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Offline Altys

Clan Cup!!
« on: September 30, 2016, 20:59:42 »
Clan Cup - Begins October 10th – Register Now!

Each year RuneScape's clans are called on to compete in battles of skill, nerve and tenacity. Now, that time has come again. Get ready for the Clan Cup 2016 and this year it’s run by the players themselves.

Key Information

Registration for this year’s clan cup is now open, closing on the 7th October.

Visit the Clan Cup 2016 forum section to finds the sign-up threads for each competition.

The event then begins on the 10th October and will run over several weeks.

What is the Clan Cup?

The Clan Cup is an annual tournament where RuneScape clans do battle for fun and glory.

Clans of all experience levels are welcome to compete. While some of the highest-ranking clans will certainly be participating, there will be something fun and exciting for everyone to take part in throughout the tournament.

This year the event is being organised by players. For more information on this, see the forum thread.

We will be running several different types of competition. will include:

PvP Cups - clan wars knockout tournaments in F2P or P2P and EoC or Legacy modes.
PvM Cup - a different boss challenge each week.
Combined Cup - a knockout tournament in the minigame Stealing Creation.


Offline Altys

Re: Clan Cup!!
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2016, 21:01:06 »

Friday 7th October

What is the PvM Cup?
The cup will be split over 4 weeks, where each week every clan will be given the same challenge to complete as best as they can. Participants must record these attempts and submit them to the PvM Cup Staff. Clans will then be ranked based on how well they completed the challenge provided. You only need to register once for the Cup to be added into all the proceeding challenges.

I have questions, who do i contact?
Myself, Sani, Geeoh, or Jamo. If you cannot get in touch with us, feel free to contact another organizer and they'll help you as best as they can. A full list organizers can be found here.

More questions?
Join the Friend's chat: "Clancup 2016"
Or Follow us on Twitter: "ClanCup16"


Offline Altys

Re: Clan Cup!!
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2016, 21:01:18 »
How does the PvM Cup Work?
Every week every clan will receive a challenge to complete. The clans will then be given points based on how well they complete the challenge. The cup will be split over 4 weeks, with 1 challenge per week to complete. These challenges will be revealed at the start of each week. At the end of the 4 weeks, point values will be tallied up and the clan with the most points wins the Cup!

Here's how to compete:
.: 1 :.
Sign up by posting here.
.: 2 :.
If you are participating for your clan, record yourself attempting the challenge for the week.
.: 3 :.
Send your clip to your clan representative so they can select the submissions they want to use for each week.
.:.: 3a :.:.
This representative is responsible for confirming that the clips follow the week specific, Overlay, and Video rules. These can be found in the Clan Cup Rules and PvM Cup threads.
.:.: 3b :.:.
Please send us no more than the correct amount of submissions in the form to be evaluated. Each week has a specific amount of submissions to be sent.
.: 4 :.
Once your clan representative has enough submissions for you clan, they should submit all of them to the form. This can be found on the PvM Cup thread.
.: 5 :.
The submission will then be evaluated, scored, and ranked by the Clan Cup Staff.
.: 6 :.
After the submissions are confirmed and assuming there are no disputes filed, the results will be posted in the first post of the PvM Cup thread.
.: 7 :.
Continue to do the above until all weeks are done!


Offline Altys

Re: Clan Cup!!
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2016, 21:01:44 »
Registration Template

Before signing up, make sure you read and understand the rules of the Cup on the Clan Cup 2016 Rules thread: Click here for the Clan Cup Rules thread.

Use this template to sign up for the PvM Cup:

Clan Name:
Clan Representatives (max 3):
As a representative do you understand what you are responsible for?:
Have you read all the rules? Breaking any could result in a disqualification:
There's a bit of complexity to the rules, are you sure you've read all of them?


To sign up go on forums and fill it out mainly leader so lilly :p


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