This is a guide on how to setup your D&D/Minigame tracker so you don't miss any D&D's & Minigames!
Step 1:
Open up your Settings window -> Interface, you will see this
Click on the checkbox to activate reset timers on the game clock.
Now you will have a circle with a golden star next to your gameclock.
If you hover over it you will see the reset times; Daily, Weekly and monthly.
Step 2:
Press Esc, then click on the adventures icon (quest symbol).
Then go to the Minigames tab, now you see a list of minigames and D&D's
Let's take for example Sinkholes, click on a D&D you would like to add.
Click on the round star icon with a plus icon nex to it.
Now the minigame or D&D is added to your reset list next to your gameclock, you can add as D&D's or minigames as you want.
Also when a minigame or D&D is about to start you will get a text message in you chatbox.
I hope this quick guide was usefull for some peaple who didn't yet know this