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[Guide] Illuminated God Books!
« on: March 02, 2016, 01:59:22 »
Illuminated God Books!

Why do I need an Illuminated God Book?
Excluding Scrimshaws, Illuminated God books are one of the most strongest items to date that you can equip in your pocket slot with a +4 Prayer Bonus and +7 Melee, Magic and Ranged strength bonuses.

Sounds good, what are the requirements?
• Horror from the deep.
      • Completed God Book.
             • One Piercing Note.
• Level 60 Prayer & Crafting.

Each of the four steps in copying the book requires 200–250 Prayer points, with each successive step requiring fewer Prayer points. Therefore, having 80 Prayer makes the process of creating illuminated god books faster and easier.

• The first time each type of book is crafted, 10,000 prayer and crafting experience will be given.
• Illuminated God Book!

I have what's required, what now?
You're going to want to take your God Book to the Citharede Abbey, East of Al Kharid. When you've made it to the Citharede Abbey head to the most southern-middle room (see image)

(click to show/hide)

When there, you will see a book-making table - use your God Book on the table.

These steps must be done in order, otherwise the god book will be ruined:
1) Copy text
2) Embellish initial capitals
3) Add colour
4) Add gold leaf
If you run out of Prayer points required to finish a step, there is an altar in the oratory at the east end of the abbey to recharge Prayer.

Types of Illuminated God Books & their bonuses
• Regardless of the type of Illuminated God Book they will all have +4 Prayer Bonus and +7 Melee, Magic and Ranged strength bonuses.
• As long as it's the right God Page (ie; Zamorak Page 1-4 for an Illuminated Book of Chaos) you may charge the book up for 45 minutes per page giving you access to passive effects.
• The passive has a 5% chance per hit to activate.

Illuminated Book of Wisdom
• God: Saradomin
• Passive Effect: The passive has a 5% chance to activate per hit. When it activates, a lightning strike hits the target for 165-275% damage (55-165% in PvP). This is based on Commander Zilyana's attack.

Illuminated Book of Chaos
• God: Zamorak
• Passive Effect: When it activates, a dark explosion hits the target and the surrounding targets in a 3x3 area for 150-250% damage (split over all targets) (PvP: 50-150%). Based on K'ril Tsutsaroth's 'YARRR' attack.

Illuminated Book of Balance
• God: Guthix
• Passive Effect: When it activates, the sword of edicts falls on the target, then burns and explodes. This deals an initial hit of 90-150%, 3 hits of 7.5-12.5%, and finally a hit of 37.5-62.5% (with the final hit being split in a 3x3 area, if there are multiple targets nearby), for a total of 150-250%. (PvP: initially 30-90%, 3 hits of 2.5-7.5%, and 12.5-37.5 AoE; total 50-150%).

Illuminated Book of Law!
• God: Armadyl
• Passive Effect: When it activates, a tornado spins at the target's location dealing 4 hits of damage in 4 ticks, dealing 30-50%, 30-50%, 60-100%, and 60-100% damage for a total of 180-300% damage (PvP: 10-30%, 10-30%, 20-60%, 20-60%; total 60-180%). If the target moves from the tornado, the damage is halted. This is based on Kree'arra's hard mode special attack.

Illuminated Book of War
• God: Bandos
• Passive Effect: When it activates, a shockwave hits the target, dealing 90-150% damage (PvP: 30-90%), and reduces the target's defence by 5% for 10 seconds and defence level by 5. This is based on General Graardor's hard mode ranged attack.

Illuminated Ancient Book
• God: Zaros
• Passive Effect: When it activates, icicles hit and surround the target, dealing 120-200% damage (PvP: 40-120%) and binding the target for 4 seconds. This is based on Nex's ice prison attack.

Note: If Illuminated God Books are lost, you may reclaim another one from your Player-House for a fee of 120,000 coins - You may not own more than one copy of the same illuminated god book at once.


Offline Danielle

Re: [Guide] Illuminated God Books!
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2016, 08:05:08 »


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