
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Terme on August 11, 2016, 20:32:19

Title: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Terme on August 11, 2016, 20:32:19
My story is pretty simple :p,

I was Co-owner of the Skilling clan "Shortbow", later I found out that the team just wasn't for me. However entering Consentus was a feeling I never really had in the game. Keeping it short and sweet, they're just people filled with great emotion and care. They're extremely helpful in every way possible. Here were my stats 14 days ago as of the date posting this thread:, (,) gotta find out what I got going on now :D
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Cle on August 11, 2016, 20:37:25
L0L0LL0L0L0L0L0L0L0L0LL0L0L0L0L0L0LL0L00LL00L0L0LL0L00L IK that clan. Welcome to our lovely clan you won me over with dging with you <3 and DJ KHALED is welcoming u :) ( and MAY the Gainzs be strong in this young one <3
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Cryogen on August 11, 2016, 21:38:44
Welcome to the clan Terme! Great to hear that you've felt welcome to our big family :)
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Redtunnel on August 11, 2016, 21:42:01
Welcome :) Is Shortbow the clan that was making a skiller website or was that some other name (maybe training bow)?
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Justin on August 11, 2016, 22:16:50
Welcome to the family
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Terme on August 11, 2016, 23:24:00
Oo no clue on that skilling website part
Welcome :) Is Shortbow the clan that was making a skiller website or was that some other name (maybe training bow)?
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Cherrycrush on August 12, 2016, 00:23:36
Welcome, nice to meet you  :D
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Powerless on August 12, 2016, 01:16:16
Glad to see you had that connection with us. :) Welcome.
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Only Lilly on August 12, 2016, 10:25:35
Great to see you on the forums Terrme

I will look forward to seeing you grow with the clan
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Charms on August 12, 2016, 17:54:41
welcomeeeee :) always lovely to see a skiller
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Jasperine on August 12, 2016, 18:12:57
Welcome to Consentus! (

You should make your own thread in the Goals & Achievements ( section of the forums! Your stats would look great there.  ;)
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Rubes on August 13, 2016, 09:27:16
Welcome to Consentus <3
Title: Re: Sup I'm Terme
Post by: Billy on August 13, 2016, 11:51:20