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Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« on: May 31, 2012, 09:26:37 »
Most people find it difficult to write an introduction, I am no exception. But let's try it anyway...
I guess it's safe to say that most people start of by telling there name, so will I.

I am Aart, and I am glad you're taking some time to read this. I am seventeen years old and living in the Netherlands.
I am one of these persons that do not really stand out, as well as someone who always (yes, really) follows the rules. I am one of these boys who's quietly listening to what everyone else has to tell... I do however have an opinion about anything and everything, and I will not hesitate to share my opinion with you if you'd like to hear it. Be careful though, if I see something as the truth it's rather hard to convince me of something different. I am not a great fan of smileys, as you can probably tell. Which probably has something to do with the fact of me always being serious, sometimes even too serious.

Anyway, you can get to know me better in the cc (or in private chat, if you like) so let's move on to what I do in real life.

As most of you here I am still going to school, I am studying business economics. Outside of school I spent a lot of my free time on sports (Football (soccer), Tennis, and Running). Soccer is what I seem to do most, about 6 hours a week. I play Tennis for around 3-4 hours a week, and try to go running at least twice a week too.

Other than that I have 2 jobs, one which involves doing a paper round and one which involves Touring Cars. The paper round is actually really nice to have as I can work on times (5:45 - 07:00 AM) I'd normally do nothing anyway, and I don't need the sleep. My second job is to clean Touring Cars, I do this with 6 of my friends so it's really fun too.
Working is something which I need to do because of who I am. I am someone who always wants the best and I don't except anything else. As an example: I wanted a new iPhone dock, so I saw this designer dock that had an incredible sound too. It costed €649 not really an amount of money a "regular" seventeen year old boy would spend on something like this.
I hope one day I'll learn to except a little less then the best too. Otherwise, I'll need a very, very good job. Lol.

Whatever is left of my free time after all of the above activities I'll spend on Runescape. Which normally seems to be around 3 hours a day (average).

As for my goals in Runescape; I am an (ftp) skiller and I strive towards maxing, which shouldn't be all too hard.

Looking forward to meeting you all!


Ps. I'll add a photo, so you all know who you're talking to.

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Offline Greg

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2012, 10:37:05 »
Hey Aart.

Two jobs at the age of 17? Damn, you are definitely one active guy! I used to have a paper round but I gave up because I prefer to sleep ;D

Hope you enjoy your stay here at Consentus :)


Angel Imy

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2012, 11:01:40 »
welcome to consentus Aart and looking forward to see you getting maxed f2p skiller :P which apparently isnt to hard :P good luck to you :)



Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2012, 11:36:09 »
Welcome to Consentus!

Good luck with your goals, in rs and out.


Offline I Eat Sub

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Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2012, 12:35:53 »
As most of you here I am still going to school, I am studying business economics.
nice career choice, my  brother works for Sense Corp  and is a consultant. He graduated from  The University of Texas at Austin as Bachelor of Arts, Economics with a minor in History. He gets to travel alot


Offline Tommykillme

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2012, 13:17:43 »
Welcome Aart! What a great introduction. You seem to have a very busy life. Hope to see a lot more of you!


Offline Cam

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2012, 13:58:18 »
Welcome to Consentus, Aart!
I've seen you around Peacefull forums before. Hope you enjoy your time here.
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Offline Gabe

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #7 on: May 31, 2012, 14:10:43 »
Hey, Aart. ;D Fancy seeing you here.

Hope you enjoy your stay. :)


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Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #8 on: May 31, 2012, 15:36:10 »
Welcome Aart, you don't seem like the regular 17 year olds I meet every day :P. I remember.. Well.. Come to think of it, I don't remember being 17. I think I spent a lot of it drunk and causing trouble xD. I'm glad everything is working out. Hope to see you around here sometime when I'm eventually back active.

Welcome to the clan nevertheless.

P.s That's a lot to spend on an iPod dock! :o

Click Me



Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2012, 16:03:12 »
Welcome to Consentus!:)


Offline Only Lilly

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Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2012, 16:55:35 »
Aart, a great introduction to say the least.  You are a very confident young man.

Good luck in your goal, and I hope to see you more on the forums and the chat.

Enjoy your time with us  :)



Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2012, 23:19:29 »
For Tenzah:
Haha, I am, am I not? Well, one has to keep himself busy in life, don't you think? Also, too much free time wouldn't be good for me. As to what you are saying about the paper round, I understand you completely, and I think most people would agree with you too.

For Imy:
Thank you! And no, it's rather easy, although mining might be a bit of a struggle. The sad truth is though that mining is the only respectable 99 left in ftp (okay, and maybe prayer. Well, not prayer, but making the money for it).

For Daggo:
Thank you sir. Looking forward to meet you.

For Sub:
Thank you! I hope it's a good choice, my future career means a lot to me. I like travelling to, which is why I chose this study too. I want to become some kind of advicer for companies all over the world who are in serious problems, taking over those companies for a while and try to get it healthy again!

For Tommy:
Thanks, I am glad you liked it. As I said before, it keeps me busy, it earns money, and I am get some working experience. It's rather good actually.
I hope to meet you soon.

For Cam:
Yes you probably have, i used to check their forums every now and then. Sadly, the clan has now almost completely died.
Thank you for the warm welcome too.

For Gabriel:
We meet again.. Its always a pleasure Gabriel, see you around.

For Joel:
You are right, I seem to differ from the average seventeen year old boy quite a bit. Which isn't necesarily a good thing, let me tell something more about myself:

"I am someone who's serious, too serious. Way too serious even. I don't see, to smile alot and I don't always enjoy life as much as I should. I am much too orientaded on the future, my career, ans I sometimes forget to life and have fun in the here and now. I have those days where I feel completely depressed. Luckily I have some good friends who are always there for me!"

Anyway, I am already looking forward to meet you. Come back soon!

For Ryan:
Thank you sir, I hope we all have a good ride together here!

For Lilly:
Haha Lilly I feel flattered, but I did my best. I try to be the best at anything I do, whatever it is, so I tried to make a decent introduction too. I am glad I came across as someone who's confident, as I am (sometimes a bit too confident I am afraid. :x)

I am certain I will enjoy my stay here and look forward to meeting you!


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Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2012, 23:55:39 »
Welcome Aart. You seem to have a real busy life compared to the average RuneScape player, also handling 2 jobs.


Offline Greg

Re: Sirdreamer - A short introduction
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2012, 23:56:06 »
Agree what you are saying regarding free time.

When I was out of work for a couple months after having my second round of knee surgery, I never realised how I passed time before. I got bored so easily, so in a sense working keeps me sane.

I am working full time now, which has solved the problem in most parts, although I hate working full time now as it is tiring and you just have the free time (contractual hours) to fit things. But the money is good ;D


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