.
Wishing you a healthy and happy June.
~The Consentus Team