Clan Forum => Guides => Invention Guides => Topic started by: Holyhammerr on March 02, 2016, 06:02:14
By: Holyhammer
Just a list i made to help me with invention perks so i didn't have to look up each perk and its required components or gizmo. Some Descriptions of perks are opinion based, negative perks are not included and components for some situational perks not listed. List was color coordinated originally for ppl like Ryus to understand better, so attachment to color coordinated list included :P
Perk/Max Rank/Type of Gizmo/Description/Components (Uncommon not listed)
Absorbative (Def)
Absorbative 3 Armour 20% chance to reduce an attack by 5% per rank using 30 seconds of charges. Strong components Fungal components
Biting (Offense)
Biting 3 Weapon, Armour +2% chance per rank to critically hit opponent.
Direct components Noxious comps
Brassican (food)
Brassican 1 Weapon, Armour Always sometimes cabbages.
Brassican Components Fortunate Components
Brief Respite (Healing)
Brief Respite 3 Armour Reduces cooldown for Guthix's Blessing and Rejuvenate by 5% per rank, and total healing by 1% per rank. Corporeal components Culinary components
Bulwark (Def)
Bulwark 3 Armour Debilitate deals no damage but gains up to 6% per rank extra duration from shield value. Heavy components Powerful components Resilient components
Clear Headed (Reduce adrinaline loss after combat)
Clear Headed 3 Weapon, Armour Anticipate lasts one additional second per rank, but no longer reduces damage taken. Stunning components Variable components
Crackling (Offense)
Crackling 3 Weapon, Armour Periodically zaps the target for 50% weapon damage per rank in PvM, or 10% per rank in PvP. Imbued components Explosive components
Demon Slayer (Offense)
Demon Slayer 1 Weapon, Armour Deal +2% damage to demons. Dextrous components Ancient components
Devoted (Def/Prayers)
Devoted 3 Armour 3% chance per rank on being hit that protection prayers will work at 100% (or 75% in PvP) for 3 seconds. Arma/bando/sara/Zam Components
Dragon Slayer (Offense)
Dragon Slayer 1 Weapon, Armour Deal +2% damage to dragons. Enhancing components Dragonfire Components
Efficient (Save money)
Efficient 3 Weapon, Armour Charge drain rate for this item is reduced by 6% per rank. Healthy components Ascended components Shifting components
Energising (Energy at the cost of damage)
Energising 3 Weapon, Armour Slice, Piercing Shot, Punish, and Wrack deal 20% less damage, but generate 0.6 additional adrenaline per rank. Enhancing components Imbued components Refined components
Enlightened (Up to 3% xp)
Enlightened 3 Weapon, Armour +3% Item XP gained per rank (for the item it's installed on) Pious components Seren components
Equilibrium (Steady damage)
Equilibrium 3 Weapon Increases minimum hit by 3% per rank, and decreases maximum hit also by 1% per rank. This effect does not stack with the Equilibrium aura. Precise components Rumbling components
Genocidal (Slayer damage boost)
Genocidal 1 Weapon, Armour Deal up to 7% extra damage depending on how far you are through your Slayer task. Powerful components Bandos components Undead components
Glow Worm (light source)
Glow Worm 1 Weapon, Armour Provides light equivalent to a bullseye lantern.
Hoarding (protects 2 items on death)
Hoarding 1 Weapon, Armour Protect Item protects two items instead of one. Does not work in PVP areas.
Impatient (Up to 9% adrinaline gain per basic)
Impatient 3 Weapon, Armour 9% chance per rank for basic abilities to generate 3 extra adrenaline. Zamorak components Zaros components
Invigorating (Up to 30% adrenaline gain from auto-attacks)
Invigorating 3 Weapon, Armour Boosts adrenaline gained from auto-attacks by 10% per rank. Culinary components Oceanic components
Looting (Raw rocktail,raw cavefish,runite ore,adamant ore,elder log,magic log 5min cd)
Looting 1 Weapon, Armour Most enemies have a 25% chance to drop an additional high-level resource.
Lucky (Saradomin warpriest def ability, up to 2.5%)
Lucky 5 Armour 0.5% chance per rank when hit that the damage dealt will be reduced to 1. Fortunate components Silent components
Mobile (movement pvp)
Mobile 1 Weapon, Armour Reduces cooldown of Surge, Escape and Barge by 50%, but these abilities no longer generate adrenaline. Dextrous components Subtle components
Precise (minor damage increase)
Precise 5 Weapon Increases your minimum damage by 1.5% per rank of your maximum damage. Precise components Armadyl components
Preparation (PVP)
Preparation 3 Armour Preparation's duration and cooldown are increased by 15% per rank. Heavy components Harnessed components
Reflexes (10% def reduction more often)
Reflexes 1 Armour Anticipation's duration and cooldown are halved. Dextrous components Harnessed components
Scavenging (Up to 1.5% chance on components)
Scavenging 3 Weapon, Armour 1% chance per rank to get an uncommon Invention component as a drop from combat (with a 1% chance it will be a rare component instead). Precious components
Shield Bashing (Up to 145% damage)
Shield Bashing 3 Weapon, Armour Debilitate's damage is increased by 15%, and its cost is increased by 2 adrenaline, per rank. Protective components Swift components
Spendthrift (Damage you pay for up to 5% chance at 5% damage)
Spendthrift 5 Weapon 1% chance per rank to deal 1% extra damage per rank, at the cost of 1 gold coin per extra point of damage dealt. Fortunate components Saradomin components
Taunting (Tank/Afk combat)
Taunting 1 Weapon, Armour Provoke affects enemies in a 3x3 square around its target. Knightly Components
Trophy-taker (Slayer Buff/Debuff)
Trophy-taker's 5 Weapon, Armour 3% per rank chance a slain creature will add zero kills to its Slayer contract; 2% per rank chance it will add 2 kills. Powerful components Variable components
Turtling (Shield Recommended Perk)
Turtling 3 Armour The Barricade ability's duration and cooldown are both increased by 10% per rank. Evasive components
Ultimatums 3 Weapon, Armour Reduces the adrenaline cost of Overpower, Frenzy, Unload and Omnipower by 5% per rank. Does not stack with other ultimate adrenaline saving effects. Explosive components Shifting components
Undead Slayer (Offense)
Undead Slayer 1 Weapon, Armour Deal +7% damage to undead monsters. Living components Undead components
Venomblood (defense)
Venomblood 1 Armour Regular poison damage is negated. Evasive components Healthy components Pestiferous components
Wise (Up to 3% xp or 150k xp per day)
Wise 3 Weapon, Armour While equipped, +1% per rank additional experience, up to 50,000 XP per day. Ethereal components Pious components Seren components
Love this - thank you so much Holy!
Thank you very much for this - it's really good.
Thanks for the guide, Holy! I've been waiting for someone to create something like this for a bit now \:D/ Awesome job!
Omg, thanks a lot!