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Offline Emma

Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2013, 05:37:19 »
thanks for your posts guys. Abbie, that was an essay! :P


Offline Winter

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Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2013, 13:35:22 »
thanks for your posts guys. Abbie, that was an essay! :P

Sorry, I couldn't help it. :P


Offline Emma

Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2013, 07:56:08 »
Hehe In a good way. Was nice to hear how Lilly went so far out of her way to put your mum at ease


Offline Emma

Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2013, 10:20:19 »
I just read through this again and it's in need of some new tales or updates. :)



Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2013, 10:20:36 »
I'll make sure to re-write mine. :)


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #35 on: September 10, 2013, 20:08:10 »
Ive been reading these again, how much changes in a year

re read yours and for those that havent posted maybe its time you did.


Offline Egypt

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Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #36 on: September 11, 2013, 00:14:50 »
Oki here's my story ^_^

When clans first came out, I thought of making a simple clan just for me and my friends. We called our clan Skull
All I did in Runescape at that time was PKing, so our clan was all about wildy and w57, solo PKing, group PKing, chasing and clan wars

I enjoyed PKing with my friends since 2008. Believe it or not, I had the honor to meet and fight many famous PKers in Runescape such as l LionHart l, 0wnz of Fury, Mx, Telly (and her twin sister), Most Dreaded, Sudan, Isa Albania, 1mpure Elf, Egyptiio and many others who I can't remember their names

Many of them quitted due to many reasons, so the clan was dead by 2012

I joined w25's Royals of FOG for about 2 monthes then left after the EOC update as it was dead right after it
EOC had officially ended my PKing days, as low defence never worked great for me

In August 2012, a friend of mine whose RSN was Musho talked to me about this clan, how organised it was and the people in it
I was also surprised to hear that the clan had an official forum that I could sign up on to get an invitation
I signed up and applied on September 4th 2012, then quitted to concentrate on my studies. I was never active on the forum or Runescape until June 12th 2013 after I got back to Egypt

I don't know if Musho still plays or has quitted, but I can never repay him this, so thank you so much :)

I've liked Consentus since the first time I've heard about it, I've spent such an interesting time with you guys in these past monthes and I look forward to spending more time with you in the future, Consentus has always been my second family <33

Any friendship is temporary, no matter how strong it is. But families, they last forever ;)



Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #37 on: September 11, 2013, 07:00:21 »
Awesome story Nour!

I got Musho on fb :p used to talk to him a lot and it was his birthday the other day


Offline Tommykillme

Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2013, 06:14:51 »
I'm quite surprised that I haven't written something on this thread. Well, here goes..

My Runescape career started way back in 2003 when I first heard of the game through friends. I played as a regular main account, not achieving anything noteworthy. This interest ended around 2007, due to the game not being popular amongst my friends.

When I attended University, starting in 2010, I found myself with a lot more free time. Looking back through the nostalgia of games I used to play I found myself back on Runescape. By watching videos on YouTube, I decided that making a Skiller seemed like a great idea since I disliked combat training. Thus, Tommykillme was created.

My account started its first year of life as pure free to play. I have no clue how I survived this. Eventually getting members in 2011, I set myself on the task of maxing as a Skiller. This will still take me many years.

Becoming active in the skilling community, I found myself swiftly rising through the ranks of Clan Hopefull to the position of Administrator. During this period I began speaking to Lilly on clan related terms, such as clan wars and banning. This was bless fully turned in to a friendship. Lilly supported me when I became down and fed up of my role in the clan. This kind offering of a shoulder to lean/cry on is something rarely seen in the Skiller community.

When time came, I joined Consentus fully. I remember the first impression I had of Consentus was, woah everyone is very personal with each other. This is what I loved and still love about Consentus, the strong and close bonds we all make with each other.

Lilly being the kind soul she is gave me both a home and the greatest friends.

Harmony in everything we do ~



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2013, 11:38:10 »
OK, i'll start at the beginning.

(click to show/hide)

Love Not Dave Dave Kevin :)

Oh the memories :')



Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #40 on: November 07, 2013, 11:10:37 »
Ok this is my story.

I started playing RuneScape early this year. My partner told me that i would like this game but i wasn't to sure. He gave me one of he's old accounts to try out and see if i like it. I never really played any mmo games before, so this is my first, i'm more of a sports gamer to be honest.

Then a few weeks went bye and i really started to like it, there wasn't much people being mean everyone was nice and helpful, i was soloing it at the time i wasn't in a clan or anything just having fun. I asked my partner if i can create my own account but then he told me: (well now that you like it you can have that account cause i don't play anymore and i don't want it going to waste). Then he told me about how do i think about going into a clan. 

To be honest i didn't really know how i would like it, i mean i never been in one before i have no idea if there is anything i need to do, i was really clueless about the whole thing. One day we spent the whole day looking to see if there are any clans that i might like to join, so we looked up on youtube and the we found Consentus. looked up on the videos and all, checked out the forums and joined the guest chat on rs. i liked how everyone was nice and friendly so i asked to join. i didn't meet the requirements at first so i tried my best to meet them, took me awhile but told myself that it is worth it.

Now look I've been in this clan for awhile now and i love it everyone is nice and friendly it's a big family to me not a clan.

To all that mad this clan family happen I'am grateful for you to put in the effort and time into it. Family Consentus forever ^_^



Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #41 on: November 07, 2013, 13:36:50 »
I started playing Runescape back in year 6, when I moved to a different school and everyone in that year was playing it. I never knew what it was but my best friend at the time came round my house, he was on it and I loved the look of it. So then I went on to make my own account that day which I still have now but do not play.

I found out what a skiller was and I decided to make one along with my friend, he played it so much more than me at the time because we had a family shared computer and I couldn't get on because sisters were always doing school work-.- but when I got on I managed to gain a few levels. After making account upon account, skillers upon skillers I finally made one which was known as Saint Conn x at the time. This is when I found out about Consentus, I was in the Saints Skilling clan a long time ago and I can't remember who it was but someone mentioned Consentus, I decided to join and see what it was like. Since that moment I have fell in love.

After being in Consentus for around 2-3 years, can't remember exactly I have never been a member because I am too lazy to get the requirements and I keep making new accounts! Now though with my new account, I believe I am going to stick to. Hopefully one day I will be able to become a member of the clan;)

Met so many good people within the clan and very good friends within the clan as well. I hope in my time to come there is a lot more people that I will meet and become good friends with to.

That's how I started RS and Consentus.


Offline Emma

Re: The Consentus Love
« Reply #42 on: June 24, 2014, 09:30:57 »
I think it's time to revive this? So many member changes since it was made, add your own stories? :)


Offline maraderkholm

Re: Your story- Consentus Love
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2014, 04:30:44 »
I played for a long time without a clan.  Actually started looking into clans when I was trying to level crafting and heard about citadels.  I joined a clan that I really liked but there were two issues.  One was there was a lot of drama - and people disappeared and there were kind of people who knew what was going on and rumors.  I didn't get involved in a lot of that - on at odd hours - but it was kind of hard to have people you skilled with or grew to like a lot all of a sudden leave - and a lot of people I became friends with would get very frustrated at the veil of silence or would leave when people they liked were kicked and people didn't always know why.  The other issue was it was an adult clan.  They didn't allow members under 18 and at the time my oldest was 16. 
  I wound up taking about a 3 month hiatus from Runescape (my health issues have been worse for a year or two - hoping that will turn around but sorry - I am having these flare-ups...) and when I got back I was really surprised to see I had been kicked.  I talked to some people I knew in the clan - some didn't realize I had been kicked, others were surprised because there were people who had been in the clan and been gone much longer who were still in - although I had only been in the clan about a year and change - I had been pretty active - I finally got a hold of a clan owner.  He said that they just went through a massive clean-up and I had gotten caught in the net - and that he felt bad - but he didn't offer me a spot back - a lot of the people I had been friends with had changed clans - and I kind of felt it was an opportunity to look for a more permanent home.
  I posted in the RS forums under clans wanted.  I said upfront I wanted a clan that my kids eventually could be in - that was low drama - that was not high pressure - and that would be ok if I needed to take breaks.  I got a bunch of responses.  I talked to several of the recruiters but Lily's post really stood out immediately - and I, from the start, selected Consentus.  I have been very happy here.
  I like the transparency, the friendliness, and the openness.  I appreciate that you guys have let my kids remain members even though they kind of have short attention spans (and honestly play rs mostly because I like it - it is not really their style - hopefully that will change!
  Thank you all!


Offline Emma

Re: Your story- Consentus Love
« Reply #44 on: July 30, 2014, 08:04:19 »
Thanks for sharing that Debbie, it was very interesting. :)

I can't see us booting you from the clan!


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