Hi there fellow 'scapers!
Rsn is Spaf, call me that or Darren. Playing as a combat account again, looking to max my second account

Absolutely addicted to dungeoneering, it's what I'm doing most of the time i'm online! I enjoy playing as a member as well as free to play, both just as fun.
I started my first account back in 2004, and didn't have a clue what i was doing so stopped playing until a couple of years later when some friends i went to school with pestered me to play, ever since then i've been playing on multiple accounts.
I will be doing a 24 hour gaming marathon for charity in June this year, please donate to the cause via
https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/darren-smith-gamechangersIt's a great cause, will be teamspeaking the entire way through so feel free to join! Possibly streaming as well, not been confirmed yet though.
Any questions, please ask!