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Offline MrAngel140

How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« on: September 11, 2019, 22:35:44 »
For all of these just open Notepad and type in the code.
Use at your own risk!

1. Continually Pop Out CD Drive Using Notepad

Don’t you think it would be fun if you could play with your friend by making his cd-drive pop again and again? Just enter the text below into notepad and save it as a .vbs file. Double click on the .vbs file to see it work.

(click to show/hide)

2. Shutting Down Computer Using Notepad

Just imagine, if instead of pressing on start button and then on the shutdown button and then on the ok option, you could just double click on an icon to shut your system down. The Notepad trick code written below does just that. Just save the file as a .vbs file, and press it when you need to shut down the system.

(click to show/hide)

3. Open Notepad Continually in Your Friend’s Computer

Just another Notepad trick to play with your friend’s system would be to set off a command which would open his/her notepad repetitively. Save as .batch file.

(click to show/hide)

4. Matrix Effect

Now we’ll discuss a Notepad trick that can turn our command prompt into something that looks like it just came out of the matrix movie, or maybe something that looks like something straight out of a hacker’s system. For doing this, all you need to do is paste the following code in notepad:

(click to show/hide)

now you’ll need to save this file with an extension .bat

5. Toggle Capslock Repeatedly Using Notepad

You can play with someone’s computer, or maybe your own computer by writing a script that can toggle Caps Lock repeatedly.

Just copy and Paste the code written down below into notepad, and save as a .vbs file

(click to show/hide)

6. Typing Slow

This is a trick which will cause the text to be typed slowly, to try it out, just copy and paste the text below into notepad and save it as a .vbs file.

(click to show/hide)

It does nothing but introduces a small delay between different strings it types.

7. Deleting Startup Files Using Notepad

A way to devastate a PC would be to remove the files that help it to start up. Though not advisable, this is the code that has the power to do it.

(click to show/hide)

This will shut the computer down and delete files required to get your computer into a normal state.

Don’t try doing this on your computer unless and until you wish to loose all your data.

8. Hit Backspace Continuously

Ok, we need the backspace button, but what is we wish to annoy someone and make it press itself again and again, mechanically it would require some work on our part, but if we just use this code, it would become a lot more easier.

(click to show/hide)

Save as a .vbs file to make it work.

9. Typing Something Again and Again

A code to type something again and again is mentioned below, you can use it to write anything again and again and again, until you get it out of the loop.

(click to show/hide)

save it as a .vbs file to make it work.

10. Turn Your Keyboard Into an EDM Festival

Ever wish your keyboard was more 1) annoying and 2) festive? Well, thanks to this trick you can make that happen. Save as .vbs file.

(click to show/hide)

What is happening is the computer is rapidly toggling the CAPS lock, NUMBER lock, and SCROLL lock on and off (which usually lights an LED on most keyboards). This is very annoying if you want to actually use your keyboard for typing. If you want to turn it off, you have to 1) restart the computer or 2) in Windows 10, go to Task Manager and end "Microsoft Windows Based Script Host."

11. Create password protected folder using notepad

Yes you can password protect any folder using simple Notepad trick to secure your important data form others. Type the following code. Instead of “Zillowtech” written in the code, type in the password of your wish. Save the file as private.bat and choose File type as All Files (*.*). Double click on the file private.bat. A Private folder will be created Named “Zillowtech” in which you can move the files and folders that you want to protect. Now, a password will be required to open this folder.

(click to show/hide)

12.  Format hard drive
Dangerous, use with caution!

This code will delete all your hard drive data. Just copy the below code and paste in notepad and save it as “anyname.exe”. And Run the .exe to fomat the same drive, Where you have saved the .exe file.

(click to show/hide)

13. Disable Mouse Controls

Well, you should never try this on your computer, because this method disables the mouse controls on your computer.

(click to show/hide)

Paste the above code in notepad and save it as disablemouse.bat in your computer.


Offline Cherrycrush

Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2019, 23:49:04 »
I bet @Redtunnel has done some of these to someone before  XD


Offline Nikkie

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Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2019, 00:24:22 »
The temptation when I wanna try some but will end up raging when I cant stop it...


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Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2019, 07:03:42 »
These are amazingly devious  3:) 3:) 3:) 3:) 3:) !!!! I love it! Can I safely copy/paste these in a Word doc to save them without activating them all at once? lol


Offline MrAngel140

Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2019, 07:52:29 »
These are amazingly devious  3:) 3:) 3:) 3:) 3:) !!!! I love it! Can I safely copy/paste these in a Word doc to save them without activating them all at once? lol

yeah it wont do anything in a word doc. only once saved as the proper file.


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2019, 10:18:21 »
I bet @Redtunnel has done some of these to someone before  XD
The only person I've messed with like that was my sister's crazy ex. If he wanted to use the computer and I told him no because I was doing something on there, he would get violent and literally push me away from there. I mostly did things that messed with his internet connection. Fortunately he wasn't bright enough to realize I was responsible. Last I heard, he was serving time for assaulting a police officer.
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"


Offline Joe

Re: How to have fun or mess up someones PC - w/ Notepad
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2019, 23:21:12 »
I did one to my teacher in middle school that made a small pop-up appear about 50 times that said "LOOK!  I'm bothering you!"  The only option was to click the 'Close' button but as soon as you did that, another window popped up. 

It was a good day.


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