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So long.
« on: October 20, 2011, 22:47:02 »
So long my friends, thanks for giving me a funny run in this chat. From April to October, thanks for making these months epic.

I'm just tired of being in this clan, sorry, no offence, but some of you always act negatively against me. It might just be a joke, but I'm taking it seriously. You demotivate me to work on my goals, and I need a lot of support to accomplish them.

Don't start any bullcrap saying you do it for jokes, it might be a joke for you, but it's not for me.
I've found a new clan called Friendship, and I'll be in there from now on. Thanks a lot guys, I still love y'all, even though you hated me.

Sorry for also bringing a lot of shit to this clan, unneeded drama and stuff, if I could, I'd do it a thousand times over, because that is the impression you got of me, and that is how I am.


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Re: So long.
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2011, 22:53:32 »
I think the reason why people behave like this towards you is because you have 37483264732467214536247 accounts and always keep making new ones.
You need to be able to motivate yourself at least a little bit before relying on others' support.

Regardless, I'll miss you being in the clan chat Runar. <3
Make sure we still talk through PM and Skype! O:-)



Re: So long.
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2011, 23:06:32 »
I think the reason why people behave like this towards you is because you have 37483264732467214536247 accounts and always keep making new ones.
You need to be able to motivate yourself at least a little bit before relying on others' support.

Regardless, I'll miss you being in the clan chat Runar. <3
Make sure we still talk through PM and Skype! O:-)

Doesn't matter. I've been getting talked down for weeks and weeks. I know I make many accs, but doesn't matter. I guess it's my own fault, but it's frustrating to get all the "Lol noob inb4new acc ur a fail when u makin new acc lol nooooob".

Hopefully my new clan is gonna support me, and I'm not gonna bother joining Hopefull either. Just a bunch of newfag trolls in there, I'm done with them too. I'm gonna work on the clan Tommykillme and I was gonna make.

Thanks Abbie, I'm gonna miss being in the chat and read all the noobtalking. <3

Let's be superactive in PM's and Skype! <3 <3


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Re: So long.
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2011, 23:13:35 »
I think the reason why people behave like this towards you is because you have 37483264732467214536247 accounts and always keep making new ones.
You need to be able to motivate yourself at least a little bit before relying on others' support.

Regardless, I'll miss you being in the clan chat Runar. <3
Make sure we still talk through PM and Skype! O:-)

Doesn't matter. I've been getting talked down for weeks and weeks. I know I make many accs, but doesn't matter. I guess it's my own fault, but it's frustrating to get all the "Lol noob inb4new acc ur a fail when u makin new acc lol nooooob".

Hopefully my new clan is gonna support me, and I'm not gonna bother joining Hopefull either. Just a bunch of newfag trolls in there, I'm done with them too. I'm gonna work on the clan Tommykillme and I was gonna make.

Thanks Abbie, I'm gonna miss being in the chat and read all the noobtalking. <3

Let's be superactive in PM's and Skype! <3 <3

I wish you the best of luck with your new clans and this new account of yours. <3

Yes. We will be. :P



Re: So long.
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2011, 23:29:09 »
Well, Runar, I can't say we've known each other for that long and I'm unfamiliar with whatever drama you've brought the clan in the past--so all that aside, you're a pretty cool guy.

I apologize if I've ever done or said anything that upset you, regardless of the fact that it doesn't matter so much now.

I wish you the best of luck with your new clan, and I can't imagine you will have a hard time making friends!




Re: So long.
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2011, 23:32:40 »
Well, Runar, I can't say we've known each other for that long and I'm unfamiliar with whatever drama you've brought the clan in the past--so all that aside, you're a pretty cool guy.

I apologize if I've ever done or said anything that upset you, regardless of the fact that it doesn't matter so much now.

I wish you the best of luck with your new clan, and I can't imagine you will have a hard time making friends!


There was a few members (They know who they are) that kept saying I brought unneeded drama into the clan, whenever I said something that happened to myself irl, and that made me mad.
If you wish, you can add me and talk to me from time to time, give me some skilling advice. I'm sure I won't quit this account.

I've never heard anything negative from you, you're a chill guy that everyone should get to know. :)

Thanks for everything, and I wish you good luck on maxing out man!


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Re: So long.
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2011, 01:44:00 »
Simple and stright to the point.

1. Stop making new accounts and stick to one and people would stop with noob jokes.

2. Best of luck with the new clan.

3. Bye


5. Profit.



Re: So long.
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2011, 01:48:35 »
Thanks a lot guys, I still love y'all, even though you hated me.

You never gave me a reason to have a problem with you until you made this thread..


Anyways i've made my point.  Best of luck with your future endeavors and i hope the new clan is more supportive...


Offline Redtunnel

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Re: So long.
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2011, 01:57:53 »
Will you still browse the forums? o: Regardless, I'm sure we will be in touch :)
"The purity of a person's heart can be measured by how they regard cats"



Re: So long.
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2011, 06:16:32 »
Take care with your new clan.
I'm just tired of being in this clan, sorry, no offence, but some of you always act negatively against me. It might just be a joke, but I'm taking it seriously. You demotivate me to work on my goals, and I need a lot of support to accomplish them.
Pretty sure I've seen you 'joke' around calling people bots and stuff, doesn't sound too positive to me.

Ps - I still want my 116k. :3


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Re: So long.
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2011, 06:52:30 »
I can really only echo what people have said in earlier posts Runar, people do tease you on the amounts of accounts you do have.  It is always in good fun.

What has annoyed me, is how you have put the members of this family down, saying they never give you respect or motivation.  How much do you expect?

We have taken you into our hearts and have put up with a lot from you over the months.  Everytime you have left we have welcomed you back with open arms, I cannot say the same on this occasion.  I will not have you say we do not support you and act negatively towards you.

How many times have you called people bots, joking of course, we all do.  (I know Wud, takes the most stick) BUT if people were beginning to take this seriously then it would stop.  We all respect each other and that is something that Dec and myself strive to keep above all else.

You have matured lots over the last few months, and I think you have treated us all unfairly in your posts.  There is no clan where everyone gets on with everyone, thats life, you have to learn to be tolerate.

Nothing irritates me more when people leave a quitting thread. listing things that have annoyed them over weeks or months, tell someone and we can TRY to help put it right.

As of now Runar, not one person hates you, again shows how little you understand what we stand for.  I hope you find friendship a better clan, I can safely say they will not be as supportive and tolerant as us.



Re: So long.
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2011, 10:18:44 »
Simple and stright to the point.

1. Stop making new accounts and stick to one and people would stop with noob jokes.

2. Best of luck with the new clan.

3. Bye


5. Profit.

1. I try very hard, thats why I need people to say "you can do it, good luck" Rather than "oh my god, inb4newacctomorrow".

2. Thank you, Uwe.

3. Bai.

4. Idk what you mean

5. ?

@Jesse, you haven't bothered me at all, I'm just glad I managed to get you into the clan, rather than sticking top hopefull, (even though you said you got lead here by a Runer" ._.

@Lie, just PM me to get the 116k....


Sorry for everything, I've been out of the chat for the past few days while playing on this new acc, and those days have been good.
Some people here motivasted me a lot, but some like to have jokes every day, if you know what I mean, and I can't help that I'm a kinda person that doesn't understand jokes to the fully. Everyone in this clan is different. I doubt there will be space for a return, I'm just prepared for that IF I dare to return, it will just continue with the "Omg inb4newacc lol u noob" "support". I just need to think for myself and have my time in a new clan, and see how things go.

I know, I only called them it because mostly others went around and called eachother bots and stuff. And I did meet Wud randomly one day, and said I was very sorry for calling him a bot, I just wanted to be like the others, and he didn't seem to care that I said sorry.

This clan has made my go from a immature troll to a somewhat mature half-troll, and I appreciate that.

Sorry if I irritated you with my thread, but at least it's better than to just stop being active when you guys gave me this yellow rank and all. I don't want to receive a PM in a week saying "D00d why you not active anymore what the hell?"

Sorry for missunderstanding everthing...

@Redtunnel, I'm not gonna stick around the forums, but we'll keep in touch over PMs. :)



Re: So long.
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2011, 11:04:28 »
Isn't that you at the top of the chat? :\
(click to show/hide)



Re: So long.
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2011, 11:38:52 »
Isn't that you at the top of the chat? :\
(click to show/hide)

So? I'm just gonna be there until I can say bye to most of the members.

If you react so hard on me just being in the chat, I'll just not come back again and try and contact the others through PMs.



Re: So long.
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2011, 11:49:40 »
Isn't that you at the top of the chat? :\
(click to show/hide)

So? I'm just gonna be there until I can say bye to most of the members.

If you react so hard on me just being in the chat, I'll just not come back again and try and contact the others through PMs.
I don't see me reacting at all. I asked a simple question if it was you.
Why post this topic if you're trying to tell people via CC? If you're seeking attention, you'll get it but probably not the kind you want. 
Stop being a drama queen Runar...


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