
Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Josh on December 24, 2012, 13:44:27

Title: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Josh on December 24, 2012, 13:44:27
hello :)

as a few may have noticed i have been rather inactive lately!

This is due to real life well and truly taking over! apprenticeship degree has its cons! i.e working full time and a degree to contend with!
also theres a new lady on the scene! so theres much to keep me occupied!

i will still be about! ill login in some weekends when i have the time! and weeknights but i may be rather withdrawn :)

i'd still love to participate in the clan war next weekend if possible :)

massive thanks for all the kind people over the last 4 months :) this isnt good bye but just a message to say im a bit distant.

Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Tommykillme on December 24, 2012, 13:54:38
I have wondered where you've been lately.

Focus on life then beast some experience when you can :D
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Winter on December 24, 2012, 13:56:15
Good luck with your real life, don't become a stranger. <3
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Josh on December 24, 2012, 14:25:29
I have wondered where you've been lately.

Focus on life then beast some experience when you can :D

This is the plan! :D ill be beasting out again soon! <3

i certainly wont Abbie! :)
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Aaron on December 24, 2012, 14:38:51
Best of luck with rl stuff, Josh. Always going to be short on time when there's a new lady in your life. ;)

Take care and enjoy!
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Amy on December 24, 2012, 15:47:42
Good luck with you future goals Josh, i know you will do great :D

Im glad we were good friends, stay in touch!
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Cam on December 24, 2012, 18:08:43
Good luck with the new lady in your life, do make sure to pop by and let us know how things are if you can't get on rs :)
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Majinvegito3 on December 24, 2012, 20:06:57
Enjoy the time away but hoping to see you popping by from time to time! :)
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Only Lilly on December 25, 2012, 23:33:58
I am so pleased you let us know where you were

Are you sure about being able to take part in the war? 
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Bendr on December 26, 2012, 07:21:48
Good luck in the real world mate, make sure you keep in touch on forums :>
Title: Re: Slightly inactive <3
Post by: Josh on December 26, 2012, 10:51:34
Thanks everyone for the replies :) means a lot.

Hope you all had a brilliant Christmas!

And Lilly yes I am sure but I understand I'd you don't wanna use me!

I will still try to come on when I can :)