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Offline Emma

Your story- Consentus Love
« on: September 28, 2012, 11:08:35 »

I'm starting this thread to give members a chance to tell people their joining Consentus stories.

When I joined Consentus I was just back to RS after a few years at uni and work. I kinda forgot about it and the rediscovery was a joy.

When I first entered the clan chat I thought "oh no, everyone knows each other, I'm buggered." but I started talking and joining in with general banter as much as possible. I also didn't wait for people to ask my name, I introduced myself repeatedly. I'm sure people were a bit irritated by that but they started to remember me.

I logged on to the forums and started joining in with conversations and enjoyed the banter on there. I also started to get to know a few members a bit better.

Then there was Alton Towers. 12 hours in a car with Greg (Tenzah) is enough to drive anyone up the wall but I started to put names and faces to RSNs (except Dan's because HE KEEPS CHANGING HIS!)

I enjoy Consentus but I feel a little put out when I see peoples' leaving posts where they say they were treated like nothing. I'm sorry folks, we must not have ended up chatting together. If we did talk then I'm sorry it wasn't enough for you. I try to say hey to everyone who says hi when they come online. I think I must have started quite a few conversations by replying to hellos before people really replied to mine. It's not out of malice, it's just the same as any other new environment. The clan is a great place to be and we don't like to make people feel left out, however, sometimes we don't know what's in your head to please tell us!

Please put yourself out there, I want to get to know you all!

Now, I apologise for this ramble. Could members maybe post how they feel they ended up being integrated into the clan just to help some of the newer members? Maybe you can also tell us what is missing from Consentus for you? what do you want out of it?

Emma (helps if you put your name on your forum profile or signature as well)


Pinkie Pie

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 11:14:17 »
Then there was Alton Towers. 12 hours in a car with Greg (Tenzah) is enough to drive anyone up the wall but I started to put names and faces to RSNs (except Dan's because HE KEEPS CHANGING HIS!)

Sorry Emma, I just cant find a name that will stick, and Alton Towers was Amazing, and you will be able to confirm my RSN to Face next month as I have a name lined up  8)


Offline Emma

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 11:15:13 »
another one?! I was just getting used to jadinko dan!


Offline Greg

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 11:22:06 »
Going to try and make this brief cause I can ramble on and on ;D

Joined Consentus in December ish 2011, recruited by Runar.

Didn't do anything till Lilly pm'd me asking why. Reason being I love playing RS afk, and was doing other things while playing such as studying for university. I have been in a few clans before (since the major clan update) but they were all inactive and I never bothered with them.

Signed up to the forums in March, and finally started engaging with other members in the clan chat a bit more.

Broke out of my shell, and suddenly became known as the perverted member. Woop.

Joined Skype calls in July ish. Apparently I flirt all the time.

Went to Alton Towers and met a whole bunch of new people. Emma loved my antics. Abbie rages at me cause she is the devil... and Rob <3 The northern car crew.

Skype calls got more perverted, my bad.

Met up Lilly, Emma, Ruby, Rob and Dec earlier this month. Strange things happened...

Left RS also earlier this month, but continue to pop on the forums frequently and in the clan chat just to see how things are going.



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 11:22:29 »
I used to speak to Beautiful B/Bex/one of the founders quite a bit back in 2011 before she disappeared.
I also hung in Saints which a few members branched off of and joined Consentus the autumn of 2010. Then I basically joined every clan Bex joined cause I liked to talk to her and other clans was boring, and she told me about Cts april 5th 2011 and I joined and kept talking to people, actually got to know a few of the people.

Then one thing lead to another and I'm where I am today.

My story isn't that big of a deal, just simple like that. =P

Been here for too long, posting a thread about my story the past year and 5 months will take a couple weeks. 8)


Pinkie Pie

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 11:34:44 »
When I joined Consentus, I remember that I was Runecrafting Astrals at the time, I decided to guest into the clan chat to see what kind of people were in the clan, I have to say I was a bit scared at the time, never being part of a clan before and only building one with mates for the Clan Cape.

I Joined the Skype Night later on in that Evening I joined Consentus, not expecting what it would be like, I manged to get to speak to a few people and introduce myself, everyone acknowledged that I was a RuneScape Noob, and still am today. Since I have been in Consentus, i've had so many account and FINALLY decided to stick with my better one.

Signing up to the Forums was one of the best things ever, knowing that I already had the rank to become a Member made me even happier.  ;D
I got accepted into the clan by Robb and Invited by Iuro, but I knew then that my work isn't done. I Decided to go for Consentus Elite Rank and still going for it today.

I decided to give it a week on how I felt in Consentus, and it turned out me staying permanently and still here today, I will have been in Consentus a YEAR! on the 18th of next Month, .

Around 6 Months time of being in Consentus I was Promoted to Outstanding Rank and 2 Months after that Citadel Staff, but with me not knowing much about the citadel I decided to Resign from staff, I'm back to being a Member and hope to be Outstanding again sometime.

In the time of me being in Consentus I've gained 4 99's on different account which was a silly and pathetic thing to do, why didn't I realise and stick to the one bloody account..  :laser:

I may have had a few spits and spats with other members of Consentus but whats happened has happened and all I can say is that i'm very sorry for what I've done.

I recruited my Best friend into Consentus, Iain who loves it here as much as I do, and him and I recruited PewPewFr0st who is a VERY quiet person.

At the new years Lottery I didn't it that I would win the 78.25m Pot, with a ';O' face i accepted the trade with Lilly and bought a few skills and payed back Iain from the 16m he lent me for 99 magic.

I've gained a lot of friendship through Consentus and hope to stay friends with you all for my lifetime, as we can all say, Gamers4lyfe.

I love you all and I hope that you know that. <3



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 11:48:04 »
OK, i'll start at the beginning.

The Day i discovered Consentus

SOOO 4-5 months ago i was f2p, just chilling, smithing iron ingot i's at artisans workshop, getting the beastly and cheap 30k exp/hr, when one day i met Zach (melvl138), i thought he was a peculiar guy, very polite and nice, he told me about his life and sent me off to read his RsOF thread about his life, both IRL and on RS, i found it very interesting and you can probably still find my post there now :) Then he introduced me to Consentus. I really didn't know any major skilling clans, didn't even know they existed,i joined it as a guest regularly at the time, i was in Dg Family at the time, however i left Dg Family for some reason i have forgotten and went P2P joining my friends clan, soon later the clan disbanded, most of them quit, so it was just Ben and I, a beautiful couple roaming the streets of Runescape.

The Rediscovery
I had forgotten Consentus at the time as i never saw Zach anymore, however one magical day i was buying my skiller friend battle staffs, and Sarah (Only Sarahh) asks her to join a clan, I asked what clan it was and she said Consentus, i remembered it straight away so i googled the name on forums straight away and applied.

My time in the clan

Kind Mathi then proceeded to inviting me to the clan, i remember the day clearly, him telling me to go to yanille bank, me lodestoning there, he was there cooking for rocks i believe with an avatar and other Cts members around him, I was excited the whole day, excited by the thrill of being in such an epic clan, a few days later i got the requirements for an elite ranking :)

Now that i was in Consentus i tried numerous times to convince Ben (Uffin) to join the clan, for weeks he thought you had to pay to join...

What i love about Consentus

I love the mostly friendly community and vibe in this clan, everyone's always nice to me, however it is sad to see a handful of members leaving :(

I also like the nickname Emma gave me, not dave dave

I also always thought that Emma and Rubes were both skillers, and was extremely amazed when i saw they weren't


So I'm fairly new to Consentus however I'm loving it and hoping i will fit in perfectly, i have made many new friends and already have many memories i'll keep for times to come

Love Not Dave Dave Kevin :)


Offline Emma

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 11:50:33 »
Thanks for sharing guys, keep it up.

Don't be afraid to put anything you feel is missing as well. Better we know now and we can try to help.



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 12:23:06 »
I was operating clanless for a majority of my time on rs. I spoke with the limited friends I had (from previous clans I had been in that died), but then I hit a horrible time in my rs career.  I began to realize that these people that I had "known" for upwards of 4 years had been killing me slowly in rs. I had been killed, scammed, copied, and harassed for all this time and never realized what was going on, because I kept thinking...these are my friends, who else would I talk to?

I don't remember how I met Air (Tucker), but he spoke about a clan named Saints. I visited this chat quite often, made friends with some of the people in there, I remember Josh, and Tara, and Air specifically, maybe Heph (Andrew) as well. I spent awhile in this chat, but they began to have problems of their own. I don't quite know the whole story but it fell apart in front of me, somehow I thought I was to blame (though I had nothing to do with it) It seemed every clan I ever was in died.

After this happened, I asked Air if he found somewhere else to go, and he showed me into Consentus. I joined the chat frequently and was a little bit taken back by how much everyone already knew each other... I thought I didn't have a chance to be a part of this place.

I don't think they had forums at the time I had joined, but when they were added, I thought it was a great thing! I used this, as other people did to talk about rl things and get feedback or advice... or just share experiences with them which was very helpful to me. I felt as if people cared for me even though they didn't even know who I was. I knew that this is the only clan I would ever be in again.

Though I may have left the clan once or twice, I have always returned. I have always stayed a part of the forums since they were around, and I have always been as helpful to answer questions as I can from what I have done on rs.  This is a great atmosphere, and there are plenty of other clans out there, and I even tried to join one when I left here... Again, it was a new place where everyone knew each other from the start, and I realized that I never should have left the place that has grown to know me so much.

I guess I will say that sometimes the chat dips into topics that I may not agree with, but it seems a part of some of your lives, and I respect that and tend to keep my opinion to myself.  Minor example, I don't drink alcohol. Anyway together you have built a wonderful community of both skillers and combaters alike and I think that we are full speed ahead these days. Between all of the skill wars, 99 parties, congrats on every level gained no matter how low, GOP and other minigame events, I think that nobody is left out!

Much work has been put into this clan, as well as into the forums. I don't think every member fully uses the forums, or knows how much can be gained from them both IRL and RS.

That's all I got, seemed pretty long... not sure that I would even read it again...  :o


Offline Emma

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 12:34:40 »
thanks Daggo. I read it all :P

That's great :)


Forging Iron

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 15:08:10 »
I can't remember who referred me too Consentus, but I think it was Herblorius. At the time I hung around in Saints after a long time of quitting RS. I have always been fond of skilling and skillers so that's why I loved the idea of a skiller chat.

Once I joined cts it felt good pretty quickly, of course it took a little while to get to know eachother and break the line that separated me from the circles that had formed. I remember very well crafting in Edgeville with Aaron and Jordan, we got off quite well right away and I just thought they were awesome people haha. From there it was just a big rollercoaster ride with alot of memorable moments. I've had huge ups and downs with people in this clan, and the clan itself. I've seen people come and go, which, being the protective person that I am, was hard at times and still is.

Once I got asked for the position of clan chat moderator I felt like I was on top of the world. It felt great to finally be able to do something for the clan, apart from now and then making a youtube video. Then the break up happened, alot of drama and I was not there to witness it due to my basketball game. From what I had heard from members and from Lilly I felt that I could not leave Lilly like that. I will admit that this is also due to the way "Renatus" was being founded. Slowly but surely the clan built up again, old members came back and it was better then ever.

I got my global mod rank. Another great time in my consentus carreer, if you will. Although this promotion carried a bit more responsibility, which I had not immediatly foreseen. Still, I loved my time as a global mod. Then my stupid self decided to leave the clan, for reasons I will not get into to deep, I will say that the reasons you have seen people in the past leave have pretty much all crossed my mind.

After my return things weren't the same. It felt different. Some time went by, lots of things changed, mostly in real life. Again I was feeling bad about how I was dealing with things and how the staff was dealing with things, I left again. This time with alot more drama because I did not hesitate to speak my mind this time.

My second return was a little less smooth, but I know that the people who make this clan a family for me I can not Scape without.
The clan isn't what it used to be, but it still remains an exceptional and great clan. I wanna thank all the people that have given me the family feel through the time I've been here. And especially Dec for being there when I needed him most.


Offline Emma

Re: The consentus love
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 16:36:19 »
thanks for sharing that. It's good to see that members who have had rough rides have come back. :)



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2012, 16:47:06 »
Once apon a time, in a land far far away, a small, but powerful group of players all met up and decided to start a clan.. This clan was called 'Consentus'. Consentus was made by some of the most skilled players, and notorious badass's in the game we know as Runescape, but they were missing something. Someone with raw talent, courage, passion, honour.. and most of all a large massive PE-n holder. They searched far and wide for this brave warrior, until one day one of the founders called Bex stumbled across said man. Legend has it he was Son of Zyzz, born from the love of Aesthetics and partying and he was invited into the family of Consentus. Worshiped by all players that have come and gone, he is a god among men.

That's how We found Runar anyway. I got invited by Bex just after Consentus was formed.



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2012, 17:16:34 »
How i got into Consentus: I was randomly looking around the runescape forums and saw a goals and achievements thread by a player named 10hp Filth or something a long those lines, I read the pages and saw a post from another user saying 'Awesome to see this thread i've been following you're vids for a long time'. I decided to have a look at this player's youtube account and saw a progress video, in this video he showed his stats bank and many other details of the account then I saw one of the most important visions of my runescape career, I saw a clan named Consentus.
          I looked into the clan on the runescape forums and found out the req's for the clan. I was so pleased when I saw that I fulfilled the requirements and I decided to leave an application. When it was accepted I was extremely happy and became a part of the family straight away.
          Since that day I've spent a lot of time and put a lot of my blood sweat and tears into the clan. On the day of May 26th I got back from a long day of college and logged straight onto the forums. To my delight I had a private message from clan owner Lilly with regards to my hard work. I had been rewarded with the outstanding rank. As soon as I received my rank I was heavily put under scrutiny by many some of the members of consentus for being a suck up and being a owners pet pretty much. It hurt me to think that I was being put in this position but I bounced back out of it and said so what people were just jealous, and had back up from many members.
          On August 4th I went to my first real life event. I got the train down to Leicester to meet the Woodward family, as Lilly and others will tell you it was a hectic journey, but one i'll never forget, I met one of my closest friends there (Ruby) and met other fellow clan mates. Tommy, Matt, Vin and Lily's son Aydan. The event was amazing I enjoyed myself thoroughly, I met some truly amazing people and some people just seemed to ignore or look down at me but meh I don't need people like that in my life, so therefore I simply ignored them. I had to make some difficult decisions after the event but its helped me grow as a person/friend and a clanmate.
          A month and a half on, I am still a very involved clan mate however my college year resit has taken a lot of time up.

That is my consentus story I have met truly amazing people, some I will never forget and never keep out of contact. But also a few members that I will happily ignore and not talk to as I dont need ignorance in my life.

Alex <3



Re: The consentus love
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2012, 17:20:02 »
I used to speak to Beautiful B/Bex/one of the founders quite a bit back in 2011 before she disappeared.
I also hung in Saints which a few members branched off of and joined Consentus the autumn of 2010. Then I basically joined every clan Bex joined cause I liked to talk to her and other clans was boring, and she told me about Cts april 5th 2011 and I joined and kept talking to people, actually got to know a few of the people.

Then one thing lead to another and I'm where I am today.

My story isn't that big of a deal, just simple like that. =P

Been here for too long, posting a thread about my story the past year and 5 months will take a couple weeks.

^Short version posted earleir; here's the long story... behold the amazingly boring story of le Noobar.


Okayyyy, so I started my journey with clans in Saints, around August 2010. My IRL friend called Hopeful from Rs, you probs heard of him cause I mention him a lot, he got 99 slay as a level 3, yeah he told me about Saints, and I joined. Their forums were kind of awkward, but I liked them.
I met lots of great people here, Mio, D1D and a bunch of others, like Tara and Josh. Then I started being absent from Saints, and next chapter begun...


Joined in October, hang around there still and talk to friends.


I joined Hopefull in 2010 too, it was great being in a clan full of skillers, got to know a lot of people, and I liked it there over the next year, but after the new years eve of 2011 when we entered 2012 and Jack resigned as an admin, it went down the shitter. Not going to talk more about it, the clan is just awful now.


After Hopefull, I joined Enlightened in February 2011, met a few people there I still talk to up to this day, Casuals, Megapixels, Nubb whom is a Norwegian guy I talk to quite often. ^^ I joined because of Bex, of  course.

Then I left there and hung around in Hopefull until April the 5th..

Le amazing Consentus journeyyy!!!!!

on April 5th I had been clanless for some time, I kept hopping accs so I never really met the reqs to join any clans. I was a big noob and I spoke to Bex again, who told me about Consentus, and told me to join the Friends' Chat, Cc Cts.

As soon as she said this I was like "Dafuq, D1D told me about this like 9 months ago", which was true. In October, he told me to join Cc Cts, but I left a few hrs later and forgot about it. :(

I started chatting with people and instantly started loving the atmosphere, made great friends with Stijn and a couple others that helped me out loads and everyone in the clan started teasing me for hopping accounts so much. This motivated me to continue and in August I started a skiller who would turn into the acc I played the longest (August to March) and then quit to start this Skiller from March to Sept still going strong.

I fell out with the clan because I was what people call a troll, I loved to cause problems but I was only 14 and 15 at the time, I was extremely immature and I had and still have very strong opinions about things that are my own and I like to share them.

This got me banned a couple times, but I always got a new chance thanks to Lilly and Dec and the staff team. People started getting annoyed since I kept coming back after being rude countless times, and if I could go back a couple years and change one thing it would be my attitude throughout my clan journey.

Just the fact I've been given countless chances is insane, and I also consider it a good thing of me to always come back, shows how much I truly care :p

That's the story, that's the true story of my clan adventures and my time in Consentus.

Hated by many, loved by few. :)

Or however you say that quote.

So Emma, 500m pls now this text is quite long


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