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Re: Soooo.... Hi. I'm Nimbus
« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2019, 21:05:33 »
Nice, what are you studying at uni?


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Re: Soooo.... Hi. I'm Nimbus
« Reply #16 on: January 04, 2019, 21:42:59 »
Nice, what are you studying at uni?

Socio-Political Communication. I'm a pre-law student though.


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Re: Soooo.... Hi. I'm Nimbus
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2019, 21:43:16 »
Welcome to the clan! What sort of music do you like? O:)


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Re: Soooo.... Hi. I'm Nimbus
« Reply #18 on: January 04, 2019, 22:11:27 »
Welcome to the clan! What sort of music do you like? O:)

I honestly believe myself to be one of the closest people on the face of the planet to being able to honestly say just about everything, lol. The only caveat I would offer is that I like parody/troll music pretty sparingly. But apart from that, I have music in 8 different languages in my music library (despite only speaking the one language), dozens and dozens of genres if you include sub-genres, and it's next to never that I'm sitting and listening to someone else's music that I don't find myself enjoying it.

To provide something of an illustration though, the top 10 most played songs in my music library are:

1. Take Me Home by Pentatonix
2. The Weigh Down by The Amity Affliction
3. Forever by Haim
4. Nightmares by All Time Low
5. Wait For It from Hamilton the Musical
6. Stutter by Marianas Trench
7. I've Just Seen A Face from Across The Universe
8. All We Do by Oh Wonder
9. Midnight Decisions by Sia
10. Let's Get Lost by Carly Rae Jepsen

If you're not immediately familiar with these songs/artists, none of them are even remotely similar, lol. And while I might be biased, I'd definitely recommend giving them a listen. I've listened to every single one of them at multiple points this week, including most of them today  XD

Something that people tend to find interesting about the way that I connect with music though is that every single one of those songs (except number 4) makes me feel the exact same way. It's extremely rare that I have a different reaction to a song that I like, and I can readily name every one that it has ever happened with.   :P


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