Public Forum => Introductions & Departures => Past Introduction & Leaving Threads => Topic started by: Redefinition on November 11, 2014, 22:27:12
Hiya friends! I'm Redefinition - you can call me Zack!
My RS Story
I've been 'Scaping for around 10 years. I've had pretty bad luck in the past with accounts being stolen, but my account "Redefinition" has been used for around 3 years and is by far my best account so far. I play free-to-play only as Members' gameplay doesn't suit me. I'm pretty picky about how I play - I always ignore XP rates and instead do whatever is fun! I try my best to never do AFK skilling, and I always ignore updates that drastically change what I like about the game (like RuneSpan, which I don't use). I might come off as annoying sometimes because I expect others to be as picky as me with how they play, but try and forgive me. :p I absolutely love minigames/activities such as the Great Orb Project, Fist of Guthix, Dungeoneering and PvP in the Wilderness.
Real-life Intro
I'm Canadian, but born in the UK. I'm 18 years old and currently pursuing a degree in Accounting. I'm a huge hip-hop head, and I'm very interested in the older music that created the foundation of the hip hop culture. My RSN, "Redefinition" is named after one of my favourite songs of all time: RE:Definition by Black Star (1998) ( I like to think I have a pretty funny personality. I can't wait to get to know everyone!
P.S. My main is totally Zezima. ^^
z0mg zezima#@#
Welcome, 10 years? damn, you've come a long way.
Hey, as long as you have fun doing what you do, there's no problem right? :D
Nice to meet you!
Who's Zezima?
Welcome to the clan. GOP is literally, the biggest pile of shit ever. I hate that minigame.
Welcome to the clan!
I honestly dont know how you play f2p, But at the same time i've never once played f2p, Guess everybody is different.
GOP Used to be the shittttttt, I played forever ago x]
Hi Redef, funny we're both on here 8)
ay man i think i know u my name is min1n cape t
Welcome Zack.. I'm similar to you with ignoring updates, but I woudn't ignore things like Runescape as you're only making things harder for yourself :P
Have you ever thought of playing old school? Everything is how it should be on there lol.
@Pale Wisp Haha thanks! :D Yeah, 10 years! RS is one of my hobbies so does'nt distract me IRL at all, thankfully!
@Pluto Zezima = me! GOP is da best! :(
@Minato I don't know either. It just.... suits me better I guess. :p Let's GOP some time!
@Clappers Hey hey Fappers Jr! ;)
@Minin Cape T Yo dude. :D
@Joel Thanks! :) Yes, I have hugely considered playing OSRS (likely something I will do soon), but I've been distracted with Ironman and whatnot which adds at least some difficulty.
Thanks for the welcomes, guys!
F2p accounts amaze me I certainly do not have the patience for it and also f2p worlds bring me out in a rash.
I do hope you settle here with us, I have a feeling you will fit in well xxx
Welcome to Consentus, Redefinition.
F2P has me like #-o. How do I even.
Hey man! Welcome to the clan! We've got a few members who are pure F2P! I was F2P for 6 years on my account, but ended up going P2P for a change. :P
Hope you like it here!