April fools is upon us and Jagex has once again did something fun for the occasion.
I would like to add before I start that this is not a skiller friendly event. (Unless some clever clogs figures out a way to kill men without getting exp)
Did you get one of these in your inventory when you logged in today?

Confused? I was too.
This is a J-Mod check off list and to get the reward you need to find them all.
The J-mods are Player Owned Farm "animals" so therefore you find them by killing men and it looks to be a 50% drop rate.
The best place I've seen for killing regular men is Edgevil, just north of the bank. There's a house with about 6-7.
This is rather fun at first but there's 25 J-Mods to find and even though it's a 50% drop rate, it's a 1/25 chance to get the correct J-Mod you're looking for. And there's no destroy all option.
You can put these in your medium pens in you Player Owned Farm and it's the only chance you'll ever get to be in a breeding pen with Mod Mohawk, unfortunately.
And I urge you all to check out the animal info for little jokes like this one.
Now onto the rewards.
I'll put it in spoiler just in case people want to find out what the reward is for themselves.
Once you've found all 25 J-mods you unlock this title:

And I think that's about it from what I can tell.
Happy J-mod hunting.
And of course, happy 'scaping.