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Offline Cool like Redtunnel

RuneScape Tips & Tricks
« on: September 11, 2019, 20:38:17 »
  • Silverhawk boots count as the boots for the set bonus of the nimble agility skilling outfit
  • The Ring of Slaying is one of the best and cheapest ways to obtain Precious and Enhancing compentents. They can be crafted using an enchanted gem and a gold bar at any furnace
  • Yanille is the closest lodestone located near a fairy ring. Simply run north of the lodestone
  • You can buy various types of melee weapons from Sir Vivyn's store in the White Knight's Castle at a reasonably low price for components
  • You can high-alch items by dragging them from your inventory and into your coin pouch provided you are on the regular magic spellbook and have the runes to do so
  • You can set up your action bars to automatically switch when switching weapons. For example, you can set-up your first action bar to be switched to whenever you equip a Magic Dual Wield item.  You can also set-up your second action bar to automatically switch to it when you equip a Ranged 2H, etc.  Simply go to ESC > Settings > Gameplay > Combat > Action Bar Binding
  • You can teleport out of the wilderness, up to level 30, using a charged Amulet of Glory, as long as you are not teleblocked
  • You can user Super or Extreme divination potions to collect bigger Jars from Guthixian Cache that you may not have the required level for.
  • You can turn off Walk Markers by going to into Settings > Gameplay > Game Interaction > Then untick "Walk Malkers"
  • You can use /wiki [search here] in the chat to search the RuneScape wiki. Example: /wiki Amulet of fury


Offline Aqua

Re: RuneScape Tips & Tricks
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 20:58:37 »
silverhawk boots count as the boots for the set bonus of the nimble agility skilling outfit


Offline Cool like Redtunnel

Re: RuneScape Tips & Tricks
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2020, 17:32:35 »
Hopefully reviving this thread as there are new players in the clan and forums, who may end up seeing these, or add their own tips!

  • You can use /wiki [search here] in the chat to search the RuneScape wiki. Example: /wiki Amulet of fury
  • You can set up your action bars to automatically switch when switching weapons. For example, you can set-up your first action bar to be switched to whenever you equip a Magic Dual Wield item.  You can also set-up your second action bar to automatically switch to it when you equip a Ranged 2H, etc.  Simply go to ESC > Settings > Gameplay > Combat > Action Bar Binding
  • You can turn off Walk Markers by going to into Settings > Gameplay > Game Interaction > Then untick "Walk Malkers"


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