Public Forum > Introductions & Departures

Your story- Consentus Love

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I'm starting this thread to give members a chance to tell people their joining Consentus stories.

When I joined Consentus I was just back to RS after a few years at uni and work. I kinda forgot about it and the rediscovery was a joy.

When I first entered the clan chat I thought "oh no, everyone knows each other, I'm buggered." but I started talking and joining in with general banter as much as possible. I also didn't wait for people to ask my name, I introduced myself repeatedly. I'm sure people were a bit irritated by that but they started to remember me.

I logged on to the forums and started joining in with conversations and enjoyed the banter on there. I also started to get to know a few members a bit better.

Then there was Alton Towers. 12 hours in a car with Greg (Tenzah) is enough to drive anyone up the wall but I started to put names and faces to RSNs (except Dan's because HE KEEPS CHANGING HIS!)

I enjoy Consentus but I feel a little put out when I see peoples' leaving posts where they say they were treated like nothing. I'm sorry folks, we must not have ended up chatting together. If we did talk then I'm sorry it wasn't enough for you. I try to say hey to everyone who says hi when they come online. I think I must have started quite a few conversations by replying to hellos before people really replied to mine. It's not out of malice, it's just the same as any other new environment. The clan is a great place to be and we don't like to make people feel left out, however, sometimes we don't know what's in your head to please tell us!

Please put yourself out there, I want to get to know you all!

Now, I apologise for this ramble. Could members maybe post how they feel they ended up being integrated into the clan just to help some of the newer members? Maybe you can also tell us what is missing from Consentus for you? what do you want out of it?
Emma (helps if you put your name on your forum profile or signature as well)

Pinkie Pie:

--- Quote from: yappersword on September 28, 2012, 11:08:35 ---Then there was Alton Towers. 12 hours in a car with Greg (Tenzah) is enough to drive anyone up the wall but I started to put names and faces to RSNs (except Dan's because HE KEEPS CHANGING HIS!)

--- End quote ---

Sorry Emma, I just cant find a name that will stick, and Alton Towers was Amazing, and you will be able to confirm my RSN to Face next month as I have a name lined up  8)

another one?! I was just getting used to jadinko dan!

Going to try and make this brief cause I can ramble on and on ;D

Joined Consentus in December ish 2011, recruited by Runar.

Didn't do anything till Lilly pm'd me asking why. Reason being I love playing RS afk, and was doing other things while playing such as studying for university. I have been in a few clans before (since the major clan update) but they were all inactive and I never bothered with them.

Signed up to the forums in March, and finally started engaging with other members in the clan chat a bit more.

Broke out of my shell, and suddenly became known as the perverted member. Woop.

Joined Skype calls in July ish. Apparently I flirt all the time.

Went to Alton Towers and met a whole bunch of new people. Emma loved my antics. Abbie rages at me cause she is the devil... and Rob <3 The northern car crew.

Skype calls got more perverted, my bad.

Met up Lilly, Emma, Ruby, Rob and Dec earlier this month. Strange things happened...

Left RS also earlier this month, but continue to pop on the forums frequently and in the clan chat just to see how things are going.

I used to speak to Beautiful B/Bex/one of the founders quite a bit back in 2011 before she disappeared.
I also hung in Saints which a few members branched off of and joined Consentus the autumn of 2010. Then I basically joined every clan Bex joined cause I liked to talk to her and other clans was boring, and she told me about Cts april 5th 2011 and I joined and kept talking to people, actually got to know a few of the people.

Then one thing lead to another and I'm where I am today.

My story isn't that big of a deal, just simple like that. =P

Been here for too long, posting a thread about my story the past year and 5 months will take a couple weeks. 8)


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