Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Josh on December 24, 2012, 13:44:27
hello :)
as a few may have noticed i have been rather inactive lately!
This is due to real life well and truly taking over! apprenticeship degree has its cons! i.e working full time and a degree to contend with!
also theres a new lady on the scene! so theres much to keep me occupied!
i will still be about! ill login in some weekends when i have the time! and weeknights but i may be rather withdrawn :)
i'd still love to participate in the clan war next weekend if possible :)
massive thanks for all the kind people over the last 4 months :) this isnt good bye but just a message to say im a bit distant.
I have wondered where you've been lately.
Focus on life then beast some experience when you can :D
Good luck with your real life, don't become a stranger. <3
I have wondered where you've been lately.
Focus on life then beast some experience when you can :D
This is the plan! :D ill be beasting out again soon! <3
i certainly wont Abbie! :)
Best of luck with rl stuff, Josh. Always going to be short on time when there's a new lady in your life. ;)
Take care and enjoy!
Good luck with you future goals Josh, i know you will do great :D
Im glad we were good friends, stay in touch!
Good luck with the new lady in your life, do make sure to pop by and let us know how things are if you can't get on rs :)
Enjoy the time away but hoping to see you popping by from time to time! :)
I am so pleased you let us know where you were
Are you sure about being able to take part in the war?
Good luck in the real world mate, make sure you keep in touch on forums :>
Thanks everyone for the replies :) means a lot.
Hope you all had a brilliant Christmas!
And Lilly yes I am sure but I understand I'd you don't wanna use me!
I will still try to come on when I can :)