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Invention Guide - Technology Trees!
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:22:18 »
To create the following items you must first purchase the item from the representative Technology Tree. You can do this by interacting with a Technology Board found near the Invention benches.

You can earn currency by interacting with a Technology Board and selecting tasks - Here you will tasks that you can complete for currency. Upon completing these tasks you will earn X reward points.

This board is updated with new tasks every 12 hours.

Important information:
  • To begin unlocking from the Goblin Technology tree, you must speak to Oldak in the North-Western part of Dorgesh-kaan.
  • To begin unlocking from the Dwarven Technology tree, you must speak to Drorkar in the middle-Western part of the Dwarven City
  • You must unlock the tier above before you can progress to the next tier! (Example; You can't unlock the Tier 4 Technology Tree without first buying from the Tier 3 Technology Tree.)

To view how to make these devices please visit this thread!

Dwarven Technology Trees

Tier 1 - Level 40 Invention - 10 Dwarven Currency
• Corporeal components

Allows you to use corporeal components in a gizmo.

Tier 2 - Level 50 Invention - 25 Dwarven Currency
• Sprinkler MK1

A persisent device that is placed in a flower patch and keeps adjacent vegetable patches watered.

• Mining Accumulator
A contraption for collecting information on failed mining attempts for later study(EXP).

Tier 3 - Level 60 Invention - 35 Dwarven Currency
• Book Switcher

A consumable device that allows you to change your current spell book or prayers at a bank.

• Calorie Bomb
A consumable device that can be charged with fish to deploy for area-of-effect healing.

Tier 4 - Level 70 Invention - 55 Dwarven Currency
• Auto-sanctifier

A consumable device that increases the prayer experience of buried bones and scattered ashes on the go {Ten charges}

• Kinetic Cyclone
A melee variant of the mulicannon capable of rapidly hitting multiple targets in melee range {Cannonballs needed}

• Dungeoneering lock Melter
A consumable device that can bypass and unlock any non-key door in Dungeoneering you don't meet the requirements for.

Please note that skillers are unable to access this technology tree.

Goblin Technology Trees

Tier 1 - Level 40 Invention - 10 Goblin Currency
• Pestiferous components

Allows you to use pestiferous components in a gizmo.

Tier 2 - Level 50 Invention - 25 Goblin Currency
• Mechanised Chincompa

A high-level multi-target stackable Ranged thrown weapon. You can make 5 at a time.
Stats: 1694 Ranged Hit Bonus -- 994 Damage!

• Woodcutting Accumulator
A contraption for collecting information on failed woodcutting attempts for later study{EXP}.

Tier 3 - Level 60 Invention - 35 Goblin Currency
• B.A.N.K. Stander

A consumable device that generates charge whilst you are stood in a bank area. When fully charged it breaks down into invention materials. Crafting this device requires refined components.

• Monkey mind-control Helmet
A device that allows for the acquisition of a monkey to serve as a servant in your player-owned house.
Does similar roles to that of the Demon butler, but you don't have to pay money, ever!

Tier 4 - Level 70 Invention - 55  Goblin Currency
• Dungeoneering party simulator

A consumable device that increases the experience gained for completing Dungeoneering floors in parties of four or fewer.

• Electrified box trap
A consumable variant of the standard box trap with impeccable catch rates.

• Oldak coil
A magic variant of the multicannon capable of frequently hitting small groups of enemies at medium range {Requires cannonballs}

Please note that skillers are unable to access this technology tree.


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