Mainhand: Precise 5 (7.5% dps boost)
Precise 5 is from 5 Armadyl components. Get these by disassembling warpriest of Armadyl armor (1 component) or 2 augmented Armadyl buckler (level 9).
Overall cost: 0 (with 5 warpriest) or ~6m for 8 Armadyl components
Alternative Mainhand: Precise 2 + Equilibrium 2
Precise 2 Equilibrium 2 (or P2E2) is obtained from 5 precise components. Get these by disassembling bows (strung or unstrung). (6% DPS boost)
Unlike Precise 5, P2E2 isn't guaranteed. You may need just 5 components to get it first try, or 150 components to get it on the 30th try. Typically should cost you ~500k (I suggest going for P3E2 instead, little more expensive but worth it!)
If you get Precise 3 Equilibrium 2, use that instead. It's slightly rarer but gives about the same damage boost as Precise 5. (7.5%)
If you get Precise 4 Equilibrium 2... praise RNG gods, it's 1/1411 with 120 invention + boost. Typically costs 400m+ to get. (9% DPS boost)
Offhand: Scavenging 2 + any positive perk (either nothing or scavenging. spendthrift will cost you ALOT of money and antitheism disables protection prayers)
This is just a suggestion and will not increase DPS in any way. It will merely save you money in the long run by gathering components as you PVM via slayer, bosses and more. Sofar I've saved the best part of 50m with Scavenging 2. If you get very lucky you can get Scavenging 3.
To get Scavenging 2, use 5 precious components in a weapon gizmo.
Preciouscomponents are gathered easiest/cheapest by disassembling Rings of slaying.
If you're too lazy to make rings, disassemble diamond necklaces or diamond amulets.
Alternative Offhand: Aftershock 3
This gives about a 3.5-4% DPS boost.
Made from 5 Ilujankan components which also requires 2500 Zaros rep at GWD2 (making a guide on rep shortly, will be linked here

Get this by disassembling Dragon Rider Lances or Zaros Anima Core armor augmented and at level 9.
Will cost you quite a bit, I suggest sticking to Scavenging 2 til you're at a higher tier of PVM before going for these perks

Aftershock 3 works as, for every 50k damage you deal you deal an additional spike of ~120% damage striking your target and everything around it. Better idea to have this on a mainhand weapon as if you remove it, it resets the damage counter from up to 50k to 0.
Alternative Offhand: Equilibrium 3
This gives about a 4.5% DPS boost, but do not use if you have Equilibrium 2 on your mainhand weapon. Only if you have Precise 5.
Made from 5 Rumbling components.
Get this by disassembling tectonic armor or raids armor augmented at level 9 or Drygores augmented at level 9.
Like Aftershock 3, this will cost you quite a bit, I suggest sticking to Scavenging 2 til you're at a higher tier of PVM before going for these perks

If you have a 2 handed weapon, put mainhand and offhand in the 2 slots on the weapon. Dual wield have 1 slot each.