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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

The Arc - Knowing your surroundings.
« on: July 27, 2016, 12:21:06 »
Uncharted Isles

The Uncharted Isles is an island exploration system that randomly generates new islands, based around the player. You can find rare resources on the Uncharted Isles.

Getting started
There are no level requirements for players wishing to explore the Uncharted Isles. However, the player must have completed the quest Impressing the Locals to access the Wushanko Isles. The player may set sail to the Uncharted Isles with their crew by speaking with Quartermaster Gully given they have enough supplies to venture forth.

Supplies may be purchased from Rosie on Waiko with chimes. Rosie will also supply the player with 5 free supplies each day; These may be claimed from the crate next to Rosie's merchant stand. Rosie can hold up to 50 free supplies for the player if they forget to claim their free supplies.

Voyages of increasing lengths require greater amounts of supplies. While longer voyages do consume more supplies, they offer islands with greater quantities of items washed ashore and greater chances of special resources.

Voyage Distaance        Supplies required         Special resources available       
Long Voyage        20        3-5       
Median Expedition        12        2-3       
Short Junket        5        0-1       
Claimed Island        3        However many you claimed       

  • The Travelling merchant random event from Deep Sea Fishing can sell Uncharted island map (Deep Sea Fishing) for 800,000 coins that leads to an island with 4-6 special resources.
  • The rowboat found on the island may be used by players in need of accessing their bank while on an expedition. It may also be used to leave the island, or sail to other islands in the Arc.

Common resources
  • Bamboo
  • Crablets and Salt
  • Exuberry bush
  • Orokami
  • Tortles

Rare resources
  • Alaea Crablet
  • Dead moai
  • Golden Bamboo
  • Mushroom Cluster
  • Ornate tortle
  • Wobbegong

Washed ashore
Items are often found washed ashore the coasts of Uncharted Isles. These items will persist as long as the player remains on the isle, and can be picked up or looted. As such, pick all of them up and bank them before starting on other resources. Upon revisiting a claimed isle, the player may notice new items washed ashore.

On rare occasions, players may find a treasure chest washed ashore on an isle. Looting the chest will award the player 1–7 taijitu and occasionally provide stoneberry or stormberry seeds. On long voyages, there is about a 33.33% chance that players can find a treasure chest with about a 50% chance for it to be a Tier 1 chest and about a 25% chance for it to be a Tier 2 chest or Tier 3 chest.

Washed up supplies may also be found. No matter the size of the voyage, there is about a 20% chance that players can find washed up supplies on an isle. This averages about 0.5 supplies per voyage.

Claiming an island
After completing the Flag Fall miniquest, players gain the ability to purchase claim island flags which can be used to claim an Uncharted Isle. Once the player finds a suitable island for themselves, they may plant the flag on the island, with a confirmation message being given before being planted. The island will not be lost upon leaving, and can be revisited at the cost of three supplies regardless of its size. Resources on the island will be regenerated daily, resetting at 00:00 (UTC).

When travelling to new unclaimed islands, it is recommended to keep at least one claim island flag in the bank in case the islands encountered have a greater number of, or more preferred resources than the player's previously claimed island.

Since islands cannot be claimed until Flag Fall is completed, it is advised to go on Short Junkets until five driftwood can be collected and given to Boni (rewards).

Item        Costs (Chimes)        Information       
Flag        Free        Allows you to claim an uncharted island as your own       
Deck Chair        150       Adds a decked chair to your claimed island       
Hammock       250        A hammock to decorate your claimed island. Sleep in it to advance the time of day.       
Awning        250        Adds an awning to your claimed island       
Anchors        250       Adds some anchors to your claimed island       
Cannon        250      Adds a cannon to your claimed island       
Telescope        250      Adds a telescope to your claimed island       
Tortle Portle        350      Add two tortle portals to your claimed island to tortleport between them. Also can tortleport to the Divination merchant's island.     
Terracotta statue        500      Adds a terracotta statue to your claimed island       
Azure globe        750      Adds a azure globe  to your claimed island       
Moai        750      Adds a Moai head to your claimed island       
House        1,000      A building that allows one-way travel to your player-owned house.       


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2018, 20:34:47 »

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Waiko by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • Waiko teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • A trade hub where the player may exchange their gathered resources and processed resources for chimes and purchase supplies for exploration of the Uncharted Isles. The trade hub also contains 6 pekins.
    • Access to the contract system through Sojobo
    • 3 bait Fishing spots for raw tarpon (90 Fishing) and raw seerfish (91 Fishing)
    • 15 regular bamboo (90 Woodcutting) woodcutting spots
    • Waiko moai
    • Aminishi moai (After Head of the Family)
    • Message in a bottle to access Milky Bay
    • Message in a bottle to access Springbreak Island
    • Khan's house

    Bamboo Market 101
    Bamboo Market 101 is a shop run by Zhuka (bamboo merchant), where players may buy and sell bamboo and driftwood for chimes.

    Fish Oil Salesedit
    Fish Oil Sales is a shop run by Salmon Max (fish merchant), where players may buy and sell native fish products for chimes.

    Ports Reward Shopedit
    The Ports Reward Shop is a shop run by Boni. It sells Player-owned ports resources and trade goods. The shop can be found in the north east corner of the market area.

    Salty Goodsedit
    Salty Goods is a shop run by Yi Yan (salt merchant), where players may buy and sell items mined from crablets for chimes.

    Tang Chufangedit
    Tang Chufang is a shop run by Tang (food merchant), where players may buy and sell food products native to The Arc for chimes. The Waiko Grill provides a 5% chance of cooking duplicate Arc food, such as shark soup. Duplicate food is banked automatically, this stacks with Modified sous chef's toque.

    Torts R Usedit
    Torts R Us is a shop run by 'Reggie' (tortoise shell merchant), where players may buy and sell tortle products for chimes.

    Waiko Reward Shop
    The Waiko Reward Shop is a shop run by Boni that sells unlocks and upgrades pertaining to activities in The Arc, various reward items, customisations for the player's own island, and experience lamps. It is located in the north east corner of the market area.[/list]


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    Whale's Maw
    « Reply #2 on: May 09, 2018, 20:35:13 »
    Whale's Maw

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Whale's Maw by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • Whales Maw teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • 22 tortles which can be hunted
    • Net fishing spots for raw sillago (92 Fishing) and raw seerfish (91 Fishing); 6 on the northern pier and 5 on the south-eastern pier
    • Camp fire for Cooking (must be unlocked from reward shop)
    • A message in a bottle containing a treasure map leading to The Goon Docks


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    « Reply #3 on: May 09, 2018, 20:35:52 »

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Aminishi by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • Aminishi teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • Monsters: Sotapanna, Sakadagami, Anagami, Arhat
    • Access to the contract system through Ling
    • A message in a bottle containing a treasure map leading to Christmas Island
    • A message in a bottle containing a treasure map leading to The Island Which May or May Not Have Monkeys on It

    Spirit Realm
    During and after the Spiritual Enlightenment miniquest, the Spirit Realm can be accessed through the Well of Spirits requiring spirit dragon charms.

    Arhat, which are ascended spirit dragons reside here; requiring level 90 Slayer to kill.


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    « Reply #4 on: May 09, 2018, 20:36:13 »

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Goshima by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • Goshima teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • A dead moai, that releases negative energy springs, which when harvested at 90 Divination, gives negative energy and 33.5 experience per harvest. If you have positive energy (harvestable at 90 Divination) in your inventory, the negative and positive energy will combine and create ancestral energy.
    • 4 mushroom clusters containing the following kinds of Wushanko mushrooms: wushroom, immorel, corpsebloom, snufftruffle, and buttercap
    • Weather (rain)


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    Tuai Leit
    « Reply #5 on: May 09, 2018, 20:36:50 »
    Tuai Leit

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Tuai Liet by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • If Azalea Oakheart has been rescued from a castaway island, she will pilot a gnome glider between Tuai Leit and Tree Gnome Stronghold.
    • Tuai Liet teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • Berry planter
    • Farming area
    • Bamboo

    Berry Planter
    There is a berry planter on the island, in the square with the bank in it. There is enough space for two berry seeds to be planted side by side in it, which can result in cross pollination, giving a new type of berry seed, which can then be planted in the planter itself. It also gives a decent amount of berries and seeds of the original type planted there.

    Big Bada Bambooedit
    Big Bada Bamboo is a shop run by Alder (bamboo merchant), where players may buy and sell bamboo for chimes.

    Spirited Awayedit
    Spirited Away is a shop run by Sensei Seaworth, where players may buy and sell kami for chimes.

    Ani's Seed Store by the Sea Shoreedit
    Ani's Seed Store by the Sea Shore is a shop run by Ani (farming merchant), where players may buy and sell berry seeds for chimes.

    Terri's Merry Berry Baredit
    Terri's Merry Berry Bar is a shop run by Terri (fruit merchant), where players may buy and sell berries for chimes.


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    The Islands That Once Were Turtles
    « Reply #6 on: May 09, 2018, 20:37:24 »
    The Islands That Once Were Turtles

    Getting there
    • Players can travel to Cyclosis by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals.
    • Islands That Once Were Turtles teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

    Notable features
    • Tortle portals form a teleport system between the islands, which are designated as the fort (first island), the divine energy merchant (second island), and the divination colony (third island). The portals require level 90 Divination to activate, and 50 ancestral energies.
    • A dead moai with both positive and negative energy springs is on the third island.
    • The second island has the divine energy merchant, who buys negative, positive and ancestral energies.
    • 4 mushroom clusters are found throughout the islands. Sole source of wushroom, lactarius, paraspore, purple bellow, and the rare toastool.
    • Titchy Tinamou birds appear on Fridays on the first island, up on the western beach.
    • Three messages in bottles can be found only on certain days, in a rotation schedule; see castaways for the current appearance dates.


    Offline Cool like Redtunnel

    « Reply #7 on: May 09, 2018, 20:37:51 »

      Getting there
      • Players can travel to Cyclosis by talking to Quartermaster Gully located in Port Sarim, or Menaphos, after the player has completed the quest Impressing the Locals, and also having Cyclosis unlocked within the player-owned port.
      • Cyclosis teleports, purchased from Boni's Waiko Item Shop for 5 chimes, can be broken to teleport the player to the merchant hub on Waiko.

      Notable features
      • A dead moai, bleeding positive energy springs, requiring level 90 Divination to siphon.
      • Salty crabletines, found on the north-west shore, requiring level 90 Mining to mine.
      • Pickpocketable Cyclopes, requiring level 88 Thieving

      The Junk of One Cyclopsedit
      The Junk of One Cyclops is a shop run by Wan Pian (flotsam merchant), where players may buy and sell sea shells and driftwood for chimes.

      Sweet Goodsedit
      Sweet Goods is a shop run by Sinuman (food merchant), where players may buy and sell berries and berry seeds for chimes.[/list]


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