
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: The Kinky Spengo on April 26, 2015, 20:10:26

Title: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: The Kinky Spengo on April 26, 2015, 20:10:26
Hi I'm Kinky.

I herald from the Kingdom of Spengonia. I've been here in Runescape for nearly ten years now on a top secret peace-keeping mission; at least that's what I tell any citizen who approaches me, can't exactly tell them I'm here for world domination and what not. I've become quite the quester and I will get my quest cape back one day. I prefer skilling to pvp but I don't mind the odd tango with the monsters of Runescape.

I'm also training myself to be a games designer so hopefully one day soon I'll have some games of my own out there. Nice to meet you all, I'm sure we'll get along awesomely.

P.S. I like Pink
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Lego Brick on April 26, 2015, 20:22:15

But awesome man, welcome to the Clan :D
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Aaron on April 26, 2015, 20:25:31
Welcome to Consentus, I hope you enjoy your stay
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Only Lilly on April 27, 2015, 19:52:56
Welcome to our humble abode :)

I think purple is a lot better than pink Im afraid xxx

Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Josh on April 27, 2015, 20:18:46
So top secret :p

Welcome to our clan :D
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Rune on April 27, 2015, 21:07:28
Welcome mate
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Thunderite on April 27, 2015, 22:24:04
Welcome to the clan.
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Redtunnel on April 27, 2015, 22:58:22
Welcome most beloved Spengonian!
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Powell on April 27, 2015, 23:01:18
Welcome :D
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Joel on April 28, 2015, 10:24:53
Hi I'm Kinky.

Oh er.. Hey?

Welcome Kinky (lol). Best of luck with your mission!
Title: Re: Spengo's Kinky Intro
Post by: Mini Nub on April 28, 2015, 13:10:45
Welcome to the clan, Spenguin!

It'll sure be nice to see you around \:D/