Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: strawhatman5 on November 08, 2015, 20:30:22
Hello every one I'm finally making my forum debut. My name is Jarod Tavares I'm 17, I live in Canada. I love watching anime, whenever I'm playing rs you can guarantee I'm marathoning another season of some random anime btw I LOVE ONE PIECE. I love to cook irl, and im a genius when it comes to computer hardware, I also know how to code in java some what and C++ as well html thanks to comp sci class in school. I play several other video games including League of legends, ROTMG, COD, and a few more. Ive been in the clan now for quite a while and plan to stay for even longer continue taking care of me guys <3
Greetings, fellow Canadian.
All you kids with your anime love XD Welcome to Consentus, I'm sure you'll fit right in.
Welcome to the forums :) Always good to have computer wizards around!
Jesus man .. It took you long enough to create and introduction! #-o
Welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy it here.
Welcome :D
Welcome - it has been very nice having you in the clan!
Welcome mate. 8)
Was good to chat to you in the CC yesterday xxx
sup dude, what region you in (league)
Hey welcome! Have you been playing the new CoD? I've been enjoying this one in comparison to the last two. Still.. Won't be long before I break something over it haha :Tantrum:
Glad to see you join us on the forums :)
Welcome to the forums, partna!
Welcome to Consentus, Jarod! :)
sup dude, what region you in (league)
i play on NA
Hey welcome! Have you been playing the new CoD? I've been enjoying this one in comparison to the last two. Still.. Won't be long before I break something over it haha :Tantrum:
havent got a chance to play it yet, try to control the rage man :P
Thanks every one for the warm welcome to the forums <3
Welcome! :)