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Re: So long.
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2011, 12:25:33 »
Stop being a drama queen Runar...

Shut the **** up Lach.

This is why I'm pissed off, because I get called a Dramaqueen whenever I say something.
Thank god it's gonna end now.



Re: So long.
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2011, 12:33:48 »
Very bad move Runar..

Btw, you've been a dramaqueen on this thread. You think your top dog all the time.. But guess what Runar YOUR NOT.

Does it look like I give a **** anymore?
If you're not gonna say good bye in a mature way, but just cause me to start all this "Drama" you say I start, then why bother posting here? Just leave and don't check in if you got a problem. I can just close this tab down and be gone forever, Idgaf. Just tell me to do so and I'll do it.

I'm probably gonna get banned for "disrespecting" staff, but it'll just make things easier. I'm not gonna respect a person that does not respect me, if you haven't understood that, then you got a problem.



Re: So long.
« Reply #17 on: October 21, 2011, 12:38:36 »
Ahh, here we go.

Firstly you're mentioning that you're never given enough support from anyone? Dude, I do seem to re-call on your Living Doubt Goals & Achievements thread (Which is slyly deleted off the forums.) you received a large ammount of support from pretty much every single active member of the forums. I'm sure all of us wanted you to do well on that account.

Wanna talk about drama? You leaving the chat yesterday in a bitch fit because I was trying to give you some advice and support. I rarely judge people, Runar and I never judged you in any way whatsoever. I was simply trying to point out where I beleive you were going wrong on your accounts and what was making you so bored that you would want to make a new account, but all I got back was some cussing and you leaving.

You want motivation? Damn you've been given enough by most people. If someone was mocking me for having a 'noob' account and continuously making new accounts I would stick to the one main and work the heck out've it. It happened to me before when my brother always laughed at my thousands of accounts before I stuck to the one main I'm on now and I've never regretted it. You're problem as I was trying to point out to you yesterday is that you're afraid of hard work and a challenge in a game. You get some 'easy' stats but once they start getting hard you quit them. Try setting yourself for an easier goal ; Maybe something like 99 cooking.

LASTLY: I don't know how many times I've seen people being told ; There's an ignore list for a reason.

Anyway whatever happends to you, I wish you the best of luck and have fun 'Scaping. Ciao.



Re: So long.
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2011, 12:48:21 »
Whatever Lach, troll me as much as you like, your trolling isn't gonna affect me, cause you don't know how to troll properly.

Ahh, here we go.

Firstly you're mentioning that you're never given enough support from anyone? Dude, I do seem to re-call on your Living Doubt Goals & Achievements thread (Which is slyly deleted off the forums.) you received a large ammount of support from pretty much every single active member of the forums. I'm sure all of us wanted you to do well on that account.

Wanna talk about drama? You leaving the chat yesterday in a bitch fit because I was trying to give you some advice and support. I rarely judge people, Runar and I never judged you in any way whatsoever. I was simply trying to point out where I beleive you were going wrong on your accounts and what was making you so bored that you would want to make a new account, but all I got back was some cussing and you leaving.

You want motivation? Damn you've been given enough by most people. If someone was mocking me for having a 'noob' account and continuously making new accounts I would stick to the one main and work the heck out've it. It happened to me before when my brother always laughed at my thousands of accounts before I stuck to the one main I'm on now and I've never regretted it. You're problem as I was trying to point out to you yesterday is that you're afraid of hard work and a challenge in a game. You get some 'easy' stats but once they start getting hard you quit them. Try setting yourself for an easier goal ; Maybe something like 99 cooking.

LASTLY: I don't know how many times I've seen people being told ; There's an ignore list for a reason.

Anyway whatever happends to you, I wish you the best of luck and have fun 'Scaping. Ciao.

I guess I got some support on it, but I also got a lot of "you can't do it" aswell.

Yesterday I left because everyone started saying "ooh new acc" and wouldn't stop, so I just simply said fuck off and left. Sorry if that offended you, and I didn't notice you giving me advice tbh. Sorry, but thanks if you did. :x

I would stick to my main, it's just.. I don't see it going anywhere, and I'm bored of it.... Going back to it now would be dumb since I'm working on this level 3....

Why would I ignore people in the clan I'm in? It'll just create more "drama" if that's what everyone call it.

I guess it's too late to turn back now, so...





Re: So long.
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2011, 12:57:20 »
Lach, I know you and Runar haven't always got along so I suggest you leave this thread and just ignore anymore comments made on it.



Re: So long.
« Reply #20 on: October 21, 2011, 12:58:39 »
Whatever Lach, troll me as much as you like, your trolling isn't gonna affect me, cause you don't know how to troll properly.

Ahh, here we go.

Firstly you're mentioning that you're never given enough support from anyone? Dude, I do seem to re-call on your Living Doubt Goals & Achievements thread (Which is slyly deleted off the forums.) you received a large ammount of support from pretty much every single active member of the forums. I'm sure all of us wanted you to do well on that account.

Wanna talk about drama? You leaving the chat yesterday in a bitch fit because I was trying to give you some advice and support. I rarely judge people, Runar and I never judged you in any way whatsoever. I was simply trying to point out where I beleive you were going wrong on your accounts and what was making you so bored that you would want to make a new account, but all I got back was some cussing and you leaving.

You want motivation? Damn you've been given enough by most people. If someone was mocking me for having a 'noob' account and continuously making new accounts I would stick to the one main and work the heck out've it. It happened to me before when my brother always laughed at my thousands of accounts before I stuck to the one main I'm on now and I've never regretted it. You're problem as I was trying to point out to you yesterday is that you're afraid of hard work and a challenge in a game. You get some 'easy' stats but once they start getting hard you quit them. Try setting yourself for an easier goal ; Maybe something like 99 cooking.

LASTLY: I don't know how many times I've seen people being told ; There's an ignore list for a reason.

Anyway whatever happends to you, I wish you the best of luck and have fun 'Scaping. Ciao.

I guess I got some support on it, but I also got a lot of "you can't do it" aswell.

Yesterday I left because everyone started saying "ooh new acc" and wouldn't stop, so I just simply said fuck off and left. Sorry if that offended you, and I didn't notice you giving me advice tbh. Sorry, but thanks if you did. :x

I would stick to my main, it's just.. I don't see it going anywhere, and I'm bored of it.... Going back to it now would be dumb since I'm working on this level 3....

Why would I ignore people in the clan I'm in? It'll just create more "drama" if that's what everyone call it.

I guess it's too late to turn back now, so...



Remember that time Fiba and I trolled you, and you cryed.. Pretty sure it will affect you.

If you say that I cried, I guess I did.


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Re: So long.
« Reply #21 on: October 21, 2011, 13:55:35 »
Ok before any more trolling goes on. Runar I'm closing this thread in 2 hours. Everyone will have plenty of time to say what they want.



Re: So long.
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2011, 14:09:53 »
Good idea, Iuro.



Re: So long.
« Reply #23 on: October 21, 2011, 14:46:52 »
Ok before any more trolling goes on. Runar I'm closing this thread in 2 hours. Everyone will have plenty of time to say what they want.

Just close it now, apparently there is no space for a return, seeing how Lach have been talking to me.

Just close it now, let people see the thread, but no need for them to say bye, I'll be gone in less than 2 hrs anyway.


Offline Iuro

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Re: So long.
« Reply #24 on: October 21, 2011, 14:58:16 »


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