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Offline Holyhammerr

70 Farming/80 Farming Recommended (Ugune Seed/Samaden Seed)
74 Hunting/81 Hunting Recommended (Igneous/Camo/Saradomin Jadinko's)
80 Slayer/91 Slayer Recommended (Baby/Guard/Male Mutalated Jadinko's)
64 Herblore/87 Herblore Recommended (Juju Farming Potion, Perfect Juju Prayer Potion)

For the most profit out of Herblore Habitat, your going to want to make Perfect JuJu Prayer Potions and Reg JuJu Farming potions.
Start off trapping Igneous and Saradomin Jadinko's to get a good stock pile of Marble and Saradomin Vines. Your also going to want to collect a few Striped Vines from Camoflaged Jadinko's "tracking" to help you get more Samaden Seeds as you will find they are a very rare seed to get.
Planting herbs should be done with super compost, and the Samaden in the main herb patch, ALWAYS PAY to have it watched by the gardener. Payment for Samaden Seeds only costs 5x Kalferberries. In the second herb patch on the island your going to want to plant Ugune Seeds,as they are much more common of a seed to come by than Samaden Seeds are. When it comes time to harvest the herb patchs, always have a Juju Farming potion active to increase your crop yield chances. It is also recommended to have a green-fingers aura active as well.
Samaden Seeds are by far the most difficult herb seed to acquire in herblore habitat, they cannot be bought from the G.E. and they are rarely ever received from trapping Jadinkos. The best method I've found to get the most vine herb seeds for the littlest amount of time and effort is from the Offering Stone in Jadinko Lair. Every Jadinko you kill gives you a certain amount of points toward the offering stone. Mut Jad babies give 3pts, Mut Jad Guards give 7pts, and Mut Jad Males give 10. You can also receive points from woodcutting and firemaking in the lair but killing Mutalated Jadinko Males if the fastest by far. There is a maximum of 2,000 points, once you cap your points. Your going to want to go back up to Herblore Habitat and set the requirements/attract for a Carrion Jadinko. Once you see that you have attracted Carrion Jadinko's, bring a Striped Vine to Papa Mambo and ward off Common Jadinko's for 15mins. After you have warded off Common Jads, run back or port back to Jadinko Lair and use all your points on the offering stone for "Seeds and Spirit Bags". You will receive all Vine Herb seeds, Normally you will get anywhere from 1 - 6 Samaden Seeds every 2,000 points you offer. Rinse and repeat as needed for herb seeds.
(Juju Farming Potion) - Unf Ugune -> Marble Vine
(Perfect Juju Prayer Potion) - Unf Samaden -> Saradomin Vine = (Saradomin's Blessing) + Harmony Moss

If you have any question's about this guide feel free to contact me in-game or at [email protected]


Offline Only Lilly

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  • Join Date: Sep 2011
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  • Awards This player has 200m EXP in the skill: Fishing!
  • Rsn: Only Lilly
This makes things clear

nice guide thanks


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