Hello Consentus!
I have been in this clan once before, on my previous account, Double Roons (now known as Kayd0n). My idea with that account was to get 99 RC untrimmed, and continue to get RC xp and gain lots of moneyssss. Due to Nature Rune's crashing I got 91 RC, and made like 250k / hr doing Double Nats, so It was not worth it to me

Therefore, I made this skiller!
My main goal is to get 99 Prayer Untrimmed, an then get all other stats to 13,000,000 xp, eventually having a mass 99 party!

Check out my G&A thread to stay updated on what I'm doing. I hope to join consentus once I hit 20m xp.
About Me:
Well, my name is Cody. I am 18 years young. I work, still advancing my education, and love to play RuneScape!. I have played since 2003, my cousin got me into the game. at first I thought it was dumb, but then I created an account and begun my adventure. I played RS alot in my younger days, hopping around on many different accounts, not knowing the real play of the game or how to be 'good'. i just spent most my time killing cows, leveling range, and what not. My highest cash stack was like, 40k? (Which I thought was ALOT back then) until I started to take the game more seriously around 2009 or so. Now I know just about every aspect of the game, and numerous training methods for eacch skill. I hope to acheiving my goals, I aim high, but I succeed greatly.

Will work on this more later...