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How to use Imgur
« on: March 29, 2018, 20:53:41 »
Step 1 - Visit the Imgur website and sign in:
Visit the Imgur website and log into your account, which is located in the upper-right of the following picture. Don't have an account? Then create one! Trust me, it's worth it.

(click to show/hide)

Step 2 - Create your post:
Select 'New Post', found in the upper-left of the following screenshot.

(click to show/hide)

Step 3 - Upload your images:
Once selected, a little window will pop up, as displayed below. If you've copied an image you can press CTRL+V to paste the image and upload directly to Imgur. If the image is saved on your desktop then select 'browse', this will open up your libraries.

Select the images that you want to upload by pressing CTRL and clicking the images one at a time in order to mass upload, once you've selected them, click on 'open', usually found in the bottom-right of the window (I'm using Windows 7).

(click to show/hide)

Step 4 - Copying the Image Address:
Once uploaded, right click on the image and select 'Copy image address', which will copy the image url which you can use to upload here on the forums.
(click to show/hide)

Step 5 - Applying the BB code.
If you're uploading your image to the forums, such as your G&A thread, be sure to use the BB codes to save time. Here's the BB code you're going to need to select in order to upload your images.

(click to show/hide)

Finished Result
If you've correctly followed the above steps, your post should look something like this...

(click to show/hide)

Why should I create an account and what other benefits are there?

If you have an account and have mass-uploaded images before, Imgur will automatically sort them into albums for you. You can access your albums by hovering over your name in the top-right and selecting 'albums' that appears under your name.

Here's what it looks like when you access your albums. Do note that I'm only showing a fraction of my albums as there'd be too many to show off, lol.
(click to show/hide)

Imgur never removes your images
That's correct. Imgur will never remove your images UNLESS you want to manually remove the images yourself, or if you violate the guidelines.

(click to show/hide)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


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Re: How to use Imgur
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2018, 23:48:48 »
Thanks for the post mini, there's also an option that instantly creates the link with the BB code


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